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Sticky-Policy enabled authenticated OOXML for Health Care (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Spyra, G., Buchanan, W. J., & Ekonomou, E. (2015, October). Sticky-Policy enabled authenticated OOXML for Health Care. Presented at BCS Health Informatics 2015

This paper proposes a secure medical document sharing construction, which addresses confidentiality and authenticity concerns related to cloud-based data protection issues. The paper extends the popular Office Open XML (OOXML) document format with eX... Read More about Sticky-Policy enabled authenticated OOXML for Health Care.

Service evolution in clouds for dementia patient monitoring system usability enhancement. (2015)
Book Chapter
Wang, Z., & Cheng, G. (2015). Service evolution in clouds for dementia patient monitoring system usability enhancement. In E-Health and Telemedicine : Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (1606-1634). IGI Global.

The authors present an analysis which concludes that most e-health system are packaged for large-scale access through cloud-based services shared in a real-time service deployment environment. The service, which has already been deployed in the cloud... Read More about Service evolution in clouds for dementia patient monitoring system usability enhancement..

5G-PPP White Paper on eHealth Vertical Sector (2015)
Thuemmler, C., Jumelle, A. K. L., Paulin, A., Sadique, A., Schneider, A., Fedell, C., Abraham, D., Trossen, D., Strinati, E. C., Cavallo, F., Feussner, H., Hay, I., Bedo, J.-S., Micocci, S., Nunziata, S., Gallelli, T., & Covaci, S. (2015). 5G-PPP White Paper on eHealth Vertical Sector. Brussels: EU Commission

Gaston Crommenlaan 1 PO box: 101 9050 Gent Belgium 5G and e-Health 1 Socioeconomic drivers of e-Health in Horizon 2020 Although socioeconomically the sector addressed by this white paper is the health sector, the detailed analysis will... Read More about 5G-PPP White Paper on eHealth Vertical Sector.

ATP: Adaptive Tuning Protocol for Service Discovery in Internet of Things (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Qasem, M., Al-Dubai, A., Imed, R., & Yassien, M. B. (2015, September). ATP: Adaptive Tuning Protocol for Service Discovery in Internet of Things. Presented at Proceedings of the The International Conference on Engineering & MIS 2015 - ICEMIS '15

Energy is a precious resource in Internet of Things (IoT) especially with battery operated nodes, the overhead that consumes the battery power of the sensor nodes is a fundamental problem. This overhead is mainly caused by the frequent update message... Read More about ATP: Adaptive Tuning Protocol for Service Discovery in Internet of Things.

A decentralized group key management protocol for mobile Internet of things (DBGK) (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Abdmeziem, M. R., Tandjaoui, D., & Romdhani, I. (2015, August). A decentralized group key management protocol for mobile Internet of things (DBGK). Paper presented at The 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-15)

Architecting the Internet of Things: State of the Art (2015)
Book Chapter
Abdmeziem, M. R., Romdhani, I., & Tandjaoui, D. (2016). Architecting the Internet of Things: State of the Art. In A. Koubaa, & E. Shakshuki (Eds.), Robots and Sensor Clouds; Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (55-75). Springer.

Internet of things (IoT) constitutes one of the most important technological development in the last decade. It has the potential to deeply affect our life style. However, its success relies greatly on a well-defined architecture that will provide sc... Read More about Architecting the Internet of Things: State of the Art.

Ashley Madison breach reveals the rise of the moralist hacker (2015)
Newspaper / Magazine
Buchanan, W. J. (2015). Ashley Madison breach reveals the rise of the moralist hacker

There’s value in more than just credit card data, as Avid Life Media (ALM), parent company of the extramarital affair website Ashley Madison, has found out after being raided for millions of their customer’s details. All sorts of information that isn... Read More about Ashley Madison breach reveals the rise of the moralist hacker.

Design principles for collaborative device ecologies (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ammeloot, A., Benyon, D., & Mival, O. (2015, July). Design principles for collaborative device ecologies. Presented at Proceedings of the 2015 British HCI Conference on - British HCI '15

This paper describes the ongoing investigation of interaction design issues related to collaborative activities in device ecologies, mixing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and smart meeting room technologies.

