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Liquidity risk premium and asset pricing in US water transportation (2013)
Journal Article
Panayides, P., Lambertides, N., & Cullinane, K. (2013). Liquidity risk premium and asset pricing in US water transportation. Transportation research. Part E, Logistics and transportation review, 52, 3-15.

The water transportation of freight has been one of the most important sectors in facilitating international trade and contributing to the growth of the world economy. Bearing in mind the importance of the relation between asset returns and liquidity... Read More about Liquidity risk premium and asset pricing in US water transportation.

Atmospheric emissions from shipping: the need for regulation and approaches to compliance (2013)
Journal Article
Cullinane, K., & Cullinane, S. (2013). Atmospheric emissions from shipping: the need for regulation and approaches to compliance. Transport Reviews, 33(4), 377-401.

Shipping has traditionally been viewed as the least environmentally damaging mode of freight transport. Recent studies have increasingly questioned this perception, as attention has focused on both the greenhouse gas emissions (mainly CO2) and the em... Read More about Atmospheric emissions from shipping: the need for regulation and approaches to compliance.

Maritime logistics as an emerging discipline (2013)
Journal Article
Panayides, P., & Song, D.-W. (2013). Maritime logistics as an emerging discipline. Maritime Policy and Management, 40(3), 295-308.

The evolution of maritime logistics as an emerging discipline has resulted, to a large extent, from the increasing and varied demands of shippers and customers and the rapidly changing role of ports in the context of supply and logistics chains. Scho... Read More about Maritime logistics as an emerging discipline.

Targeting the Environmental Sustainability of the European Shipping Sector - the need for innovation in policy and technology. (2013)
Cullinane, K. (2013). Targeting the Environmental Sustainability of the European Shipping Sector - the need for innovation in policy and technology. Gothenburg, Sweden: EPSD - Europoean Panel of Sustainable Development

The present report “Targeting the Environmental Sustainability of European Shipping:
The Need for Innovation in Policy and Technology” has emerged from a background
survey with the aim of mapping what is being done on sustainable shipping within th... Read More about Targeting the Environmental Sustainability of the European Shipping Sector - the need for innovation in policy and technology..

Intermodal freight corridor development in the United States. (2013)
Book Chapter
Monios, J., & Lambert, B. (2013). Intermodal freight corridor development in the United States. In G. Wilmsmeier, R. Bergqvist, & K. Cullinane (Eds.), Dryports - a global perspective. Ashgate Publishing

No abstract available.

A case study analysis of the role of intermodal transport in port regionalisation (2013)
Monios, J. A case study analysis of the role of intermodal transport in port regionalisation. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis presents an analysis of the role of intermodal transport in Notteboom and Rodrigue's (2005) port regionalisation concept, an approach to port development that focuses on the inland aspects of the process, as well as taking port developmen... Read More about A case study analysis of the role of intermodal transport in port regionalisation.

The Heartland intermodal corridor: public private partnerships and the transformation of institutional settings. (2013)
Journal Article
Monios, J., & Lambert, B. (2013). The Heartland intermodal corridor: public private partnerships and the transformation of institutional settings. Journal of Transport Geography, 27, 36-45.

This paper examines the development process of the HeartlandIntermodal Corridor from Norfolk, Virginia to Columbus, Ohio in the United States, opened in September 2010. The aim of the project was to decrease transport costs and increase competitivene... Read More about The Heartland intermodal corridor: public private partnerships and the transformation of institutional settings..

Counterbalancing peripherality and concentration: an analysis of the UK container port system (2013)
Journal Article
Wilmsmeier, G., & Monios, J. (2013). Counterbalancing peripherality and concentration: an analysis of the UK container port system. Maritime Policy and Management, 40, 116-132.

Over the last four decades, the UK container port system experienced a shift to and concentration in the southeast of the country, close to the English Channel. At the same time, traditional ports in the north and centre of the country have lost impo... Read More about Counterbalancing peripherality and concentration: an analysis of the UK container port system.

Investigation of driving cycles as tools to assess travel demand management in Edinburgh and Abu Dhabi (2013)
Al Zaidi, A. Investigation of driving cycles as tools to assess travel demand management in Edinburgh and Abu Dhabi. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Traffic congestion today is a major problem in almost all of the metropolitan areas of the world. An increasing level of congestion results in negative impacts on the urban environment. These include environmental pollution, energy problems and traff... Read More about Investigation of driving cycles as tools to assess travel demand management in Edinburgh and Abu Dhabi.

Pedestrian right-of-way violations at signalised pedestrian crossings in Edinburgh (2013)
Alnaqbi, K. S. Pedestrian right-of-way violations at signalised pedestrian crossings in Edinburgh. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The review of available literature related to pedestrian accidents indicates that the occurrence of pedestrian accidents is influenced by a diverse range of factors. However, few empirical studies have documented the effects of distance of pedestrian... Read More about Pedestrian right-of-way violations at signalised pedestrian crossings in Edinburgh.

Investigations of impacts of junction design on emissions: are our junctions sustainable? (2013)
Journal Article
Saleh, W., & Lawson, A. (2013). Investigations of impacts of junction design on emissions: are our junctions sustainable?. World journal of science, technology and sustainable development, 10(2), 143-151.

Purpose - An investigation of the driving behaviour and impacts on emission at two traffic junctions

Design/methodology/approach - A signalised junction and a roundabout in Edinburgh have been selected. An instrumented car has been used and a GPS... Read More about Investigations of impacts of junction design on emissions: are our junctions sustainable?.

Cycle lanes: their effect on driver passing distances in urban areas. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McHale, A., & Stewart, K. (2013, January). Cycle lanes: their effect on driver passing distances in urban areas. Paper presented at 45th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group

The current literature in the field of cycle lanes has shown often contradictory evidence as to the benefits and risks of cycle lanes and previous work has specifically shown that on higher speed roads, drivers may pass closer to a cyclist when a cyc... Read More about Cycle lanes: their effect on driver passing distances in urban areas..

How real‐world driving cycle differs in heterogeneous traffic conditions: a case study in Delhi (2013)
Journal Article
Kumar, R., Parida, P., Kanga Durai, B., & Saleh, W. (2013). How real‐world driving cycle differs in heterogeneous traffic conditions: a case study in Delhi. World journal of science, technology and sustainable development, 10(1), 66-80.

Purpose – Heterogeneous traffic in Delhi is complex to understand due its typical composition, speed acceleration, cruising, deceleration and idling activity in flow. To arrive at accurate emission factor estimates and implement proper traffic demand... Read More about How real‐world driving cycle differs in heterogeneous traffic conditions: a case study in Delhi.

Multi-path multi-criteria routing of hazardous materials in time-dependent networks. (2012)
Book Chapter
Hosseinloo, S. H., Kanturska, U., Fonzone, A., & Bell, M. G. H. (2012). Multi-path multi-criteria routing of hazardous materials in time-dependent networks. In E. Garbolino, M. Tkiouat, N. Yankevich, & D. Lachtar (Eds.), Transport of Dangerous Goods : Methods and Tools for Reducing the Risks of Accidents and Terrorist Attack (151-165). (Garbolino, Emmanuel; Tkiouat, Mohamed; Yankevich, Natalia; Lachtar, Dalanda). BMC.