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W-SQL an interface for scalable, highly parallel, database machines (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J., Walter, D., & Guiton, R. (1995, July). W-SQL an interface for scalable, highly parallel, database machines. Presented at British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD) 1995: Advances in Databases, Manchester, UK

The goal of any designer building a scalable database machine is to ensure that the interface between the relational processing part of the machine and the storage system is independent of the actual storage media. The interface should be as high a l... Read More about W-SQL an interface for scalable, highly parallel, database machines.

Using a conceptual data language to describe a database and its interface (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mitchell, K., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (1995, July). Using a conceptual data language to describe a database and its interface. Presented at 13th British National Conference on Database - BNCOD13, 1995, University of Manchester

We propose a conceptual approach to defining interfaces to databases which uses the features of a fully object oriented data language to specify interface objects combined with database objects. This achieves a uniform, natural way of describing data... Read More about Using a conceptual data language to describe a database and its interface.

Designing at a distance via real-time designer-to-designer interaction. (1995)
Book Chapter
Scrivener, S. A. R., Harris, D., Clark, S., Rockoff, T., & Smyth, M. (1995). Designing at a distance via real-time designer-to-designer interaction. In S. Greenberg, S. Hayne, & R. Rada (Eds.), Groupware for Real-Time Drawing - A Designers Guide (5-23). McGraw Hill

This paper describes an experiment in which teams of two designers used a shared computer ‘sketchpad’ to generate design concepts for products while geographically separated by a distance of over 16 300km. The aim of the large separation, which inclu... Read More about Designing at a distance via real-time designer-to-designer interaction..

Generic Abstract Data Types in occam'3 (e) (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chutimaskul, W., & Kerridge, J. (1994, November). Generic Abstract Data Types in occam'3 (e). Presented at PCAT-94, Wollongong, Australia

This paper describes the library mechanism for defining generic abstract data types (generic ADTs) as an extension to occam3 (occam3(e)). A generic ADT must be able to reuse either base data types or pre-defined data types and existing operations.... Read More about Generic Abstract Data Types in occam'3 (e).

3D information visualisation: Identifying and measuring success (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kennedy, J., Mitchell, K., Barclay, P., & Marshall, B. (1995, July). 3D information visualisation: Identifying and measuring success. Presented at 2nd FADIVA Workshop, 1995, University of Glasgow

This paper presents some of our views on information visualisation and interfaces to databases with respect to the theme of the workshop.

An empirical study of the impact of information technology on corporate financial reporting: a contingency perspective (1995)
Xiao, Z. An empirical study of the impact of information technology on corporate financial reporting: a contingency perspective. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis investigates whether information technology [IT] ameliorates or exacerbates the information asymmetry between management and external users of financial information, and ascertains whether and under what circumstances IT has an impact on... Read More about An empirical study of the impact of information technology on corporate financial reporting: a contingency perspective.

International Reservations Systems - Their Strategic and Operational Implications for the UK Hotel Industry (1995)
Pringle, S. M. International Reservations Systems - Their Strategic and Operational Implications for the UK Hotel Industry. (Thesis). Napier University.

Nature and scope of work:
This work presents details of the method and results of an investigation of the role and influence of international reservations systems within the UK hotel industry.

The research comprised three questionnaire surveys of... Read More about International Reservations Systems - Their Strategic and Operational Implications for the UK Hotel Industry.

Three dimensional interface for an object oriented database. (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rapley, M. H., & Kennedy, J. (1994, July). Three dimensional interface for an object oriented database. Presented at 2nd International Workshop on Interfaces to Databases - IDS2, 1994

An experimental 3D interface to an object oriented database is described. It is hoped that using such techniques will help make complex data structures more comprehensible and easier to navigate. A number of 3D visualisation techniques are used to en... Read More about Three dimensional interface for an object oriented database..

A conceptual language for querying object oriented data (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barclay, P. J., & Kennedy, J. (1994, July). A conceptual language for querying object oriented data. Presented at 12th British National Conference on Database: Directions in Databases - BNCOD12, 1994

A variety of languages have been proposed for object oriented database systems in order to provide facilities for ad hoc querying. However, in order to model at the conceptual level, an object oriented schema definition language must itself provide f... Read More about A conceptual language for querying object oriented data.

