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A mixed method, embedded approach to exploring participation in an exercise referral scheme (2020)
Journal Article
Hanson, C. . L., & Dawkes, S. (2020). A mixed method, embedded approach to exploring participation in an exercise referral scheme. Sage Research Methods Cases,

The case aims to highlight the potential of using a mixed methods embedded design to understand the effects of an intervention and provide greater understanding of how participant circumstances influence engagement. This case derives from larger a Bu... Read More about A mixed method, embedded approach to exploring participation in an exercise referral scheme.

A systematic review and thematic synthesis exploring how a previous experience of physically activity influences engagement with cardiac rehabilitation (2019)
Journal Article
McHale, S., Astin, F., Neubeck, L., Dawkes, S., & Hanson, C. (2020). A systematic review and thematic synthesis exploring how a previous experience of physically activity influences engagement with cardiac rehabilitation. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 19(1), 31-43.

Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation is recognised internationally as an effective therapy to improve quality of life and reduce risk of hospital readmission for individuals diagnosed with Acute Coronary Syndrome. Despite this, half of... Read More about A systematic review and thematic synthesis exploring how a previous experience of physically activity influences engagement with cardiac rehabilitation.

Eating Habits of Young Persons for Healthy Aging: An Exploratory Study Involving University Students in Hong Kong (2017)
Book Chapter
Cheung, S. T., & Dawkes, S. (2017). Eating Habits of Young Persons for Healthy Aging: An Exploratory Study Involving University Students in Hong Kong. In B. Fong, A. Ng, & P. Yuen (Eds.), Sustainable Health and Long-Term Care Solutions for an Aging Population (343-356). IGI Global.

Fruits and vegetables are important parts of healthy eating and they provide excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber in our diet. Those who consume fruits and vegetables regularly have a reduced risk of many chronic diseases. Accor... Read More about Eating Habits of Young Persons for Healthy Aging: An Exploratory Study Involving University Students in Hong Kong.