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Strengthening Library connections in Moodle.

Ennis, Laura; Bruce, Stephen


Laura Ennis

Stephen Bruce


The reading list is traditionally recognised as a collation of printed materials or a list of titles in a module descriptor, but a transition from printed collation to digital collections has been quietly taking place in libraries and universities for a decade now. Students increasingly expect to access all their learning materials online, but creating and maintaining online reading lists can be costly in terms of the library staff time. Edinburgh Napier University is rolling out a cloud-based Reading List Management System (RLMS) called Leganto which is a new development from Ex Libris, who also provide our Library Management System and easy search portal. We have integrated Leganto within Moodle to support the automation of reading lists for all modules, and we’re already seeing some benefits from the pilot phase including increased engagement with library resources, positive feedback from academic staff and students, and efficiencies from library staff.

Leganto reading lists is the latest addition to our suite of Library System integrations within Moodle which include a staff interface to create permanent DOI links, a Library loans block for students to see their borrowing information at a glance, and a Library Search block linked to the online Library catalogue with context sensitive links to their subject guides and Librarian. By connecting our Library systems in these ways we are able to create a personalised and easily navigable digital student experience. We anticipate this facilitating an improvement in student literacy and self-directed learning as the platform is mobile-friendly, and accessible to distance learners and transnational students. Come to our presentation to hear how we have developed our Moodle integrations, how we are engaging academic staff in a skills training programme, and how we are aligning library workflows to allow for more efficient use of our interconnected systems.


Ennis, L., & Bruce, S. (2017, April). Strengthening Library connections in Moodle. Presented at MoodleMoot Ireland and UK 2017

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name MoodleMoot Ireland and UK 2017
Start Date Apr 10, 2017
End Date Apr 12, 2017
Deposit Date May 2, 2018
Publicly Available Date May 2, 2018
Keywords Moodle, Reading Lists, Leganto, Libraries, Higher Education
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date May 2, 2018


Strengthening Library connections in Moodle...powerpoint slides (4.6 Mb)

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