What role does (or should) higher education research play in higher education policy? An exploratory study
Smith, K., Fernie, S., & Pilcher, N. (2017). What role does (or should) higher education research play in higher education policy? An exploratory study. London: Society for Research into Higher Education
Don’t Panic! You know your subject. You’re not teaching English, you’re teaching your subject in ‘English’ (2017)
Book Chapter
Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2017). Don’t Panic! You know your subject. You’re not teaching English, you’re teaching your subject in ‘English’. In G. J. Lee (Ed.), Challenges in English in University in English in University EducationNo abstract available.
Group guidance – is it time to flock together? (2017)
Journal Article
Meldrum, S. (2017). Group guidance – is it time to flock together?. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 38(1), 36-43. https://doi.org/10.20856/jnicec.3806This article calls for delivery models which encourage the collective career learning of groups to be brought to the centre stage of career guidance practice. It challenges the long term focus of the sector on the one-to-one guidance interview and co... Read More about Group guidance – is it time to flock together?.
Review of 'Towards a framework for inclusive STEM Education' Workshop (2017)
Journal Article
Bhardwaj, J. (2017). Review of 'Towards a framework for inclusive STEM Education' Workshop. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 9(1), 73-75No abstract available.
Strengthening Library connections in Moodle. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ennis, L., & Bruce, S. (2017, April). Strengthening Library connections in Moodle. Presented at MoodleMoot Ireland and UK 2017The reading list is traditionally recognised as a collation of printed materials or a list of titles in a module descriptor, but a transition from printed collation to digital collections has been quietly taking place in libraries and universities fo... Read More about Strengthening Library connections in Moodle..
We need to talk about IELTS, and the case for testing English 'in-subject' (2017)
Digital Artefact
Pilcher, N., & Richards, K. (2017). We need to talk about IELTS, and the case for testing English 'in-subject'. [Webpage]No abstract available - read the full article here - http://wonkhe.com/blogs/we-need-to-talk-about-ielts-and-the-case-for-testing-english-in-subject/
Problematising the ‘Career Academic’ in UK construction and engineering education: does the system want what the system gets? (2017)
Journal Article
Pilcher, N., Forster, A., Tennant, S., Murray, M., & Craig, N. (2017). Problematising the ‘Career Academic’ in UK construction and engineering education: does the system want what the system gets?. European Journal of Engineering Education, 42(6), 1477-1495. https://doi.org/10.1080/03043797.2017.1306487‘Career Academics’ are principally research-led, entering academia with limited or no industrial or practical experience. UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) welcome them for their potential to attain research grant funding and publish world-lead... Read More about Problematising the ‘Career Academic’ in UK construction and engineering education: does the system want what the system gets?.
Threshold Concepts in Academic Practice: Engagement with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2017)
Journal Article
Tierney, A. (2017). Threshold Concepts in Academic Practice: Engagement with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Practice and evidence of the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education, 12(2), 165-184This paper investigates the existence and nature of threshold concepts as experienced by a group of twenty-one teaching-focused academics, from life science departments in UK universities. Individuals were invited to take part in the study and asked... Read More about Threshold Concepts in Academic Practice: Engagement with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
The students' acceptance of learning management systems in Saudi Arabia: A case study of King Abdulaziz University (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Binyamin, S., Rutter, M., & Smith, S. (2017, March). The students' acceptance of learning management systems in Saudi Arabia: A case study of King Abdulaziz University. Presented at International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, SpainThe Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has become one of the most widely-used models in understanding user acceptance of technologies and has been employed in many empirical studies. However, TAM has barely been used within the context of Saudi Arabia... Read More about The students' acceptance of learning management systems in Saudi Arabia: A case study of King Abdulaziz University.
How Can Pre-Arrival Shared Reading Build a University Community? (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Baverstock, A., Morris, W., Ennis, L., & Moulton, J. (2017, March). How Can Pre-Arrival Shared Reading Build a University Community?. Presented at London International Book Fair Insights Seminar SeriesResearch tells us that involvement in reading for pleasure has positive outcomes. Similarly, research tells us that the earlier new students feel welcome in their university the more likely they are to stay and complete their degree. This presentatio... Read More about How Can Pre-Arrival Shared Reading Build a University Community?.
‘University opened up so many doors for me’: the personal and professional development of graduates from non-traditional backgrounds (2017)
Journal Article
Christie, H., Cree, V. E., Mullins, E., & Tett, L. (2018). ‘University opened up so many doors for me’: the personal and professional development of graduates from non-traditional backgrounds. Studies in Higher Education, 43(11), 1938-1948. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2017.1294577There is a substantial body of quantitative evidence about the benefits of higher education. However there is little qualitative evidence about the extent to which these benefits accrue to graduates from non-traditional backgrounds. This paper contri... Read More about ‘University opened up so many doors for me’: the personal and professional development of graduates from non-traditional backgrounds.
