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The Future of Blue Carbon Science (2019)
Journal Article
Macreadie, P., Anton, A., Raven, J., Beaumont, N., Connolly, R., Friess, D., Kelleway, J., Kennedy, H., Kuwae, T., Lavery, P., Lovelock, C., Smale, D., Apostolaki, E., Atwood, T., Baldock, J., Bianchi, T., Chmura, G., Eyre, B., Fourqurean, J., Hall-Spencer, J., …Duarte, C. (2019). The Future of Blue Carbon Science. Nature Communications, 10, Article 3998 (2019).

The term Blue Carbon (BC) was first coined a decade ago to describe the disproportionately large contribution of coastal vegetated ecosystems to global carbon sequestration. The role of BC in climate change mitigation and adaptation has now reached i... Read More about The Future of Blue Carbon Science.

Joint range of motion entropy changes in response to load carriage in military personnel (2019)
Journal Article
Morrison, A., Hale, J., & Brown, S. (2019). Joint range of motion entropy changes in response to load carriage in military personnel. Human Movement Science, 66, Article 249-257.

Overuse accounts for 82% of injuries in military personnel, and these occur predominantly in the spine and low limbs. While non-linear analyses have shown changes in overall stability of the movement during load carriage, individual joint... Read More about Joint range of motion entropy changes in response to load carriage in military personnel.

Spatial and institutional characteristics of inland port development in China (2013)
Journal Article
Monios, J., & Wang, Y. (2013). Spatial and institutional characteristics of inland port development in China. GeoJournal,

This paper examines the spatial and institutional characteristics of the emerging trend of inland port development in China. The paper analyses a sample of 18 major inland ports in three geographical clusters, comparing observed issues with similar d... Read More about Spatial and institutional characteristics of inland port development in China.

Beach Litter Deposition at a Selection of Beaches in the Firth of Forth, Scotland (2007)
Journal Article
Storrier, K. L., McGlashan, D. J., Bonellie, S., & Velander, K. (2007). Beach Litter Deposition at a Selection of Beaches in the Firth of Forth, Scotland. Journal of Coastal Research, 234, 813-822.

Beach litter deposition at a selection of beaches in the Firth of Forth, Scotland, was studied between July 2001 and December 2003. The amount and types of beach litter is relatively consistent among beaches and over time, with an increased abundance... Read More about Beach Litter Deposition at a Selection of Beaches in the Firth of Forth, Scotland.