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DNA Sequence Based Medical Image Encryption Scheme (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khan, J. S., Ahmad, J., Abbasi, S. F., Ali, A., & Kayhan, S. K. (2018, September). DNA Sequence Based Medical Image Encryption Scheme. Presented at 2018 10th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CEEC), Colchester, United Kingdom

Medical consultants and doctors store and update patients confidential information on Internet cloud computing platforms. These days, securing medical images from eavesdroppers is one of the most challenging and significant research areas. Due to var... Read More about DNA Sequence Based Medical Image Encryption Scheme.

Intertwining and NCA Maps Based New Image Encryption Scheme (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khan, F. A., Ahmed, J., Ahmad, J., Khan, J. S., & Stankovic, V. (2018, August). Intertwining and NCA Maps Based New Image Encryption Scheme. Presented at 2018 International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE), Southend, United Kingdom

In this digital era, the Internet is a main source of communication. Due to exponential advancement in Internet technologies, transmission of multimedia data is very common now. However, transmitting sensitive information over the Internet is always... Read More about Intertwining and NCA Maps Based New Image Encryption Scheme.

A new technique for designing 8 × 8 substitution box for image encryption applications (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khan, F. A., Ahmed, J., Khan, J. S., Ahmad, J., Khan, M. A., & Hwang, S. O. (2017, September). A new technique for designing 8 × 8 substitution box for image encryption applications. Presented at 2017 9th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CEEC), Colchester

To create confusion in ciphertexts, encryption processes depends upon nonlinear mappings. This nonlinear mapping can be achieved by a process known as substitution. In a secure encryption algorithm, substitution plays a key role during confusion stag... Read More about A new technique for designing 8 × 8 substitution box for image encryption applications.

A novel substitution box for encryption based on Lorenz equations (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khan, F. A., Ahmed, J., Khan, J. S., Ahmad, J., & Khan, M. A. (2017, July). A novel substitution box for encryption based on Lorenz equations. Presented at 2017 International Conference on Circuits, System and Simulation (ICCSS), London, United Kingdom

Complexity of an encryption algorithm is highly dependent on nonlinear components that drive actual security. Only nonlinear component in all traditional encryption algorithms is mainly Substitution Box (S-Box). In block ciphers, the relationship bet... Read More about A novel substitution box for encryption based on Lorenz equations.

Energy demand prediction through novel random neural network predictor for large non-domestic buildings (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ahmad, J., Larijani, H., Emmanuel, R., Mannion, M., Javed, A., & Phillipson, M. (2017, April). Energy demand prediction through novel random neural network predictor for large non-domestic buildings. Presented at 2017 Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), Montreal, QC, Canada

Buildings are among the largest consumers of energy in the world. In developed countries, buildings currently consumes 40% of the total energy and 51% of total electricity consumption. Energy prediction is a key factor in reducing energy wastage. Thi... Read More about Energy demand prediction through novel random neural network predictor for large non-domestic buildings.

Secure speech communication algorithm via DCT and TD-ERCS chaotic map (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Habib, Z., Khan, J. S., Ahmad, J., Khan, M. A., & Khan, F. A. (2017, April). Secure speech communication algorithm via DCT and TD-ERCS chaotic map. Presented at 2017 4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICEEE), Ankara, Turkey

Secure communication has always been a demanding area in civil, commercial and particularly in military set up. Robust and time-tested efficient algorithms are needed to have an essential privacy for speech transmission in the telephone networks, rad... Read More about Secure speech communication algorithm via DCT and TD-ERCS chaotic map.

An efficient and secure partial image encryption for wireless multimedia sensor networks using discrete wavelet transform, chaotic maps and substitution box (2016)
Journal Article
Khan, M. A., Ahmad, J., Javaid, Q., & Saqib, N. A. (2017). An efficient and secure partial image encryption for wireless multimedia sensor networks using discrete wavelet transform, chaotic maps and substitution box. Journal of Modern Optics, 64(5), 531-540.

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is widely deployed in monitoring of some physical activity and/or environmental conditions. Data gathered from WSN is transmitted via network to a central location for further processing. Numerous applications of WSN ca... Read More about An efficient and secure partial image encryption for wireless multimedia sensor networks using discrete wavelet transform, chaotic maps and substitution box.

TD-ERCS map-based confusion and diffusion of autocorrelated data (2016)
Journal Article
Khan, J. S., Ahmad, J., & Khan, M. A. (2017). TD-ERCS map-based confusion and diffusion of autocorrelated data. Nonlinear Dynamics, 87(1), 93-107.

In this article, we proposed a new scheme to encrypt highly autocorrelated image pixel data. In existing literature, single substitution was used to break autocorrelation in images. To get better results, instead of single substitution box, some rese... Read More about TD-ERCS map-based confusion and diffusion of autocorrelated data.

