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Privatization trends at the world's top-100 container ports (2002)
Journal Article
Baird, A. J. (2002). Privatization trends at the world's top-100 container ports. Maritime Policy and Management, 29(3), 271-284.

During recent years the role of the private sector in seaports has been greatly expanded. Yet in practice the extent of privatisation in ports can vary significantly, in part due to the different methods employed to bring about private sector partici... Read More about Privatization trends at the world's top-100 container ports.

The growing importance of light goods vehicles in the UK. (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Browne, M., Allen, J., Anderson, S., & Wigan, M. (2002, September). The growing importance of light goods vehicles in the UK. Paper presented at Logistics Research Network Annual Conference

A review of vehicular emission models and driving cycles (2002)
Journal Article
Esteves-Booth, A., Muneer, T., Kubie, J., & Kirby, H. (2002). A review of vehicular emission models and driving cycles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 216(8), 777-797.

This article reviews the latest and relevant work on both vehicular emission models and driving cycles. The three main types of emission models, namely emission factor models, average speed models and modal models, are covered. Each project is analys... Read More about A review of vehicular emission models and driving cycles.

Production economics of a vertically separated railway – The case of the British train operating companies. (2002)
Journal Article
Cowie, J. (2002). Production economics of a vertically separated railway – The case of the British train operating companies. Trasporti europei, 5, 45-52

This paper focuses on the production economics issues
surrounding the vertical separation of infrastructure
from rail services with regard to passenger operations. A
case study of the British passenger railway privatisation
is used. The British a... Read More about Production economics of a vertically separated railway – The case of the British train operating companies..

Open transport modeling networking for transportation applications. (2002)
Preprint / Working Paper
Wigan, M., & Drain, P. Open transport modeling networking for transportation applications

Transport modeling has developed to a stage where there is a wide range of tools, but a high level
of dependence on commercial systems. Recent developments in software and licensing
approaches have underpinned the rapid development of robust open s... Read More about Open transport modeling networking for transportation applications..

Subsidy and productivity in the privatised British passenger railway. (2002)
Journal Article
Cowie, J. (2002). Subsidy and productivity in the privatised British passenger railway. Economic issues, 7, 25-38

This paper gives an overview of subsidy reductions in the privatised passenger rail industry in Britain before focusing on productivity performance across the first four years under the privatised structure. Subsidy reductions are analysed in terms o... Read More about Subsidy and productivity in the privatised British passenger railway..

Densification and urban compaction: reinforcing the drive for sustainability. (2002)
Journal Article
Cooper, J. A., Donegan, K. S., Ryley, T. J., Smyth, A., & Granzow, E. (2002). Densification and urban compaction: reinforcing the drive for sustainability. Transportation research record, 1817, 102-109.

The consumer response to sustainable development initiatives provided the focus for a series of research projects undertaken at the Transport Research Institute at Napier University. Evidence of the relationship between residential density and travel... Read More about Densification and urban compaction: reinforcing the drive for sustainability..

Motorcycles as a Full Mode of Transportation (2002)
Journal Article
Wigan, M. (2002). Motorcycles as a Full Mode of Transportation. Transportation research record, 1818(1), 39-46.

Motorcycles usually are treated solely on the basis of their safety characteristics and very rarely as a mode of transportation with benefits and costs, placing safety issues in a full transportation context. The standard transportation issues of tra... Read More about Motorcycles as a Full Mode of Transportation.

Enabling and Managing Greater Access to Transport Data Through Metadata (2002)
Journal Article
Wigan, M., Grieco, M., & Mine, J. (2002). Enabling and Managing Greater Access to Transport Data Through Metadata. Transportation research record, 1804, 48-55.

MetadatA—information about data sets—allow clear understanding of exactly what the elements and structure of a given data set entail. Metadata in conjunction with XML-based specifications, schemas, and tools allow a high level of automated and valida... Read More about Enabling and Managing Greater Access to Transport Data Through Metadata.

An emerging form of freight modelling. (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Neffendorf, H., Wigan, M., Donnelly, R., Williams, I., & Collop, M. (2001, September). An emerging form of freight modelling. Presented at European Transport Conference

Among transport planning models, freight transport has long been the Cinderella. Despite the critical importance of freight movement and commercial vehicle traffic, the behavioural influences are poorly understood. The typical approach, almost an aft... Read More about An emerging form of freight modelling..

The Effects of Detector Spacing on Traffic Forecasting Performance Using Neural Networks (2001)
Journal Article
Chen, H., Dougherty, M. S., & Kirby, H. R. (2001). The Effects of Detector Spacing on Traffic Forecasting Performance Using Neural Networks. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 16(6), 422-430.

An investigation was made as to how short-term traffic forecasting on motorways and other trunk roads is related to the density of detectors. Forecasting performances with respect to different detector spaces have been investigated with both simulate... Read More about The Effects of Detector Spacing on Traffic Forecasting Performance Using Neural Networks.

Energy use and transport correlation linking personal and travel related energy uses to the urban structure (2001)
Journal Article
Cooper, J., Ryley, T., Smyth, A., & Granzow, E. (2001). Energy use and transport correlation linking personal and travel related energy uses to the urban structure. Environmental Science and Policy, 4(6), 307-318.

This paper considers relationships between sustainability objectives, transport, spatial design of the built environment and rational use of energy. Conventional transport modelling, housing supply and energy assessment tools are drawn together to pr... Read More about Energy use and transport correlation linking personal and travel related energy uses to the urban structure.