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Developing and deploying marketing agility in an emerging economy: the case of Blue Skies (2018)
Journal Article
Osei, C., Amankwah-Amoah, J., Khan, Z., Omar, M., & Gutu, M. (2019). Developing and deploying marketing agility in an emerging economy: the case of Blue Skies. International Marketing Review, 36(2), 190-212.

In almost every large business, there is a growing recognition of the importance of organisational agility in improving their marketing responsiveness and business survival. However, limited insights have been offered by scholars on multinational en... Read More about Developing and deploying marketing agility in an emerging economy: the case of Blue Skies.

Exploring the Role of the Stakeholder in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Cross-sector Collaborations: a Phenomenological Study (2016)
Axon, D. Exploring the Role of the Stakeholder in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Cross-sector Collaborations: a Phenomenological Study. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis aims to explore the experiences of those individuals involved in the phenomenon of cross-sector collaborations within the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) global food sector. The research is situated within a landscape of diminished avai... Read More about Exploring the Role of the Stakeholder in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Cross-sector Collaborations: a Phenomenological Study.

Motivations and mitigating business limitations in Scottish rural home-based businesses. (2016)
Journal Article
Kapasi, I., & Galloway, L. (2016). Motivations and mitigating business limitations in Scottish rural home-based businesses. Local Economy, 31(3), 377-392.

This paper details a qualitative exploratory study of rural home-based businesses. Little is known about the formation or operation of home-based businesses in rural areas despite their high incidence cases are presented and, by employi... Read More about Motivations and mitigating business limitations in Scottish rural home-based businesses..

Logistical challenges facing Scottish importers and exporters (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Monios, J. (2016, March). Logistical challenges facing Scottish importers and exporters. Presented at Developing Scotland’s International Seaports: Securing Economic Growth

Presentation delivered at the Developing Scotland’s International Seaports: Securing Economic Growth Conference, 2016.

Designing to engage a television audience: how are different media used in TV ident creation? (2015)
Journal Article
Macdonald, I. (2015). Designing to engage a television audience: how are different media used in TV ident creation?. Arts and the Market, 5(2), 139-153.


The aims of this article are to illustrate how designers attempt to engage audiences through different media in tv idents; and to explore how the human mark (such as drawing and model-making) in a hybrid with digital media can not only revi... Read More about Designing to engage a television audience: how are different media used in TV ident creation?.

Positive psychology: A movement to reintegrate career counselling within counselling psychology (2015)
Journal Article
Robertson, P. (2015). Positive psychology: A movement to reintegrate career counselling within counselling psychology. Counselling psychology review / the British Psychological Society, 30(3), 26-35

Content & Focus: In the UK career counselling has tended to evolve separately from the counselling psychology profession. Elsewhere, notably in North America, counselling psychology does embrace career issues. This paper explores the contested bounda... Read More about Positive psychology: A movement to reintegrate career counselling within counselling psychology.

How not to do it!! A salutary lesson on longitudinal and qualitative research approaches for entrepreneurship researchers (2015)
Journal Article
Galloway, L., Kapasi, I., & Whittam, G. (2015). How not to do it!! A salutary lesson on longitudinal and qualitative research approaches for entrepreneurship researchers. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 21(3), 489-500.

The purpose of this paper is to report the experiences of researchers seeking to undertake mixed methods longitudinal research in the entrepreneurship discipline. In this research, the methodology was thoroughly planned and measures were tak... Read More about How not to do it!! A salutary lesson on longitudinal and qualitative research approaches for entrepreneurship researchers.

Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and the Value of Feminist Approaches to Understanding Them (2015)
Journal Article
Galloway, L., Kapasi, I., & Sang, K. (2015). Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and the Value of Feminist Approaches to Understanding Them. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(3), 683-692.

Entrepreneurship research principally focuses on business growth. This focus valorizes the masculine and marginalizes other interpretations. Consequently, entrepreneurship is restricted to
a phenomenon that is rare in the diverse business world. Th... Read More about Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and the Value of Feminist Approaches to Understanding Them.

