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Assessment of efficiency of air abrasive cleaning on masonry stones and bricks using greyscale Imaging analysis (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Reza, H., Zhang, B., & Gupta, N. K. (2015, April). Assessment of efficiency of air abrasive cleaning on masonry stones and bricks using greyscale Imaging analysis. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Construction Engineering (CSCE 2015), Rome, Italy

Advanced greyscale imaging analysis was
conducted using Adobe Photoshop 6 on the surfaces of masonry
stones and clay bricks, taken from old buildings, to accurately
assess the efficiency of building cleaning. Five commonly used
masonry stones and... Read More about Assessment of efficiency of air abrasive cleaning on masonry stones and bricks using greyscale Imaging analysis.

Micromechanical insight into the undrained instability of granular materials: deformation characteristics of geomaterials. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barreto, D., Prada-Sarmiento, L. F., & Ramos-Cañón, A. M. (2015, November). Micromechanical insight into the undrained instability of granular materials: deformation characteristics of geomaterials. Presented at 6th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials

There is no agreement between experimental researchers whether the point where a granular material responds with a large change of stresses, strains or excess pore water pressure given a prescribed small input of some of the same variables defines a... Read More about Micromechanical insight into the undrained instability of granular materials: deformation characteristics of geomaterials..

Increasing need for Offsite Construction and Manufactured Infrastructure in the UK Economy (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, R. S., Wood, J. B., & Hairstans, R. (2015, December). Increasing need for Offsite Construction and Manufactured Infrastructure in the UK Economy. Presented at CIAT Symposium 2016

Due to increasing demand for housing and other building infrastructure the methodology of offsite construction is becoming more attractive to developers, local authorities and government organisations. This paper outlines some of the key drivers such... Read More about Increasing need for Offsite Construction and Manufactured Infrastructure in the UK Economy.

Developing performance-based standards for external timber cladding (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davies, I. (2015, June). Developing performance-based standards for external timber cladding. Presented at 6th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC 2015, Torino, Italy

This paper reviews the background to, and development of, new British Standards for external timber cladding. The standards are being produced because timber has become a widely used external cladding material in the UK and this has highlighted that... Read More about Developing performance-based standards for external timber cladding.

The effect of polymer materials on the fracture characteristics of high performance concrete (HPC) (2015)
Yahya, M. A. The effect of polymer materials on the fracture characteristics of high performance concrete (HPC). (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Compared with most construction materials, concrete is considered as a brittle material, and its brittleness increases with the compressive strength. For super-high-strength concrete, failure can be sudden, explosive and disastrous. Also the tensile... Read More about The effect of polymer materials on the fracture characteristics of high performance concrete (HPC).

Analysis of strip foundation performance on liquefied ground with limited ground improvement (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dimitriadi, V., & Bouckovalas, G. (2015, September). Analysis of strip foundation performance on liquefied ground with limited ground improvement. Presented at XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

According to modern seismic codes, the use of shallow foundations on liquefiable soils is only acceptable after proper ground improvement underneath and around the foundation. Still, there are no widely acceptable guidelines for choosing the required... Read More about Analysis of strip foundation performance on liquefied ground with limited ground improvement.

Numerical analysis of liquefaction affected shallow foundations performance on improved ground. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dimitriadi, V., Bouckovalas, G., & Chaloulos, Y. (2015, September). Numerical analysis of liquefaction affected shallow foundations performance on improved ground. Presented at XVI ECSMGE Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

A novel numerical methodology is presented and used to simulate the seismic response of footings on liquefiable ground, locally improved in order to reduce settlements and increase the bearing capacity of the foundation. The numerical simulation adop... Read More about Numerical analysis of liquefaction affected shallow foundations performance on improved ground..

Energy performance of Double-Skin Façades in temperate climates: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2015)
Journal Article
Pomponi, F., Piroozfar, P. A. E., Southall, R., Ashton, P., & Farr, E. R. P. (2016). Energy performance of Double-Skin Façades in temperate climates: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 54, 1525-1536.

Double Skin Façades (DSFs) are applied in both new and existing buildings, especially in temperate climates. Research in this area is steadily growing; however, there is a lack of conclusive results in available literature about energy performances r... Read More about Energy performance of Double-Skin Façades in temperate climates: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Double skin façade (DSF) technologies for UK office refurbishments: A systemic matchmaking practice (2015)
Journal Article
Pomponi, F., & Piroozfar, P. A. E. (2015). Double skin façade (DSF) technologies for UK office refurbishments: A systemic matchmaking practice. Structural survey, 33(4/5), 372-406.

The purpose of this paper is to establish how UK offices and double skin façade (DSF) technologies can be best matched for refurbishment purposes.
This research uses a mixed methodology including primary and sec... Read More about Double skin façade (DSF) technologies for UK office refurbishments: A systemic matchmaking practice.

Timber Grid-shell Structures: form-finding, analysis and optimisation (2015)
D'Amico, B. Timber Grid-shell Structures: form-finding, analysis and optimisation. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis aims to provide a set of tools for analysis and design of free-form timber grid-shells. It provides a brief introduction on the relationship between shape and structural behaviour of grid-shells, followed by an introduction to actively-be... Read More about Timber Grid-shell Structures: form-finding, analysis and optimisation.

Wooden construction - Innovation and creativity (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kermani, A. (2015, October). Wooden construction - Innovation and creativity. Presented at 8th International Conference DECO

Wooden construction - innovation and creativity.