AniMorph: animation driven audio mosaicing. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tsiros, A., & LePlâtre, G. (2015, July). AniMorph: animation driven audio mosaicing. Presented at Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2015)

This paper describes AniMorph a system for animation driven Concatenative Sound Synthesis (CSS). We can distinguish between two main application domains of CSS in the context of music technology: target sound re-synthesis, and free sound synthesis. T... Read More about AniMorph: animation driven audio mosaicing..

Orbits: gaze Interaction for smart watches using smooth pursuit eye movements. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Esteves, A., Velloso, E., Bulling, A., & Gellersen, H. (2015, November). Orbits: gaze Interaction for smart watches using smooth pursuit eye movements. Presented at 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology

We introduce Orbits, a novel gaze interaction technique that enables hands-free input on smart watches. The technique relies on moving controls to leverage the smooth pursuit movements of the eyes and detect whether and at which control the user is l... Read More about Orbits: gaze Interaction for smart watches using smooth pursuit eye movements..

Could social networking online help NEET young people gain employment? (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mowbray, J., Hall, H., & Raeside, R. (2015, June). Could social networking online help NEET young people gain employment?. Paper presented at Information: interactions and impact (i3) 2015

This paper first explores the literature pertaining to social networking in both off-line and online environments, and places it within the context of the study of employment opportunities. Particular focus is given to the prospective use of networki... Read More about Could social networking online help NEET young people gain employment?.

Assessing the available and accessible evidence: how personal reputations are determined and managed online. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2015, June). Assessing the available and accessible evidence: how personal reputations are determined and managed online. Paper presented at Information: interactions and impact (i3) 2015

This paper is concerned with how online information contributes to the determination of personal reputations. The term “personal reputation” in this context means the reputation of private individuals, rather than corporate identity and brand. The pa... Read More about Assessing the available and accessible evidence: how personal reputations are determined and managed online..

A Loosely-coupled Semantic Model for Efficient Cloud Service Search and Retrieval. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fang, D., Liu, X., & Romdhani, I. (2015, May). A Loosely-coupled Semantic Model for Efficient Cloud Service Search and Retrieval. Presented at Fifth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization

As cloud services propagate along with the rapid development of cloud computing, issues raised in service selection and retrieval processes become increasingly critical. While many approaches are proposed on the specification and discovery of cloud s... Read More about A Loosely-coupled Semantic Model for Efficient Cloud Service Search and Retrieval..

Apple and Starbucks could have avoided being hacked if they'd taken this simple step (2015)
Newspaper / Magazine
Buchanan, W. J. (2015). Apple and Starbucks could have avoided being hacked if they'd taken this simple step

Apple and Starbucks are two of the world’s most trusted companies, but their reputations were recently tarnished thanks to some novice cybersecurity mistakes. Both setup systems that could have allowed hackers to break into customers' accounts by rep... Read More about Apple and Starbucks could have avoided being hacked if they'd taken this simple step.

Vulnerability analysis. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buchanan, W. J. (2015, May). Vulnerability analysis. Presented at Advanced Threat Protection

The current generation of threats against enterprise networks are more targeted, more persistent and more sophisticated than ever. Sony, eBay and JP Morgan are among the biggest names to fall victim in the last 12 months. The result is that massive a... Read More about Vulnerability analysis..

Identifying areas of vulnerability. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buchanan, W. J. (2015, April). Identifying areas of vulnerability. Presented at Scot-secure 2015

Using penetration testing to highlight areas of weakness with practical steps for improving the security of your organisation.

What To Study In HCI? A Reflection Based On CHI and UK Research Data (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., Robb, D. A., & Chantler, M. J. (2015, April). What To Study In HCI? A Reflection Based On CHI and UK Research Data. Presented at What to Study in HCI? Workshop at CHI’15: 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

HCI is a wide, varied, and complex field that covers a broad spectrum of research. We therefore believe that there is no simple answer to the question 'what to study in HCI?' To shed some light on it, however, we reflect on this question with the aid... Read More about What To Study In HCI? A Reflection Based On CHI and UK Research Data.

Blended Spaces for Collaboration (2015)
Journal Article
Benyon, D., & Mival, O. (2015). Blended Spaces for Collaboration. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 24(2-3), 223-249.

In this paper, we reflect on our experiences of designing, developing, implementing and using a number of real world, functional, multi-touch enabled Interactive Collaborative Environments (ICEs). We created an ICE in our university in order to explo... Read More about Blended Spaces for Collaboration.