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After-hours events at the National Museum of Scotland: a product for attracting, engaging and retaining new museum audiences? (2019)
Journal Article
Easson, H., & Leask, A. (2020). After-hours events at the National Museum of Scotland: a product for attracting, engaging and retaining new museum audiences?. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(11), 1343-1356.

Cultural heritage is recognised as one of the major contributors to the economy and has traditionally been funded from the public sector. Museums have had to become more commercial as a result of declining core funding sources and changing visitor ex... Read More about After-hours events at the National Museum of Scotland: a product for attracting, engaging and retaining new museum audiences?.

The Dichotomy of Gallery Lighting. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Innes, M. (2013, October). The Dichotomy of Gallery Lighting. Presented at National Galleries of Scotland Research Conference

Sight is the principal sense used by most gallery visitors, hence light is an essential element required for visitors to appreciate the exhibits, but light can also damage the precious objects it allows us to see. Therefore, light itself reflects the... Read More about The Dichotomy of Gallery Lighting..

Leaving Planet Earth (Follow-on Voucher Project). (2013)
Digital Artefact
Lambert, I., Innes, M., O'Dowd, A., Winton, E., & Blake, J. (2013). Leaving Planet Earth (Follow-on Voucher Project)

The project was undertaken as a SFC Follow-on Voucher (£40K) alongside a student project with BDes (Hons) Design & Digital Arts (D&DA).James Blake (Centre for Media & Culture) brought together students and staff to develop digi... Read More about Leaving Planet Earth (Follow-on Voucher Project)..

ICH Scotland: a digital heritage project (2011)
Journal Article
Hill, D., Gunn, L., McCleery, A., & McCleery, A. (2011). ICH Scotland: a digital heritage project. Levend Erfgoed: Vakblad voor public folklore & public history, 8, 14-21

What is intangible heritage? (2009)
Journal Article
Hill, D., Gunn, L., McCleery, A., & McCleery, A. (2009). What is intangible heritage?. LocScot, 8-9

D'Art report 36: defining and mapping intangible cultural heritage. (2009)
McCleery, A., McCleery, A., Gunn, L., & Hill, D. (2009). D'Art report 36: defining and mapping intangible cultural heritage

The D’Art was undertaken in collaboration with Museums Galleries Scotland (formerly Scottish Museums Council), as a preliminary study of the issues, both theoretical and practical, in making an inventory of ICH in Scotland in conformity with the UNES... Read More about D'Art report 36: defining and mapping intangible cultural heritage..