An Investigation into GHG and non-GHG Impacts of Double Skin Façades in Office Refurbishments: Low-Carbon Refurbishment with Double Skin Façades (2015)
Journal Article
Piroozfar, P. A., Farr, E. R., & Pomponi, F. (2016). An Investigation into GHG and non-GHG Impacts of Double Skin Façades in Office Refurbishments: Low-Carbon Refurbishment with Double Skin Façades. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 20(2), 234-248.

The building sector is a major contributor to energy consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and depletion of natural resources. In developed countries, existing buildings represent the majority of the stock, their low-carbon refurbishment hence... Read More about An Investigation into GHG and non-GHG Impacts of Double Skin Façades in Office Refurbishments: Low-Carbon Refurbishment with Double Skin Façades.

Comparing usefulness of acoustic measurements on standing trees for segregation by timber stiffness. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gil-Moreno, D., & Ridley-Ellis, D. (2015, September). Comparing usefulness of acoustic measurements on standing trees for segregation by timber stiffness. Presented at 19th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

The paper presents a comparison of standard procedures to measure acoustic stiffness of standing trees and logs. The aim is to see how useful they are for predicting the properties of dry, sawn, timber for the purposes of resource segregation in indu... Read More about Comparing usefulness of acoustic measurements on standing trees for segregation by timber stiffness..

Life cycle energy and carbon assessment of double skin façades for office refurbishments (2015)
Journal Article
Pomponi, F., Piroozfar, P. A. E., Southall, R., Ashton, P., & Farr, E. R. P. (2015). Life cycle energy and carbon assessment of double skin façades for office refurbishments. Energy and Buildings, 109, 143-156.

In countries like the UK, the upkeep of existing buildings is where the greatest opportunities for achieving carbon reduction targets lie. Façades are the physical barriers between outdoors and indoors, and their upgrade can arguably be amongst the m... Read More about Life cycle energy and carbon assessment of double skin façades for office refurbishments.

Dynamic compaction of collapsible soils – case study from a motorway project in Romania (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tsitsas, G., Dimitriadi, V., Zekkos, D., Dumitru, M., Ciortan, R., & Manea, S. (2015, September). Dynamic compaction of collapsible soils – case study from a motorway project in Romania. Presented at Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development: XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

Dynamic compaction is a widely used ground improvement method applicable to a variety of soils including collapsible loess. The paper presents site characterization and ground improvement performance results obtained from a 22 kilometer motorway proj... Read More about Dynamic compaction of collapsible soils – case study from a motorway project in Romania.

[INVITED] Developments in optical fibre sensors for industrial applications (2015)
Journal Article
Alwis, L., Sun, T., & Grattan, K. (2015). [INVITED] Developments in optical fibre sensors for industrial applications. Optics and Laser Technology, 78(Part A), 62-66.

The development of intrinsic optical fiber pH sensors based on fluorescence from novel coumarin dyes which are covalently immobilized onto the distal end of the fiber is described. The sensors provide response in the pH range of 0.5 − 6 with good sta... Read More about [INVITED] Developments in optical fibre sensors for industrial applications.

Optical Fibre Refractive Index Sensor in a Hybrid Fibre Grating Configuration (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alwis, L., Sun, T., & T.V. Grattan, K. (2015, September). Optical Fibre Refractive Index Sensor in a Hybrid Fibre Grating Configuration. Presented at EuroSensors 2015, Freiburg, Germany

A temperature compensated Refractive Index (RI) sensor incorporating a Long Period Grating (LPG) and a Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) in a series configuration has been developed and evaluated. The LPG was used as a RI sensor allowing it to respond to ext... Read More about Optical Fibre Refractive Index Sensor in a Hybrid Fibre Grating Configuration.

An overview of research activities and achievement in Geotechnics from the Scottish Universities Geotechnics Network (SUGN) (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Leung, A., Anastasopoulos, I. X., Augarde, C. E., Barreto, D., Brennan, A. J., Brown, M. J. Z., Connolly, D., Coombs, W. M., Davies, T., Gao, Z., Ivanovic, A., Kenny, M., Knappett, J. A., Lombardi, D., McDougall, J., Medero, G., Muir Wood, D., El Mountassir, G., Osman, A. S., Pytharouli, S., …Zielinski, M. (2015, September). An overview of research activities and achievement in Geotechnics from the Scottish Universities Geotechnics Network (SUGN). Presented at 16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Edinburgh

Design of geotechnical systems is often challenging as it requires the understanding of complex soil behaviour and its influence on field-scale performance of geo-structures. To advance the scientific knowledge and the technological development in ge... Read More about An overview of research activities and achievement in Geotechnics from the Scottish Universities Geotechnics Network (SUGN).

Double- or Single-Skin Façades for Low-Carbon Office Refurbishments in the UK: A Comparative Case Study (2015)
Book Chapter
Pomponi, F., & Piroozfar, P. A. (2015). Double- or Single-Skin Façades for Low-Carbon Office Refurbishments in the UK: A Comparative Case Study. In A. Sayigh (Ed.), Renewable Energy in the Service of Mankind Vol I (379-389). Springer.

In the UK, 75% of non-domestic buildings will still exist in 2050, and the reduction of their emissions represents a major challenge for the UK government to meet the greenhouse gases (GHG) target. There is a growing tendency towards the use of doubl... Read More about Double- or Single-Skin Façades for Low-Carbon Office Refurbishments in the UK: A Comparative Case Study.