Law enforcement and public health: Assessing risk and vulnerability Nov 1, 2017 - Oct 31, 2018
The aim of the project is to conduct a systematic review and host round-table discussions to explore the use of police discretion when making decisions in relation to individuals' vulnerability.
Exploring judgement and decision making noise in arboricultural risk assessment: What information do people use when making risk judgements, how does this influence decisions, and is this consistent across practitioners? Aug 1, 2022 - Jul 31, 2023
Aim: To explore the effect of “noise” on judgements that underpin tree risk assessment and how these affect decisions, to inform the development of a holistic tree risk assessment tool/measure/guideline (format will be dependent on the findings of th...
Read More about Exploring judgement and decision making noise in arboricultural risk assessment: What information do people use when making risk judgements, how does this influence decisions, and is this consistent across practitioners?.