The role of metaphor at the human computer interface. (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smyth, M., & Knott, R. P. (1994, November). The role of metaphor at the human computer interface. Presented at OZCHI94 - Harmony through working together

Interface metaphors are introduced as a technique to facilitate the learning of systems. To better understand this process, metaphors are discussed in terms of their role in the formation of mental models. This suggests that the principle advantage o... Read More about The role of metaphor at the human computer interface..

Evaluation of high performance parallel database machines (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J., Jelly, I., & Bates, C. (1994, April). Evaluation of high performance parallel database machines. Presented at HPCN-Europe: International Conference on High-Performance Computing and Networking 1994, Munich, Germany

Many organisations are considering the use of large relational databases to implement their information needs. For large organisations this will result in the implementation of a machine dedicated to that task. In the near future, these database mach... Read More about Evaluation of high performance parallel database machines.

Dynamic Allocation of Tasks in occam3 (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J., & Nixon, P. (1994, September). Dynamic Allocation of Tasks in occam3. Presented at World Transputer Congress 1994, Villa Erba, Cernobbio, Lake Como, Italy

In many application environments there is a need to able to allocate resources dynamically. The occam programming language has no concept of such dynamic allocation. This paper shows how dynamic allocation can be incorporated into occam without sacri... Read More about Dynamic Allocation of Tasks in occam3.

A Functional Model of Interacting Systems: A Semiotic Approach (1994)
Book Chapter
Benyon, D. (1994). A Functional Model of Interacting Systems: A Semiotic Approach. In J. Connolly, & E. Edmonds (Eds.), CSCW and Artificial Intelligence; Computer Supported Cooperative Work (105-125). Springer.

Recent developments in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) share a common problem: communication. We are moving towards a situation of multiple interacting systems... Read More about A Functional Model of Interacting Systems: A Semiotic Approach.

Lightweight threads for portable software (1993)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Russell, G. (1993, January). Lightweight threads for portable software. Presented at Networking-the Next Generation, UKUUG/SUKUG Conference

No abstract available.

Using a persistent system to construct a customised interface to an ecological db. (1993)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barclay, P. J., Fraser, C., & Kennedy, J. (1992, July). Using a persistent system to construct a customised interface to an ecological db. Presented at 1st International workshop on Interfaces to Database

New applications of information technology have increasingly sophisticated user interface requirements. Such interfaces are sometimes highly application specific and therefore require to be customised to the given application area. Technology is requ... Read More about Using a persistent system to construct a customised interface to an ecological db..

Viewing objects. (1993)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barclay, P. J., & Kennedy, J. (1993, July). Viewing objects. Presented at 11th British National Conference on Database System, Keele, UK

This paper examines the incorporation of database views into an object oriented conceptual model. An approach is presented where views are themselves objects, instances of view classes. These view objects provide new ways of interacting with preexist... Read More about Viewing objects..

Adaptive systems: from intelligent tutoring to autonomous agents (1993)
Journal Article
Benyon, D., & Murray, D. (1993). Adaptive systems: from intelligent tutoring to autonomous agents. Knowledge-Based Systems, 6(4), 197-219.

Computer systems which can automatically alter aspects of their functionality or interface to suit the needs of individuals or groups of users have appeared over the years in a variety of guises. Most recently, attention has focused on intelligent in... Read More about Adaptive systems: from intelligent tutoring to autonomous agents.

Adaptive systems: A solution to usability problems (1993)
Journal Article
Benyon, D. (1993). Adaptive systems: A solution to usability problems. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 3(1), 65-87.

Improving the usability of computer systems is perhaps the most important goal of human-computer interaction research. Current approaches to usability engineering tend to focus on simply improving the interface. An alternative is to build intelligenc... Read More about Adaptive systems: A solution to usability problems.

Applying user modeling to human-computer interaction design (1993)
Journal Article
Benyon, D., & Murray, D. (1993). Applying user modeling to human-computer interaction design. Artificial Intelligence Review, 7(3-4), 199-225.

Since the early 1980's, intelligent and adaptive systems have appeared and have been written about in a variety of guises. Although there are many differences between such systems as adaptive user interfaces, intelligent help systems and explanation... Read More about Applying user modeling to human-computer interaction design.