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Publishing History (2019)
Book Chapter
McCleery, A. (2019). Publishing History. In A. Phillips, & M. Bhaskar (Eds.), Oxford handbook of publishing. Oxford University Press

No abstract available.

News night - Interview (2017)
Digital Artefact
Duff, A. (2017). News night - Interview. [MOV clip]

No abstract available.

#NapierBigRead (2017)
Digital Artefact
Gray, A. (2017). #NapierBigRead. [website, facebook, instagram, twitter]

Created and manage website.
c.2,000 views since creation (Dec 2017)
360Âş social media portfolio: website, facebook, instagram, twitter

Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests? (2017)
Newspaper / Magazine
Blake, J. (2017). Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?. Edinburgh, Scotland

This Scotsman newspaper article is based on research by James Blake - examining the impact of Brexit on the creative industries - and other reports from members of the RSE Young Academy Scotland. The article highlights the ongoing social and politica... Read More about Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?.

Publish and be damned: exploring problem-based learning through the establishment of a University press (2016)
Book Chapter
Gray, A. (2016). Publish and be damned: exploring problem-based learning through the establishment of a University press. In C. Penman, & M. Foster (Eds.), Innovations in Learning and Teaching. Merchiston Publishing

A pedagogic research publication showing new teaching approaches in higher education. This collection of chapters gives voice to academics from different disciplines across Edinburgh Napier University who have all embarked on a quest to question, cha... Read More about Publish and be damned: exploring problem-based learning through the establishment of a University press.

Television and the Second Screen (2016)
Blake, J. (2016). Television and the Second Screen. Routledge

This book examines an emerging and fast evolving phenomena: that a growing number of people engage with two screens whilst watching television. It seems a simple concept – until we discover the important implications. In doing this, this book will mo... Read More about Television and the Second Screen.

From Battery Hens to Chicken Feed: The Perceived Precarity and Identity of Australian Journalists (2015)
Journal Article
Patrick, H., & Elks, K. (2015). From Battery Hens to Chicken Feed: The Perceived Precarity and Identity of Australian Journalists. Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management, 48(12), 48-66

There is an industrial revolution taking place in the media sphere, and it is a result of digitalisation. Between mass layoffs and falling word rates, Australian journalists are exposed to multiple potential sources of precarity. This paper makes use... Read More about From Battery Hens to Chicken Feed: The Perceived Precarity and Identity of Australian Journalists.

Walking in the Garden of Forking Paths – examining notions of 'post-­physical' printmaking in digital space (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Thompson, P., & Pengelly, J. (2013, August). Walking in the Garden of Forking Paths – examining notions of 'post-­physical' printmaking in digital space. Presented at Impact 8: Borders & Crossings: the artist as explorer, Dundee, Scotland

This paper presents findings from practice-based research, which examines notions of post-physical printmaking space through the digital medium of Augmented Reality.
Founded on questions raised through professional activities in fine art printmaking... Read More about Walking in the Garden of Forking Paths – examining notions of 'post-­physical' printmaking in digital space.

Publishing and the industrial dynamics of biblio-cultural identity in Catalan and Scottish literary fields (2014)
Boswell, D. K. Publishing and the industrial dynamics of biblio-cultural identity in Catalan and Scottish literary fields. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis provides a comparative analysis of the way contemporary processes of global change have affected the development of the publishing industry in nations which can be labelled small. It is centred on the cases of Scotland and Catalonia, nati... Read More about Publishing and the industrial dynamics of biblio-cultural identity in Catalan and Scottish literary fields.

100 Years of Magazine Publishing in Scotland (2013)
Exhibition / Performance
Gray, A. 100 Years of Magazine Publishing in Scotland. Exhibited at Scotland. 24 June 2013 - 19 July 2013

Scotland wide, 24 June until 19 July 2013