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Exceptionally high mangrove root production rates in the Kelantan Delta, Malaysia; An experimental and comparative study (2019)
Journal Article
Muhammad Nor, S. M., Huxham, M., Salmon, Y., Duddy, S. J., Mazars-Simon, A., Mencuccini, M., Meir, P., & Jackson, G. (2019). Exceptionally high mangrove root production rates in the Kelantan Delta, Malaysia; An experimental and comparative study. Forest Ecology and Management, 444, 214-224.

Mangroves often allocate a relatively large proportion of their total biomass production to their roots, and the belowground biomass of these forests contributes towards globally significant carbon sinks. However, little information is available on r... Read More about Exceptionally high mangrove root production rates in the Kelantan Delta, Malaysia; An experimental and comparative study.

Consistent bacterial selection by date palm root system across heterogeneous desert oasis agroecosystems (2019)
Journal Article
Mosqueira, M. J., Marasco, R., Fusi, M., Michoud, G., Merlino, G., Cherif, A., & Daffonchio, D. (2019). Consistent bacterial selection by date palm root system across heterogeneous desert oasis agroecosystems. Scientific Reports, 9(1), Article 4033.

Highly productive conventional agroecosystems are spatially embedded in resource-homogeneous systems and count on generally nutrient-rich soils. On the contrary, desert oases are isolated, the soil is relatively poor, but yet productivity is similar... Read More about Consistent bacterial selection by date palm root system across heterogeneous desert oasis agroecosystems.

Potential of noble fir, Norway spruce, western red cedar and western hemlock grown for timber production in Great Britain (2018)
Gil-Moreno, D. Potential of noble fir, Norway spruce, western red cedar and western hemlock grown for timber production in Great Britain. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The limited range of commercial timber species in Great Britain has led the forestry sector to consider wider planting of other species. This research addresses wood properties, particularly relevant to structural timber, of noble fir, Norway spruce,... Read More about Potential of noble fir, Norway spruce, western red cedar and western hemlock grown for timber production in Great Britain.

Impacts of Mangrove Density on Surface Sediment Accretion, Belowground Biomass and Biogeochemistry in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka (2017)
Journal Article
Phillips, D., Kumara, M., Jayatissa, L., Krauss, K., & Huxham, M. (2017). Impacts of Mangrove Density on Surface Sediment Accretion, Belowground Biomass and Biogeochemistry in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka. Wetlands, 37(3), 471-483.

Understanding the effects of seedling density on sediment accretion, biogeochemistry and 3 belowground biomass in mangrove systems can help explain ecological functioning and inform 4 appropriate planting densities during restoration or climate chang... Read More about Impacts of Mangrove Density on Surface Sediment Accretion, Belowground Biomass and Biogeochemistry in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka.

The physical principles underpinning self-organization in plants (2016)
Journal Article
Turner, P., & Nottale, L. (2017). The physical principles underpinning self-organization in plants. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 123, 48-73.

We present evidence based theory for the emergence of plant structure in which CO2 is not only the source of carbon for plant growth, but also plays a critical role as a source of charge (ionization), with charge density dictating plant structures at... Read More about The physical principles underpinning self-organization in plants.

Biomass and productivity of seagrasses in Africa (2016)
Journal Article
Githaiga, M. N., Gilpin, L., Kairo, J. G., & Huxham, M. (2016). Biomass and productivity of seagrasses in Africa. Botanica Marina, 59(2-3), 173-186.

There is growing interest in carbon stocks and flows in seagrass ecosystems, but recent global reviews suggest a paucity of studies from Africa. This paper reviews work on seagrass productivity, biomass and sediment carbon in Africa. Most work was co... Read More about Biomass and productivity of seagrasses in Africa.

The influence of coal mine spoil physical properties on the spatial distribution of lichen-rich communities (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Whitlock, D., Rickson, J., Humphries, N., Thompson, R., & Tibbett, M. (2015, June). The influence of coal mine spoil physical properties on the spatial distribution of lichen-rich communities. Presented at Mine Closure 2015

Coal mine spoil tips have been recognised as a UK Biodiversity Action Plan habitat owing to the presence of a host of unique flora and fauna assemblages and, in particular, " lichen heaths. " The natural revegetation of abandoned spoil tips in South... Read More about The influence of coal mine spoil physical properties on the spatial distribution of lichen-rich communities.

