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MMC modes of delivery in housing: Effects on Housing Association clients. Project Report. Flagship Group (2017)
Oliveira, S., Burch, J., Hutchison, K., Adekola, O., Jaradat, S., & Jones, M. (2017). MMC modes of delivery in housing: Effects on Housing Association clients. Project Report. Flagship Group. Flagship Group

The purpose of this report is to review evidence of MMC application in housing with regards to diverse modes of delivery, lending approaches, customer satisfaction and long-term management/maintenance.The report provides a detailed overview of above... Read More about MMC modes of delivery in housing: Effects on Housing Association clients. Project Report. Flagship Group.

BEETLE² (2017)
Digital Artefact
D'Amico, B., & Pomponi, F. (2017). BEETLE². []

BEETLE², (Built Environment Efficiency Tool for Low Environmental Externalities) is a tool aimed at promoting an efficient and effective use of resources in the built environment. Beetles can be found anywhere in the world and so do buildings. Beetle... Read More about BEETLE².

The generation of problem-focussed patent clusters: a comparative analysis of crowd intelligence with algorithmic and expert approaches (2017)
Journal Article
Wodehouse, A., Vasantha, G., Corney, J., Maclachlan, R., & Jagadeesan, A. (2017). The generation of problem-focussed patent clusters: a comparative analysis of crowd intelligence with algorithmic and expert approaches. Design Science: An International Journal, 3, Article e16.

This paper presents a new crowdsourcing approach to the construction of patent clusters, and systematically benchmarks it against previous expert and algorithmic approaches. Patent databases should be rich sources of inspiration which could lead engi... Read More about The generation of problem-focussed patent clusters: a comparative analysis of crowd intelligence with algorithmic and expert approaches.

Seismic liquefaction performance of strip foundations: Effect of ground improvement dimensions (2017)
Journal Article
Dimitriadi, V. E., Bouckovalas, G. D., Chaloulos, Y. K., & Aggelis, A. S. (2018). Seismic liquefaction performance of strip foundations: Effect of ground improvement dimensions. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 106, 298-307.

Evidence from field case studies, as well as from experimental and theoretical research, suggest that the detrimental effects of seismic liquefaction on the performance of surface foundations on level ground may be mitigated in presence of a non-liqu... Read More about Seismic liquefaction performance of strip foundations: Effect of ground improvement dimensions.

Review and application of a settlement model for landfills (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Esteban-Altabella, J., McDougall, J., Colomer-Mendoza, F., Gallardo, A., & Edo-Alcon, N. (2017, October). Review and application of a settlement model for landfills. Presented at 16TH International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium Sardinia 2017

The geotechnical behavior and settlement in landfills has been changing for many years. This behavior in fact depends on many factors and, therefore, making forecasts is complicated due to the effect of biodegradation. In order to solve this issue, m... Read More about Review and application of a settlement model for landfills.

Fault detection observer of a pilot plant papermaking machine (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Soufian, M., Borairi, M., & Yu, D. L. (2017, June). Fault detection observer of a pilot plant papermaking machine. Presented at 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE)

This paper presents the development of a bilinear system model and the application of a bilinear fault detection observer to a papermaking machine to detect various simulated faults. First a suitable MIMO bilinear model representation of the wet end... Read More about Fault detection observer of a pilot plant papermaking machine.

Optimal actuator\sensor placement and controller design for large flexible space structures and robotics (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Soufian, M., & Borairi, M. (2017, June). Optimal actuator\sensor placement and controller design for large flexible space structures and robotics. Presented at 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE)

This paper emphasizes the characterization of the dynamic motions of large flexible space structures (LFSS) and robotic arms in terms of poles and zeros, in order to develops a computational scheme for optimization of actuator and sensor locations. T... Read More about Optimal actuator\sensor placement and controller design for large flexible space structures and robotics.

Briefing: Embodied carbon dioxide assessment in buildings: guidance and gaps (2017)
Journal Article
Giesekam, J., & Pomponi, F. (2017). Briefing: Embodied carbon dioxide assessment in buildings: guidance and gaps. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability, 1-8.

The construction industry, through its activities and supply chains as well as the operation of the assets that it creates, is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. Embodied carbon dioxide emissions associated with the construction... Read More about Briefing: Embodied carbon dioxide assessment in buildings: guidance and gaps.

Bringing pupils into building energy performance: school design, construction and operation (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pomponi, F., Medina Campos, L., Moncaster, A., & Smith, S. (2017, July). Bringing pupils into building energy performance: school design, construction and operation. Presented at PLEA 2017 - Passive and Low Energy Architecture

Colegio Rochester is school in Colombia with a strong vision for sustainability. This vision permeates the new school building which was the first school in Latin America to be awarded a LEED Gold certification. This article uses Colegio Rochester as... Read More about Bringing pupils into building energy performance: school design, construction and operation.

