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Accounting for the Ideology and Culture within Literature: Deconstruction of Arguments in Modern Islamic Discourse on Economics and Finance (2019)
Journal Article
Khaleel, F., & Avdukic, A. (2019). Accounting for the Ideology and Culture within Literature: Deconstruction of Arguments in Modern Islamic Discourse on Economics and Finance. Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law, 8(2), 112-137

There currently exists a body of discourse on finance, economics, and social governance representative of emerging and contemporary Islamic thought with an aim to create an Islamic perspective within these fields. It consists of legal rulings, recomm... Read More about Accounting for the Ideology and Culture within Literature: Deconstruction of Arguments in Modern Islamic Discourse on Economics and Finance.

Exploring Current Trends in Scientific Research on Smart Specialisation (2019)
Journal Article
Mora, L., Deakin, M., & Reid, A. (2019). Exploring Current Trends in Scientific Research on Smart Specialisation. Scienze Regionali-The Italian Journal of Regional Science, 18(3), 397-422.

This paper describes current trends in scientific research on Smart Specialisation by answering the following questions: (1) How many scientific publications on Smart Specialisation have been produced since this concept emerged and what are their cha... Read More about Exploring Current Trends in Scientific Research on Smart Specialisation.

Futures Studies & the Circular Economy: an Interdisciplinary Approach to Sustainable Development (2019)
Journal Article
Weigend Rodríguez, R., Pomponi, F., & D’Amico, B. (2019). Futures Studies & the Circular Economy: an Interdisciplinary Approach to Sustainable Development. Economia Creativa, 11, 38-60.

While the Circular Economy (CE) is gaining traction as a new economic paradigm to overcome the linear economy, it has not yet developed an understanding on how to transition from the present into the future. What if the future is different from what... Read More about Futures Studies & the Circular Economy: an Interdisciplinary Approach to Sustainable Development.

Entrepreneurial Dynamism and the Built Environment in the Evolution of University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (2019)
Journal Article
Johnson, D., Bock, A. J., & George, G. (2019). Entrepreneurial Dynamism and the Built Environment in the Evolution of University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Industrial and Corporate Change, 28(4), 941-959.

University-centered entrepreneurial ecosystems (UCEEs) are complex webs of entrepreneurs, researchers, institutional support structures, and the built environment. We study the relationship between the built environment and the dynamism of the behavi... Read More about Entrepreneurial Dynamism and the Built Environment in the Evolution of University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.

The Advent of Practice Theories in Research on Sustainable Consumption: Past, Current and Future Directions of the Field (2019)
Journal Article
Corsini, F., Laurenti, R., Meinherz, F., Appio, F. P., & Mora, L. (2019). The Advent of Practice Theories in Research on Sustainable Consumption: Past, Current and Future Directions of the Field. Sustainability, 11(2),

The application of practice theories in the domain of sustainability research in consumer studies is increasingly advocated based on the premise that this allows to analyse consumption as a social phenomenon. Consequently, the applications of social... Read More about The Advent of Practice Theories in Research on Sustainable Consumption: Past, Current and Future Directions of the Field.

Impact of bank funding on the growth of Nigeria’s manufacturing Sector (2018)
Ogbonna, D. Impact of bank funding on the growth of Nigeria’s manufacturing Sector. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Several studies and theories have linked economic growth to finance and further posit that a well funded and supported manufacturing sector could transform the economic fortunes of nations. However, the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria has compla... Read More about Impact of bank funding on the growth of Nigeria’s manufacturing Sector.

Coordination in labour market policy: the influence of governance and institutional logics. (2017)
Fuertes, V. Coordination in labour market policy: the influence of governance and institutional logics. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This PhD analyses the factors that affect the existence or absence of coordination in the field of labour market policy for the long-term unemployed in three cities in Great Britain (Edinburgh, Cardiff, and Newcastle). The interest in coordination in... Read More about Coordination in labour market policy: the influence of governance and institutional logics..

Foreign Direct Investment in Zimbabwe and Botswana: the elephant in the room (2017)
Book Chapter
Gutu, M., Anastasiadou, C., Omar, M., & Osei, C. (2017). Foreign Direct Investment in Zimbabwe and Botswana: the elephant in the room. In A. Ahmed (Ed.), Managing Knowledge and Innovation for Business Sustainability in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan.

Purpose: In Sub-Saharan Africa, FDI performance is considerably different between Zimbabwe and its neighbouring countries. This chapter examines FDI determinants for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with particular emphasis on the comparison between Zimbabwe... Read More about Foreign Direct Investment in Zimbabwe and Botswana: the elephant in the room.