A compression sensing and noise-tolerant image encryption scheme based on chaotic maps and orthogonal matrices (2016)
Journal Article
Ahmad, J., Khan, M. A., Hwang, S. O., & Khan, J. S. (2016). A compression sensing and noise-tolerant image encryption scheme based on chaotic maps and orthogonal matrices. Neural Computing and Applications, 28(S1), 953-967.

With the evolution of technologies, the size of an image data has been significantly increased. However, traditional image encryption schemes cannot handle the emerging problems in big data such as noise toleration and compression. In order to meet t... Read More about A compression sensing and noise-tolerant image encryption scheme based on chaotic maps and orthogonal matrices.

A New Image Encryption Scheme Based on Dynamic S-Boxes and Chaotic Maps (2016)
Journal Article
Rehman, A. U., Khan, J. S., Ahmad, J., & Hwang, S. O. (2016). A New Image Encryption Scheme Based on Dynamic S-Boxes and Chaotic Maps. 3D research, 7(1),

Substitution box is a unique and nonlinear core component of block ciphers. A better designing technique of substitution box can boost up the quality of ciphertexts. In this paper, a new encryption method based on dynamic substitution boxes is propos... Read More about A New Image Encryption Scheme Based on Dynamic S-Boxes and Chaotic Maps.

A new chaos-based secure image encryption scheme using multiple substitution boxes (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khan, J. S., ur Rehman, A., Ahmad, J., & Habib, Z. (2015, December). A new chaos-based secure image encryption scheme using multiple substitution boxes. Presented at 2015 Conference on Information Assurance and Cyber Security (CIACS), Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Due to development in Internet and networking technology, multimedia data is broadly transmitted via wired and wireless medium. Thus security is a major concern in modern communication systems. Encryption is one of the pre-eminent ways to guarantee s... Read More about A new chaos-based secure image encryption scheme using multiple substitution boxes.

A secure image encryption scheme based on chaotic maps and affine transformation (2015)
Journal Article
Ahmad, J., & Hwang, S. O. (2016). A secure image encryption scheme based on chaotic maps and affine transformation. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(21), 13951-13976.

Due to the interesting nonlinear dynamic properties of chaotic maps, recently chaos-based encryption algorithms have gained much attention in cryptographic communities. However, many encryption schemes do not fulfil the minimum key space requirement,... Read More about A secure image encryption scheme based on chaotic maps and affine transformation.

Chaos-based diffusion for highly autocorrelated data in encryption algorithms (2015)
Journal Article
Ahmad, J., & Hwang, S. O. (2015). Chaos-based diffusion for highly autocorrelated data in encryption algorithms. Nonlinear Dynamics, 82(4), 1839-1850.

In a single substitution box, the same regions (pixels) of an image are encrypted to one unique symbol. To reduce this type of autocorrelation in data, chaos has been extensively applied over the last decade. By using chaotic maps, a single substitut... Read More about Chaos-based diffusion for highly autocorrelated data in encryption algorithms.

An efficient image encryption scheme based on: Henon map, skew tent map and S-Box (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khan, J., Ahmad, J., & Hwang, S. O. (2015, May). An efficient image encryption scheme based on: Henon map, skew tent map and S-Box. Presented at 2015 6th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO), Istanbul, Turkey

Due to easy and simple implementation, normally single 1-D chaotic maps like logistic and sine maps are employed in multimedia data encryption. However, data encrypted through a single chaotic map does not provide better security in terms of resistan... Read More about An efficient image encryption scheme based on: Henon map, skew tent map and S-Box.

An Experimental Comparison of Chaotic and Non-chaotic Image Encryption Schemes (2015)
Journal Article
Ahmad, J., Hwang, S. O., & Ali, A. (2015). An Experimental Comparison of Chaotic and Non-chaotic Image Encryption Schemes. Wireless Personal Communications, 84(2), 901-918.

During last few years, transmission of digital multimedia data (images, audios and videos) over Internet, wireless cell phones, television broadcasting etc., has been significantly evolved. The provision of security to store and transmit data with co... Read More about An Experimental Comparison of Chaotic and Non-chaotic Image Encryption Schemes.

Comparative analysis of chaotic and non-chaotic image encryption schemes (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Younas, M. B., & Ahmad, J. (2014, December). Comparative analysis of chaotic and non-chaotic image encryption schemes. Presented at 2014 International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET), Islamabad, Pakistan

In modern era, multimedia technologies have been developed significantly. Multimedia data such as audio, video and image transfers over the internet is open and insecure. Security is required for storage and transmission of digital images to avoid fr... Read More about Comparative analysis of chaotic and non-chaotic image encryption schemes.