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Impact on hypertension control of patient-held guideline: a randomised controlled trial. (2006)
Journal Article
McKinstry, B., Hanley, J., Heaney, D., McLoughlan, L., Elton, R., & Webb, D. (2006). Impact on hypertension control of patient-held guideline: a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of General Practice, 56, 842-847

Hypertension is generally poorly controlled in primary care. One possible intervention for improving control is the harnessing of patient expertise through education and encouragement to challenge their care.

To determine whethe... Read More about Impact on hypertension control of patient-held guideline: a randomised controlled trial..

The economic costs of health service treatments for asbestos-related mesothelioma deaths. (2006)
Journal Article
Watterson, A., Gorman, T., Malcolm, C., Robinson, M., & Beck, M. (2006). The economic costs of health service treatments for asbestos-related mesothelioma deaths. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1076(1), 871-881.

This article explores the complex and neglected picture of occupational and environmental disease healthcare costs specifically relating to asbestos. Diagnosed mesothelioma cases in Scotland in one calendar year were used to investigate the subject i... Read More about The economic costs of health service treatments for asbestos-related mesothelioma deaths..

Body piercing: a dangerous practice in type 1 diabetes? (2006)
Journal Article
Charlton, J., Adamson, K., Strachan, M., & Mcknight, J. (2006). Body piercing: a dangerous practice in type 1 diabetes?. Practical Diabetes International, 23(4), 166-168.

Body piercing is becoming increasingly common, but is not without complications. We present the cases of two patients with type 1 diabetes who required hospital admission following tongue piercing. These cases led us to survey the current practice of... Read More about Body piercing: a dangerous practice in type 1 diabetes?.

Smoke-free hospitals and the role of smoking cessation services. (2006)
Journal Article
Neubeck, L. (2006). Smoke-free hospitals and the role of smoking cessation services. British Journal of Nursing, 15(5), 248-251.

The NHS must be smoke free by the end of 2006 (Department of Health, 2004). The necessary elements to introducing a smoke-free policy, which is workable and equitable, are the management of the policy and offering support to smokers. Smoking and seco... Read More about Smoke-free hospitals and the role of smoking cessation services..

Patient perspectives on multiple medications versus combined pills: a qualitative study (2005)
Journal Article
Williams, B., Shaw, A., Durrant, R., Crinson, I., Pagliari, C., & de Lusignan, S. (2005). Patient perspectives on multiple medications versus combined pills: a qualitative study. QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 98(12), 885-893.

A growing number of patients are taking multiple medications. Unfortunately, adherence may fall as drug numbers and procedural complexity increase. While there are plausible theoretical reasons why combining pills might improve non-adher... Read More about Patient perspectives on multiple medications versus combined pills: a qualitative study.

Closing the health inequalities gap: an international perspective. (2005)
Preprint / Working Paper
Crombie, I. K., Irvine, L., Elliott, L., & Wallace, H. Closing the health inequalities gap: an international perspective

This report presents an analysis of official documents on government policies to tackle inequalities in health from 13 developed countries. All countries recognize that health inequalities are caused by adverse socioeconomic and environmental circums... Read More about Closing the health inequalities gap: an international perspective..

Challenges in conducting research with hospitalized older people with cancer: drawing from the experience of an ongoing interview-based project. (2004)
Journal Article
Chouliara, Z., Kearney, N., Worth, A., & Stott, D. (2004). ongoing interview-based project. European Journal of Cancer Care, 13, 409-415

Older people with cancer often face the prospect of cognitive and physical frailty, increased vulnerability of
psychological distress and limited access to resources. These factors present ethical and methodological
challenges for conducting resear... Read More about Challenges in conducting research with hospitalized older people with cancer: drawing from the experience of an ongoing interview-based project..

Variation in the alcohol content of a ‘drink’ of wine and spirit poured by a sample of the Scottish population (2004)
Journal Article
Gill, J. S., & Donaghy, M. (2004). Variation in the alcohol content of a ‘drink’ of wine and spirit poured by a sample of the Scottish population. Health Education Research, 19(5), 485-491.

The standard UK alcohol unit is used to record alcohol consumption and, in health promotion, as a useful yardstick by which the public may be encouraged to monitor their own drinking levels. To investigate the correspondence between this standard uni... Read More about Variation in the alcohol content of a ‘drink’ of wine and spirit poured by a sample of the Scottish population.

Partnerships with health and private voluntary organizations: what are the issues for health authorities and boards? (2003)
Journal Article
Coid, D., Williams, B., & Crombie, I. (2003). Partnerships with health and private voluntary organizations: what are the issues for health authorities and boards?. Public Health, 117(5), 317-322.

Background. The number of voluntary organizations active in health care is considerable. There have been recent calls for a new closer working relationship between voluntary bodies and the National Health Service. The relationship between the two hea... Read More about Partnerships with health and private voluntary organizations: what are the issues for health authorities and boards?.

Three journeys to reflexivity. (2003)
Book Chapter
McKay, E., Ryan, S., & Sumsion, T. (2003). Three journeys to reflexivity. In L. Finlay, & B. Gough (Eds.), Reflexivity: a critical guide for researchers in health and social science (52-65)

Factors associated with breast screening attendance: A controlled comparison between attenders and non-attenders in Scotland. (2002)
Journal Article
Chouliara, Z., Power, K., Swanson, V., & Johnstone, F. (2002). Factors associated with breast screening attendance: A controlled comparison between attenders and non-attenders in Scotland. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 40, 78-90.

The present study aimed to compare a sample of screening mammography attenders with a sample of non-attenders, in terms of knowledge about breast cancer and mammography, health beliefs and personality variables, and identify factors associated with a... Read More about Factors associated with breast screening attendance: A controlled comparison between attenders and non-attenders in Scotland..

Unintentional Injury during Foreign Travel: A Review (2002)
Journal Article
McInnes, R. J., Williamson, L. M., & Morrison, A. (2002). Unintentional Injury during Foreign Travel: A Review. Journal of Travel Medicine, 9(6), 297-307.

Unintentional injury is a global public health problem. In 1990, an estimated 5 million people worldwide died as a result of an injury or poisoning. This accounted for 10% of deaths from all causes that year, and over half of the estimated 900 millio... Read More about Unintentional Injury during Foreign Travel: A Review.

Limits of teacher delivered sex education: interim behavioural outcomes from randomised trial. (2002)
Journal Article
Wight, D., Raab, G., Henderson, M., Abraham, C., Buston, K., Hart, G., & Scott, S. (2002). Limits of teacher delivered sex education: interim behavioural outcomes from randomised trial. The BMJ, 324, 1430-1435.

The authors report on an innovative teenage sex education program focused specifically on unsafe practices and presented by teachers. The program had no effect on sexual activity or sexual risk taking among the teenage students. However, the students... Read More about Limits of teacher delivered sex education: interim behavioural outcomes from randomised trial..