Which firms use Islamic financing? (2016)
Journal Article
Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (2017). Which firms use Islamic financing?. Economics Letters, 150, 15-17.

This study explores to what extent the Islamic financing instruments are used by non-financial firms and whether profitability influences such financing choice. Based on a panel data of firms from fourteen developing countries for the 2005-2009 perio... Read More about Which firms use Islamic financing?.

Visitor attraction management: a critical review of research 2009-2014 (2016)
Journal Article
Leask, A. (2016). Visitor attraction management: a critical review of research 2009-2014. Tourism Management, 57, 334-361.

Research publications focussing on visitor attractions have increased in recent years, with articles sourced from an increasingly broad range of disciplines and fields of study. Key findings include a reduced reliance on case study and qualitative re... Read More about Visitor attraction management: a critical review of research 2009-2014.

Can Regional Cooperation Promote Sustainable Development? (2016)
Book Chapter
Siegel, K. M. (2016). Can Regional Cooperation Promote Sustainable Development?. In J. Grugel, & D. Hammett (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of International Development (713-730). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter argues that regional cooperation may be a promising framework to work towards sustainable development. There are two broad pathways linking regional cooperation and sustainable development. On the one hand, shared or transboundary socio-... Read More about Can Regional Cooperation Promote Sustainable Development?.

Exploring the contradictions between Brazil’s role in the global climate change regime and its position in regional environmental governance. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Siegel, K. M., & Riethof, M. (2016, April). Exploring the contradictions between Brazil’s role in the global climate change regime and its position in regional environmental governance. Paper presented at Society for Latin American Studies Annual Conference

Similar to other developing countries Brazil’s position
on climate change emphasises national sovereignty
and the principle of “common but differentiated
responsibilities”. However, in recent years Brasilia has
also announced voluntary reductions... Read More about Exploring the contradictions between Brazil’s role in the global climate change regime and its position in regional environmental governance..

Evaluating the role and the contribution of intermediaries in developing a successful financial services brand. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tjandra, N. C., Ensor, J., Omar, M., & Thomson, J. R. (2015, January). Evaluating the role and the contribution of intermediaries in developing a successful financial services brand. Presented at International Marketing Trends

This study aims to evaluate intermediaries’ role in developing a successful brand. It
specifically focuses on the role and contribution of independent financial advisers (IFAs) in
developing a successful financial services brand. A case study resea... Read More about Evaluating the role and the contribution of intermediaries in developing a successful financial services brand..

Emerging market financial services development: the case of leasing in Poland and China (2014)
Journal Article
Jaworski, P. M., Sliwinski, A., & Gao, S. S. (2014). Emerging market financial services development: the case of leasing in Poland and China. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 15, 365-382.

The aim of this paper is to present Polish and Chinese developments in this area in the period of 1999–2009 for the former and 2005–2008 the latter and then to compare both markets for 2007 and 2008 using different metrics. The time horizon is limite... Read More about Emerging market financial services development: the case of leasing in Poland and China.

Nuclear economies and local supply chains in peripheral areas: the case of West Cumbria (2012)
Journal Article
Cabras, I., & Mulvey, G. (2012). Nuclear economies and local supply chains in peripheral areas: the case of West Cumbria. European Planning Studies, 20(4), 707-724.

The aim of this paper is to fill the gap in data relating to local supply chains in the proximity of nuclear sites by investigating the site of Sellafield in West Cumbria, UK. Using information obtained from invoice data provided by Sellafield Ltd, t... Read More about Nuclear economies and local supply chains in peripheral areas: the case of West Cumbria.

Development of a Sesma model for short-term investment decision-making. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jadevicius, A., Sloan, B., & Brown, A. (2012, July). Development of a Sesma model for short-term investment decision-making. Presented at 4th Annual Conference of the Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC)

ARIMA models have been extensively used for property market modelling. Property researchers have used this type of univariate forecasting technique to predict property rents, returns and yields. However, it has been indicated that ARIMA models could... Read More about Development of a Sesma model for short-term investment decision-making..

Rail Freight in Great Britain – has privatisation made a noticeable difference? (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cowie, J. (2012, January). Rail Freight in Great Britain – has privatisation made a noticeable difference?. Presented at 44th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group

This paper briefly outlines the main changes brought about by the Railways Act 1993 with regard to the rail freight sector and then examines development of the sector since that time. It finds that although rail freight levels have increased, these... Read More about Rail Freight in Great Britain – has privatisation made a noticeable difference?.