Transforming challenges into opportunities in social housing: a case study from Italy (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pomponi, L., Sablone, E., Rusconi Clerici, L., Consalez, L., & Pomponi, F. (2017, July). Transforming challenges into opportunities in social housing: a case study from Italy. Presented at PLEA 2017 - Passive and Low Energy Architecture

Social housing often aims to provide sheltering for people on low incomes or with particular needs. This results in a constraints-dominated context where environmental and social sustainability find little room. Neglecting environmental and social is... Read More about Transforming challenges into opportunities in social housing: a case study from Italy.

Zooming in on biomimicry: the potential of tensegrity structures (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pomponi, F., & Inzitari, G. (2017, July). Zooming in on biomimicry: the potential of tensegrity structures. Presented at PLEA 2017 - Passive and Low Energy Architecture

The foundations of biomimicry lie with the idea that Nature can inspire solutions to complex human problems. Biomimicry in Architecture is a rapidly growing field which also echoes the new paradigm of a circular economy. Recent applications of biomim... Read More about Zooming in on biomimicry: the potential of tensegrity structures.

Discrepancies between theoretical and actual heating demand in Scottish modern dwellings (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bros Williamson, J., Stinson, J., Garnier, C., & Currie, J. (2017, July). Discrepancies between theoretical and actual heating demand in Scottish modern dwellings. Presented at Passive Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) 2017 "Design to Thrive"

The study reports on the differences between the actual heat consumption profiles of twelve dwellings monitored for four years and their predicted heat demand profiles as calculated by the UK Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP). This mon... Read More about Discrepancies between theoretical and actual heating demand in Scottish modern dwellings.

Seismic performance of strip foundations on liquefiable soils with a permeable crust (2017)
Journal Article
Dimitriadi, V., Bouckovalas, G., & Papadimitriou, A. (2017). Seismic performance of strip foundations on liquefiable soils with a permeable crust. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 100, 396-409.

Modern seismic codes dictate that the use of shallow foundations on liquefiable soils may be considered only after appropriate ground improvement. No further instructions are given regarding the improvement depth, or what changes if the surface layer... Read More about Seismic performance of strip foundations on liquefiable soils with a permeable crust.

Bio inspired design: when sun and wind are there to help (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pomponi, F., Medina Campos, L., & Moncaster, A. (2017, June). Bio inspired design: when sun and wind are there to help. Paper presented at 23rd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference

Colombia is increasingly acknowledging the role that bioclimatic design of buildings can play within both environmental sustainability — through reductions in energy consumption and GHG emissions — and social sustainability — through the promotion of... Read More about Bio inspired design: when sun and wind are there to help.

Bringing new species to the market place (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017, May). Bringing new species to the market place. Presented at EFIATLANTIC AND IEFC ANNUAL MEETING The Role of Alternative Tree Species in the Forests of Atlantic Europe

Timber grading (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017, May). Timber grading. Presented at Tree Breeding and Forest Products - An update on current research

Textile carbon reinforcement structures with integrated optical fibre sensors designed for SHM applications (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alwis, L. S. M., Bremer, K., Weigand, F., Kuhne, M., Helbig, R., & Roth, B. (2017, April). Textile carbon reinforcement structures with integrated optical fibre sensors designed for SHM applications. Presented at 25th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Jeju, South Korea

An optical fibre-based strain sensor “stitched” to a functionalised carbon structure (FCS) that can be used for structural health monitoring is introduced. The aim of the design is not only to monitor strain, but also to strengthen the structure. The... Read More about Textile carbon reinforcement structures with integrated optical fibre sensors designed for SHM applications.

The influence of particle geometry and the intermediate stress ratio on the shear behavior of granular materials (2017)
Journal Article
Xie, Y. H., Yang, Z. X., Barreto, D., & Jiang, M. D. (2017). The influence of particle geometry and the intermediate stress ratio on the shear behavior of granular materials. Granular Matter, 19(2), 34-48.

The behavior of granular materials is very complex in nature and depends on particle shape, stress path, fabric, density, particle size distribution, amongst others. This paper presents a study of the effect of particle geometry (aspect ratio) on the... Read More about The influence of particle geometry and the intermediate stress ratio on the shear behavior of granular materials.

A Method to Facilitate Uncertainty Analysis in LCAs of Buildings (2017)
Journal Article
Pomponi, F., D'Amico, B., & Moncaster, A. M. (2017). A Method to Facilitate Uncertainty Analysis in LCAs of Buildings. Energies, 10(4), 524.

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is increasingly becoming a common technique to assess the embodied energy and carbon of buildings and their components over their life cycle. However, the vast majority of existing LCAs result in very definite, determinist... Read More about A Method to Facilitate Uncertainty Analysis in LCAs of Buildings.