The impacts of shrimp farming on land-use and carbon storage around Puttalam lagoon, Sri Lanka (2015)
Journal Article
Bournazel, J., Kumara, M. P., Jayatissa, L. P., Viergever, K., Morel, V., Morel, V., & Huxham, M. (2015). The impacts of shrimp farming on land-use and carbon storage around Puttalam lagoon, Sri Lanka. Ocean and Coastal Management, 113, 18-28.

The expansion of shrimp aquaculture in Sri Lanka over the past three decades has dramatically changed the coastal landscape, in particular by converting mangrove forests. The current study quantified these impacts in the Puttalam lagoon, an area of t... Read More about The impacts of shrimp farming on land-use and carbon storage around Puttalam lagoon, Sri Lanka.

Applying Climate Compatible Development and economic valuation to coastal management: A case study of Kenya's mangrove forests (2015)
Journal Article
Huxham, M., Emerton, L., Kairo, J., Munyi, F., Abdirizak, H., Muriuki, T., Nunan, F., & Briers, R. A. (2015). Applying Climate Compatible Development and economic valuation to coastal management: A case study of Kenya's mangrove forests. Journal of Environmental Management, 157, 168-181.

Mangrove forests are under global pressure. Habitat destruction and degradation persist despite longstanding recognition of the important ecological functions of mangroves. Hence new approaches are needed to help stakeholders and policy-makers achiev... Read More about Applying Climate Compatible Development and economic valuation to coastal management: A case study of Kenya's mangrove forests.

Mapping of mangrove forest land cover change along the Kenya coastline using Landsat imagery (2013)
Journal Article
Kirui, B. K. Y., Kairo, J. G., Bosire, J. O., Viergever, K. M., Rudra, S., Huxham, M., & Briers, R. A. (2013). Mapping of mangrove forest land cover change along the Kenya coastline using Landsat imagery. Ocean and Coastal Management, 83, 19-24.

Mangroves in Kenya provide a wide range of valuable services to coastal communities despite their relatively small total area. Studies at single sites show reductions in extent and quality caused by extraction for fuel wood and timber and clearance f... Read More about Mapping of mangrove forest land cover change along the Kenya coastline using Landsat imagery.

Fungi at a Small Scale: Spatial Zonation of Fungal Assemblages around Single Trees (2013)
Journal Article
Branco, S., Bruns, T. D., & Singleton, I. (2013). Fungi at a Small Scale: Spatial Zonation of Fungal Assemblages around Single Trees. PLOS ONE, 8(10), Article e78295.

Biological communities are often structured by environmental factors even at small spatial scales. Fungi are no exception, though the patterns and mechanisms underlying their community structure are usually unknown. Previous work documented zonation... Read More about Fungi at a Small Scale: Spatial Zonation of Fungal Assemblages around Single Trees.

Making predictions of mangrove deforestation: a comparison of two methods in Kenya. (2013)
Journal Article
Rideout, A. J. R., Joshi, N. P., Viergever, K. M., Huxham, M., & Briers, R. A. (2013). Making predictions of mangrove deforestation: a comparison of two methods in Kenya. Global Change Biology, 19, 3493-3501.

Deforestation of mangroves is of global concern given their importance for carbon storage, biogeochemical cycling and the provision of other ecosystem services, but the links between rates of loss and potential drivers or risk factors are rarely eval... Read More about Making predictions of mangrove deforestation: a comparison of two methods in Kenya..

Effects of species richness, identity and environmental variables on growth in planted mangroves in Kenya (2012)
Journal Article
Kirui, B. K. Y., Kairo, J. G., Skov, M. W., Mencuccini, M., & Huxham, M. (2012). Effects of species richness, identity and environmental variables on growth in planted mangroves in Kenya. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 465, 1-10.

Anthropogenic impacts on biodiversity across a wide range of ecosystems are well documented; however the responses of ecosystems to reduced diversity are still poorly understood. We investigated the effects of species richness, species identity and e... Read More about Effects of species richness, identity and environmental variables on growth in planted mangroves in Kenya.

