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COSMOS - Congestion management strategies and methods in urban sites. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wood, K., Bielefeldt, C., Biora, F., & Kruse, G. (1997, October). COSMOS - Congestion management strategies and methods in urban sites. Presented at 4th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems

The paper describes the strategies for Congestion and Incident Management (CIM) on the basis of Automatic Congestion and Incident Detection (ACID) that COSMOS will develop, implement in SCOOT, UTOPIA and MOTION, and validate and demonstrate in London... Read More about COSMOS - Congestion management strategies and methods in urban sites..

An investigation into the relationships between area social characteristics and road accident casualties (1997)
Journal Article
Abdalla, I. M., Raeside, R., Barker, D., & McGuigan, D. R. (1997). An investigation into the relationships between area social characteristics and road accident casualties. Accident analysis and prevention, 29(5), 583-593.

This paper reports on the analysis of a data base created by merging road casualty information and census data for the former Lothian region in Scotland. The data base was established by assigning resident postcodes to each casualty record and relati... Read More about An investigation into the relationships between area social characteristics and road accident casualties.

Ownership and control in the bus industry: the case of Hungary. (1997)
Journal Article
Nelson, J. D., Saleh, W., & Prileszky, I. (1997). Ownership and control in the bus industry: the case of Hungary. Journal of Transport Geography, 5(2), 137-146.

In Hungary, the impending expiry of existing operating licences for both urban and interurban bus services is leading to considerable pressure for change in the current system of ownership and control. Furthermore, the transport sector in Hungary fac... Read More about Ownership and control in the bus industry: the case of Hungary..

MOTION - A new On-line Network Signal Control System (1996)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bielefeldt, C., & Busch, F. (1996, April). MOTION - A new On-line Network Signal Control System. Presented at Eighth International Conference on Road Traffic Monitoring and Control

MOTION - A New On-line Model for Urban Traffic Signal Control. (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bielefeldt, C., & Busch, F. (1994, August). MOTION - A New On-line Model for Urban Traffic Signal Control. Presented at Transportation Systems: Theory and Application of Advanced Technology, IFAC Symposium

This paper presents MOTION, a modular on-line model for urban traffic signal control. It consists of a network and a local level and builds on enhanced traffic state estimation. Special consideration is given to the prioritization of public transit.... Read More about MOTION - A New On-line Model for Urban Traffic Signal Control..

Transport and commercial location decisions: some recent evidence. (1994)
Journal Article
Nelson, J. D., Leitham, S., & McQuaid, R. W. (1994). Transport and commercial location decisions: some recent evidence. Transportation planning systems, 2, 41-57

The nature of the relationship between transport and economic development has long been viewed with uncertainty. This paper draws on recent research to investigate one aspect of the debate, namely the importance afforded to transport infrastructure i... Read More about Transport and commercial location decisions: some recent evidence..

Automatic Incident Detection and Driver Warning in PORTICO. (1993)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bielefeldt, C. (1993, March). Automatic Incident Detection and Driver Warning in PORTICO. Presented at Advanced Transport Telematics Technical Days

This paper focuses on the low-volume incident detection and subsequent driver warning objectives of the PORTICO project. It proposes Automatic Incident Detection (AID) which uses a multimodel approach comprised of a number of different algorithms. A... Read More about Automatic Incident Detection and Driver Warning in PORTICO..

HERMES - High Efficiency Roads with Rerouteing Methods and Traffic Signal Control. (1993)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bielefeldt, C. (1993, September). HERMES - High Efficiency Roads with Rerouteing Methods and Traffic Signal Control. Presented at Institute of Transportation Engineers, 63rd Annual Meeting,

HERMES is one of the projects in the European ATT Programme. The ATT Programme (or DRIVE II as it is frequently referred to) is an application oriented Community Research and Technological Development Programme that has been conceived and implemented... Read More about HERMES - High Efficiency Roads with Rerouteing Methods and Traffic Signal Control..

Development of a real time Image analysis system for traffic monitoring applications. (1993)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Thompson, M. S., Wan, C. L., & Binnie, T. D. (2004, January). Development of a real time Image analysis system for traffic monitoring applications. Presented at Civil Comp. '93

Image processing offers unparalleled potential for traffic monitoring and control. For many years engineers have attempted to perfect the art of automatic data abstraction from sequences of video images. This paper outlines a research project underta... Read More about Development of a real time Image analysis system for traffic monitoring applications..

Strategies for Integrated Traffic Control. (1992)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bielefeldt, C. (1992, April). Strategies for Integrated Traffic Control. Presented at Sixth International Conference on Road Traffic Monitoring and Control

This paper begins with a short review of the current state of integrated traffic control. This is followed by a summary of the main components for the Integrated Road Transport Environment (IRTE) and the role of the DRIVE II project HERMES, which aim... Read More about Strategies for Integrated Traffic Control..

SIGMA - A New Program for Optimizing Signal Times. (1988)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bielefeldt, C. (1988, September). SIGMA - A New Program for Optimizing Signal Times. Presented at 58th Annual meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

What do you do with your app? A study of rider decision-making with real-time passenger information.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fonzone, A. (2015, January). What do you do with your app? A study of rider decision-making with real-time passenger information. Presented at Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC., USA

Provision of Real-Time Passenger Information (RTPI) is increasingly becoming a fundamental element of the service offered by transit agencies. RTPI changes the way in which travellers perceive public transport services and it can have remarkable cons... Read More about What do you do with your app? A study of rider decision-making with real-time passenger information..

Evaluating the impact of innovative cycling measures in EU cycling cities.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stewart, K., O'Dolan, C., & Carreno, M. (2015, April). Evaluating the impact of innovative cycling measures in EU cycling cities. Paper presented at 7th International Travel Demand Management Symposium

The impact of “softer” measures to improve cycling mode share are often difficult to quantify and
assess. The CHAMP project is an Intelligent Energy Europe funded project which brings together a
range of cycling cities across Europe which are all c... Read More about Evaluating the impact of innovative cycling measures in EU cycling cities..