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The role of logistical structure in the development of rail freight services in Great Britain. (2000)
Woodburn, A. G. The role of logistical structure in the development of rail freight services in Great Britain. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Modal shift from road to rail for freight movements is a potential means by which
the negative environmental and social impacts of such transport can be reduced. As
such it features strongly in contemporary transport policies in Great Britain. This... Read More about The role of logistical structure in the development of rail freight services in Great Britain..

The influence of transport on industrial location choice: a stated preference experiment (2000)
Journal Article
Leitham, S., McQuaid, R. W., & Nelson, J. D. (2000). The influence of transport on industrial location choice: a stated preference experiment. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 34(7), 515-535.

Stated preference experiments are introduced and applied to an investigation of the influence of road transport and other factors on industrial location in terms of the ex ante decision making process. The experiments, based upon repeated hypothetica... Read More about The influence of transport on industrial location choice: a stated preference experiment.

Modelling the effects of transport policy levers on fuel efficiency and national fuel consumption (2000)
Journal Article
Kirby, H. R., Hutton, B., McQuaid, R. W., Raeside, R., & Zhang, X. (2000). Modelling the effects of transport policy levers on fuel efficiency and national fuel consumption. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 5(4), 265-282.

The paper provides an overview of the main features of a Vehicle Market Model (VMM) which estimates changes to vehicle stock/kilometrage, fuel consumed and CO2 emitted. It is disaggregated into four basic vehicle types. The model includes: the trends... Read More about Modelling the effects of transport policy levers on fuel efficiency and national fuel consumption.

An Integrated approach to modelling traffic pollution in the urban environment. (1999)
Journal Article
Addison, P. S., McCann, J. M., Low, D. J., & Currie, J. (1999). An Integrated approach to modelling traffic pollution in the urban environment. Traffic engineering & control, 40, 434-437

To meet global air pollution targets, public authorities are increasingly seeking reliable practical tools for assessing traffic pollution impacts. This paper outlines a method which combines traffic models with other models to assess the total effec... Read More about An Integrated approach to modelling traffic pollution in the urban environment..

Broader considerations with private funding of major road infrastructure. (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wigan, M. (1999, June). Broader considerations with private funding of major road infrastructure. Presented at AITPM

Private road funding and privatised roads are not quite the same. There is a vast range of different ways in which private capital can participate in road infrastructure. Some of these are examined, and the implications of different forms of private... Read More about Broader considerations with private funding of major road infrastructure..

Pricing digital transport data. (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wigan, M. (1999, January). Pricing digital transport data. Presented at Transportation Research Board 78th Annual Meeting

Building road transport networks for modelling purposes has been a time consuming and error prone task for many years. The rapid development of digital road networks has now provided a reliable and rapid mean of building such networks flexibily and a... Read More about Pricing digital transport data..

Employer transport plans-a case for regulation? (1999)
Journal Article
Rye, T. (1999). Employer transport plans-a case for regulation?. Transport Reviews, 19(1), 13-31.

Employer transport plans (ETPs) are increasingly seen by transport planners as one of potential means to manage the demand for private transport. Such plans seek to reduce trips to work by car by providing, through individual employers, a targeted,... Read More about Employer transport plans-a case for regulation?.

Library and information services in support of the Transport Research Institute (TRI), Napier University, 1996 - 1999. (1999)
Journal Article
Cumming, D. A. (1999). Library and information services in support of the Transport Research Institute (TRI), Napier University, 1996 - 1999. SCONUL Newsletter, 55-62

The paper reviews experimental library initiatives in support of the first multi-disciplinary research pillar created in Napier University. Liaison, service planning input, and user consultation are shown to have been valuable in creating appropriate... Read More about Library and information services in support of the Transport Research Institute (TRI), Napier University, 1996 - 1999..

Tax and green transport plans: a survey of UK experience (1999)
Journal Article
Potter, S., Rye, T., & Smith, M. (1999). Tax and green transport plans: a survey of UK experience. Transport Policy, 6(4), 197-205.

The widespread adoption of Green Transport Plans (GTPs) by employers has become an important aim of the {UK} government transport policy as it tries to find ways of reducing transport demand. However, the tax treatment of employee benefits that form... Read More about Tax and green transport plans: a survey of UK experience.

Employer attitudes to employer transport plans: a comparison of UK and Dutch experience (1999)
Journal Article
Rye, T. (1999). Employer attitudes to employer transport plans: a comparison of UK and Dutch experience. Transport Policy, 6(3), 183-196.

Employer transport plans (ETPs) are implemented by employers to encourage their employees to choose environmentally friendly modes of transport to work. They have been a part of Netherlands’ transport policy since 1989 and now form an important plank... Read More about Employer attitudes to employer transport plans: a comparison of UK and Dutch experience.

High-resolution image reconstruction from multiple low-resolution images. (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wei, H., & Binnie, D. (1999, July). High-resolution image reconstruction from multiple low-resolution images. Presented at Seventh IEE Conference on Image Processing and Applications

In this paper, we demonstrate a digital signal processing (DSP) algorithm for improving spatial resolution of images captured by CMOS cameras. The basic approach is to reconstruct a high resolution (HR) image from a shift-related low resolution (LR)... Read More about High-resolution image reconstruction from multiple low-resolution images..

Pedestrian Detection by Computer Vision. (1999)
Reading, I. A. D. Pedestrian Detection by Computer Vision. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This document describes work aimed at determining whether the detection, by
computer vision, of pedestrians waiting at signal-controlled road crossings could be
made sufficiently reliable and affordable, using currently available technology, so as... Read More about Pedestrian Detection by Computer Vision..

Networked information: dealing with overload. (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, H. (1997, November). Networked information: dealing with overload. Presented at LACIG Scotland

In support of peak performance all organisations require optimal information: information that arrives at the right time and in the right format, matching the quality requirements of its potential users (Marcusohn, 1995). In contrast to this, a super... Read More about Networked information: dealing with overload..

Road traffic pollution and its effect on the internal environment of buildings. (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Capper, G., & Currie, J. (1998, November). Road traffic pollution and its effect on the internal environment of buildings. Presented at EPIC '98 2nd European Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings and 3rd International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings

Indoor and outdoor concentrations of various pollutants were measured in a naturally ventilated building in the West End of Edinburgh during and after the period of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) to assess the effect upon indoo... Read More about Road traffic pollution and its effect on the internal environment of buildings..

Modelling vehicle emissions using the TEMIS program: part 2 case studies. (1998)
Journal Article
Saleh, W., & Nelson, J. D. (1998). Modelling vehicle emissions using the TEMIS program: part 2 case studies. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 212(3), 205-212

Many challenges are associated with the ever increasing level of energy consumption and the damage to the environment caused by the pollutants from all sectors. On the local level the problem is associated with matters such as noise and air pollution... Read More about Modelling vehicle emissions using the TEMIS program: part 2 case studies..

Determinants of energy consumption: examination of alternative transport policies using the temis program. (1998)
Journal Article
Saleh, W., Nelson, J., & Bell, M. G. (1998). Determinants of energy consumption: examination of alternative transport policies using the temis program. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 3(2), 93-103.

Many challenges are associated with the increasing level of energy consumption and the environmental damage caused. At the local level, there is noise and air pollution while at the global level there are problems associated with acid rain, ozone lay... Read More about Determinants of energy consumption: examination of alternative transport policies using the temis program..