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Screening mammography uptake within Australia and Scotland in rural and urban populations. (2015)
Journal Article
Leung, J., McLaughlin, D., Woods, L. M., Henderson, R., Watson, A., Kyle, R. G., …MacLeod, C. (2015). Screening mammography uptake within Australia and Scotland in rural and urban populations. Preventive medicine reports, 2, 559-562.

Objective. To test the hypothesis that rural populations had lower uptake of screening mammography than urban populations in the Scottish and Australian setting.
Method. Scottish data are based upon information fromthe Scottish Breast Screening Prog... Read More about Screening mammography uptake within Australia and Scotland in rural and urban populations..

Prevalence of skin problems and leg ulceration in a sample of young injecting drug users (2014)
Journal Article
Coull, A. F., Atherton, I., Taylor, A., & Watterson, A. E. (2014). Prevalence of skin problems and leg ulceration in a sample of young injecting drug users. Harm Reduction Journal, 11(1), 22.

Drug users suffer harm from the injecting process, and clinical services are reporting increasing numbers presenting with skin-related problems such as abscesses and leg ulcers. Skin breakdown can lead to long-term health problems and increased servi... Read More about Prevalence of skin problems and leg ulceration in a sample of young injecting drug users.