Workloads of Competitive Surfing: Work-to-Relief Ratios, Surf-Break Demands, and Updated Analysis
Journal Article
Farley, O. R., Secomb, J. L., Raymond, E. R., Lundgren, L. E., Ferrier, B. K., Abbiss, C. R., & Sheppard, J. M. (2018). Workloads of Competitive Surfing: Work-to-Relief Ratios, Surf-Break Demands, and Updated Analysis. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 32(10), 2939-2948.
The study provides an in-depth descriptive and quantitative time-motion analysis of competitive surfing, using Global PositioningSystem (GPS) units and video synchronization, which serves toextend upon the results of Farley, Harris, and Kilding (Jour... Read More about Workloads of Competitive Surfing: Work-to-Relief Ratios, Surf-Break Demands, and Updated Analysis.