Species mixing boosts root yield in mangrove trees (2012)
Journal Article
Lang'at, J. K. S., Kirui, B. K. Y., Skov, M. W., Kairo, J. G., Mencuccini, M., & Huxham, M. (2013). Species mixing boosts root yield in mangrove trees. Oecologia, 172(1), 271-278.

Enhanced species richness can stimulate the productivity of plant communities; however, its effect on the belowground production of forests has scarcely been tested, despite the role of tree roots in carbon storage and ecosystem processes. Therefore,... Read More about Species mixing boosts root yield in mangrove trees.

High mangrove density enhances surface accretion, surface elevation change, and tree survival in coastal areas susceptible to sea-level rise (2010)
Journal Article
Kumara, M. P., Jayatissa, L. P., Krauss, K. W., Phillips, D. H., & Huxham, M. (2010). High mangrove density enhances surface accretion, surface elevation change, and tree survival in coastal areas susceptible to sea-level rise. Oecologia, 164, 545-553.

Survival, growth, aboveground biomass accumulation, sediment surface elevation dynamics and nitrogen accumulation in sediments were studied in experimental treatments planted with four different densities (6.96, 3.26, 1.93 and 0.95 seedlings m−2) of... Read More about High mangrove density enhances surface accretion, surface elevation change, and tree survival in coastal areas susceptible to sea-level rise.

Intra- and interspecific facilitation in mangroves may increase resilience to climate change threats (2010)
Journal Article
Huxham, M., Kumara, M. P., Jayatissa, L. P., Krauss, K. W., Kairo, J. G., Lang'at, J. K. S., Mencuccini, M., Skov, M. W., & Kirui, B. K. Y. (2010). Intra- and interspecific facilitation in mangroves may increase resilience to climate change threats. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences, 365, 2127-2135.

Mangroves are intertidal ecosystems that are particularly vulnerable to climate change. At the low tidal limits of their range, they face swamping by rising sea levels; at the high tidal limits, they face increasing stress from desiccation and high s... Read More about Intra- and interspecific facilitation in mangroves may increase resilience to climate change threats.

A study of early colour change due to simulated accelerated sunlight exposure in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) (2009)
Journal Article
Kint, D. P., Hill, C. A., Sharratt, V., Hill, C. A. S., & Kint, D. (2009). A study of early colour change due to simulated accelerated sunlight exposure in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Polymer Degradation and Stability, 94(9), 1589-1594.

A detailed study of early colour change in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) due to accelerated simulated sunlight exposure was undertaken focusing on the 1st 24 hours of change. Colour changes were monitored with a Datacolor check spectrophotometer and... Read More about A study of early colour change due to simulated accelerated sunlight exposure in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris).

Why does acetylation protect wood from microbiological attack? (2009)
Journal Article
Hill, C. A. S. (2009). Why does acetylation protect wood from microbiological attack?. Wood Material Science and Engineering, 4(1-2), 37-45.

Three main mechanisms have been postulated for explaining why acetylation provides protection from wood against fungal decay, which can be divided into biochemical (substrate recognition) and physical (cell wall nanopore blocking or cell wall moistur... Read More about Why does acetylation protect wood from microbiological attack?.

The water vapor sorption behavior of natural fibers (2009)
Journal Article
Hill, C. A. S., Norton, A., & Newman, G. (2009). The water vapor sorption behavior of natural fibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 112(3), 1524-1537.

The water vapor sorption behavior of a range of natural fibers (jute, flax, coir, cotton, hemp, Sitka spruce) has been studied. The data was analyzed using the Hailwood Horrobin model for isotherm fitting and determination of monolayer moisture conte... Read More about The water vapor sorption behavior of natural fibers.

Decay resistance of acetylated and hexanoylated hardwood and softwood species exposed to Coniophora puteana (2009)
Journal Article
Hill, C. A. S., Curling, S., Kwon, J., & Marty, V. (2009). Decay resistance of acetylated and hexanoylated hardwood and softwood species exposed to Coniophora puteana. Holzforschung, 63(5), 619-625.

The effect of chemical modification with acetic or hexanoic anhydride upon the decay resistance of wood was studied. Both sapwoods and heartwoods of the following trees were investigated: Japanese larch, Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière; Korean pine,... Read More about Decay resistance of acetylated and hexanoylated hardwood and softwood species exposed to Coniophora puteana.