Adaptation of learning and teaching methods for the delivery of an undergraduate program in Myanmar (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Leitch, K., MacIver, A., & Smith, I. (2017, March). Adaptation of learning and teaching methods for the delivery of an undergraduate program in Myanmar. Presented at 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, SpainThe establishment of a democratically elected government in 2015 has facilitated the development of much of the Myanmar’s long neglected educational infrastructure. Newly formed Universities are increasingly look to established overseas Higher Educat... Read More about Adaptation of learning and teaching methods for the delivery of an undergraduate program in Myanmar.
An implementation of the extended technology acceptance model for understanding students' perceptions of learning management systems: a study within tertiary institutions in Saudia Arabia (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rutter, M. J., Alshehri, A., & Smith, S. (2017, March). An implementation of the extended technology acceptance model for understanding students' perceptions of learning management systems: a study within tertiary institutions in Saudia Arabia. Poster presented at 11th annual International Technology, Education and Development ConferenceThe rapid evolution of e-learning around the world is inspiring many educational and business institutions to adopt it. E-learning is motivated by compelling advantages such as geographical reach, flexibility and cost effectiveness in course delivery... Read More about An implementation of the extended technology acceptance model for understanding students' perceptions of learning management systems: a study within tertiary institutions in Saudia Arabia.
Beyond aspirations: deploying the capability approach to tackle the under-representation in higher education of young people from deprived communities (2017)
Journal Article
Campbell, L. A., & McKendrick, J. H. (2017). Beyond aspirations: deploying the capability approach to tackle the under-representation in higher education of young people from deprived communities. Studies in Continuing Education, 39(2), 120-137. https://doi.org/10.1080/0158037x.2017.1293630This paper re-examines the low participation of young people from deprived communities through the lens of the capability approach. A fundamental problem for tackling widening participation is that much of the thinking of policymakers is grounded on... Read More about Beyond aspirations: deploying the capability approach to tackle the under-representation in higher education of young people from deprived communities.
Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk: Are Career Academics Gatekeepers to Students’ Tacit Knowledge? (2017)
Journal Article
Murray, M. D., Tennant, S., Forster, A., Craig, N., Copping, A., & Pilcher, N. (2017). Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk: Are Career Academics Gatekeepers to Students’ Tacit Knowledge?. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 5(2), 112-114. https://doi.org/10.14297/jpaap.v5i2.268An opinion piece that argues for a more balanced portfolio of academic staff within faculty, whereby pracademics are ‘pivotal’ academic staff who can ‘talk the talk and walk the walk’ with students who have industrial placement experience.
International Students’ Unique Challenges – Why Understanding International Transitions to Higher Education Matters (2017)
Journal Article
Ecochard, S., & Fotheringham, J. (2017). International Students’ Unique Challenges – Why Understanding International Transitions to Higher Education Matters. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 5(2), 100-108. https://doi.org/10.14297/jpaap.v5i2.261International students represent a large and increasing share of the diversity encountered on British campuses, with 19% of the student body coming from another country to study in the United Kingdom. While the concept of transition in the context of... Read More about International Students’ Unique Challenges – Why Understanding International Transitions to Higher Education Matters.
An Enhanced Route from FE to HE Graduation? (2017)
Journal Article
Meharg, D., Taylor-Smith, E., Varey, A., Mooney, C., & Dallas, S. (2017). An Enhanced Route from FE to HE Graduation?. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 5(2), 85-92. https://doi.org/10.14297/jpaap.v5i2.269This study explores student transitions from further (FE) to higher (HE) education through the Associate Student Project (ASP) and examines the effectiveness of this enhanced transition programme for direct entry students. Universities are expected t... Read More about An Enhanced Route from FE to HE Graduation?.
Identifying and measuring capabilities for career development in NEET young people (2017)
Journal Article
Robertson, P. J. (2017). Identifying and measuring capabilities for career development in NEET young people. Recherches sociologique et anthropologique/ Sociological and anthropological research, 47(2), 83-99Amartya Sen's Capability Approach offers great potential as a conceptual framework for promoting social justice and well-being through economic and educational engagement. Yet the capability approach presents researchers with formidable difficulties,... Read More about Identifying and measuring capabilities for career development in NEET young people.
Aspirations and progression of event management graduates: A study of career development (2017)
Journal Article
Barron, P., & Ali-Knight, J. (2017). Aspirations and progression of event management graduates: A study of career development. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 30, 29-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhtm.2017.01.005The provision of event management education in the higher education sector has grown significantly in recent years, yet little is known of the circumstances of the increasing number of graduates from these programmes. This paper examines the motivati... Read More about Aspirations and progression of event management graduates: A study of career development.
The two cultures in Australian ELICOS: Industry managers respond to English language school teachers (2017)
Journal Article
Stanley, P. (2017). The two cultures in Australian ELICOS: Industry managers respond to English language school teachers. English Australia Journal : the Australian Journal of English Language Teaching, 33(1), 28-42This article reports on a qualitative study that sought to understand managers’ perceptions of teachers’ professional identities in the Australian ELICOS sector. The study found that there is a powerful, socially imagined ‘wall’ that divides two cult... Read More about The two cultures in Australian ELICOS: Industry managers respond to English language school teachers.
Showing 101 - 120 of 789 results