Work–Life Balance in Home-Based Businesses: A UK Study (2015)
Journal Article
Kapasi, I., & Galloway, L. (2015). Work–Life Balance in Home-Based Businesses: A UK Study. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 16(1), 33-42.

Home-based businesses are increasing in number throughout Western economies. One of the benefits of a home-based business is asserted to be improved work–life balance, yet there is little empirical evidence to support this assertion. Using a qualitat... Read More about Work–Life Balance in Home-Based Businesses: A UK Study.

Designing for engagement (2011)
Journal Article
Turner, P., Flint, T., & Turner, S. (2011). Designing for engagement. Infrastructure journal,

Clients with mental health conditions: a challenge for career guidance practice. (2011)
Book Chapter
Robertson, P. (2011). Clients with mental health conditions: a challenge for career guidance practice. In B. A. Irving, & L. Barham (Eds.), Constructing the Future: Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice (131-146). Institute of Career Guidance

This article explores meeting the needs of clients with mental health conditions and seeks to establish this group as one of particular interest to career guidance practitioners. The issues are introduced in broad terms by looking at the incidence, s... Read More about Clients with mental health conditions: a challenge for career guidance practice..

Internet marketing and customer satisfaction in emerging markets: the case of Chinese online shoppers (2011)
Journal Article
Omar, M., Bathgate, I., & Nwankwo, S. (2011). Internet marketing and customer satisfaction in emerging markets: the case of Chinese online shoppers. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal incorporating Journal of Global Competitiveness, 21(2), 224-237.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that influence customer satisfaction among Chinese online shoppers. It applies the normative categories identified in the literature and tests them for effect in the emerging Chinese online consumer... Read More about Internet marketing and customer satisfaction in emerging markets: the case of Chinese online shoppers.

Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Corporate Behavior of Chinese Listed Companies (2011)
Book Chapter
Zhu, J., & Gao, S. S. (2011). Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Corporate Behavior of Chinese Listed Companies. In Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies; Accounting in Asia (61-82). Emerald.

Purpose – This study investigates the nature, types, and methods of fraudulent financial reporting committed by Chinese listed companies with a view to understanding corporate behavior relating to management fraud in China. Such an understanding is i... Read More about Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Corporate Behavior of Chinese Listed Companies.

Failed and failing states: the challenges to African reconstruction. (2010)
(2010). M. Ndulo, & M. Grieco (Eds.), Failed and failing states: the challenges to African reconstruction. Cambridge Scholars Publishing

State collapse is one of the major threats to peace, stability, and economic development in Sub-Sahara Africa today. In a collapsed state the regime finally wears out its ability to satisfy the demands of the various groups in society, fails to gover... Read More about Failed and failing states: the challenges to African reconstruction..

E-consumer and the drive behind customer satisfaction: the Chinese online (2010)
Journal Article
Omar, M. (2010). E-consumer and the drive behind customer satisfaction: the Chinese online. International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 2, 271-287.

The purpose of this paper is to present and validate a model of factors influencing the customers' satisfaction on internet shopping in China. To attain these, a questionnaire was sent to 300 potential Chinese customers. The findings indicate that th... Read More about E-consumer and the drive behind customer satisfaction: the Chinese online.

The role of niche tourism products in destination development (2010)
Ali-Knight, J. The role of niche tourism products in destination development. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Niche tourism refers to how a specific tourism product can be tailored to meet the needs of a particular audience/market segment. Locations with specific niche products are able to establish and position themselves, as niche tourism destinations. Nic... Read More about The role of niche tourism products in destination development.

Unions, technologies of coordination, and the changing contours of globally distributed power (2010)
Journal Article
Hogan, J., Nolan, P., & Grieco, M. (2010). Unions, technologies of coordination, and the changing contours of globally distributed power. Labor History, 51(1), 29-40.

This article explores the emergence and significance of new technologies of coordination for globally distributed social movements attempting to shape the power relationship between themselves and the forces of international business. It challenges t... Read More about Unions, technologies of coordination, and the changing contours of globally distributed power.