Performance Evaluation of the RPL Protocol in Fixed and Mobile Sink Low-Power and Lossy-Networks
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wadhaj, I., Kristof, I., Romdhani, I., & Al-Dubai, A. (2015, October). Performance Evaluation of the RPL Protocol in Fixed and Mobile Sink Low-Power and Lossy-Networks. Presented at 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing
Low-Power and Lossy-Network (LLN) are usually composed of static nodes, but the increase demand for mobility in mobile robotic and dynamic environment raises the question how a routing protocol for low-power and lossy-networks such as (RPL) would per... Read More about Performance Evaluation of the RPL Protocol in Fixed and Mobile Sink Low-Power and Lossy-Networks.