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Death‐associated protein kinase (DAPK) and signal transduction: blebbing in programmed cell death. (2009)
Journal Article
Bovellan, M., Fritzsche, M., Stevens, C., & Charras, G. (2010). Death‐associated protein kinase (DAPK) and signal transduction: blebbing in programmed cell death. FEBS Journal, 277(1), 58-65.

Death-associated protein kinase (DAPK) is a stress-regulated protein kinase that mediates a range of processes, including signal-induced cell death and autophagy. Although the kinase domain of DAPK has a range of substrates that mediate its signallin... Read More about Death‐associated protein kinase (DAPK) and signal transduction: blebbing in programmed cell death..

Polymer microspheres for microbial detection (2009)
Atthakor, W. Polymer microspheres for microbial detection. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Microspheres have become an important material in the biomedical and environmental sciences, particularly for use in the detection of pathogenic microorganisms and toxins as well as for use as carriers in drug delivery. In this study, their use in mi... Read More about Polymer microspheres for microbial detection.

Molecular Phylogeny and Surface Morphology of Marine Archigregarines (Apicomplexa),Selenidiumspp.,Filipodium phascolosomaen. sp., andPlatyproteumn. g. and comb. from North-Eastern Pacific Peanut Worms (Sipuncula) (2009)
Journal Article
Leander, B. S., & Rueckert, S. (2009). Molecular Phylogeny and Surface Morphology of Marine Archigregarines (Apicomplexa),Selenidiumspp.,Filipodium phascolosomaen. sp., andPlatyproteumn. g. and comb. from North-Eastern Pacific Peanut Worms (Sipuncula). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 56(5), 428-439.

The trophozoites of two novel archigregarines, Selenidium pisinnus n. sp. and Filipodium phascolosomae n. sp., were described from the sipunculid Phascolosoma agassizii. The trophozoites of S. pisinnus n. sp. were relatively small (64–100 μm long and... Read More about Molecular Phylogeny and Surface Morphology of Marine Archigregarines (Apicomplexa),Selenidiumspp.,Filipodium phascolosomaen. sp., andPlatyproteumn. g. and comb. from North-Eastern Pacific Peanut Worms (Sipuncula).

Phylogenetic position and description of Rhytidocystis cyamus sp. n. (Apicomplexa, Rhytidocystidae): a novel intestinal parasite of the north-eastern Pacific ‘stink worm’ (Polychaeta, Opheliidae, Travisia pupa) (2009)
Journal Article
Rueckert, S., & Leander, B. S. (2009). Phylogenetic position and description of Rhytidocystis cyamus sp. n. (Apicomplexa, Rhytidocystidae): a novel intestinal parasite of the north-eastern Pacific ‘stink worm’ (Polychaeta, Opheliidae, Travisia pupa). Marine Biodiversity, 39(4), 227-234.

A new Rhytidocystis species is described from the north-eastern Pacific Coast. Trophozoites of R. cyamus sp. n. were isolated from the intestines of the opheliid polychaete Travisia pupa, collected from mud dredged at a depth of 80 m. The trophozoite... Read More about Phylogenetic position and description of Rhytidocystis cyamus sp. n. (Apicomplexa, Rhytidocystidae): a novel intestinal parasite of the north-eastern Pacific ‘stink worm’ (Polychaeta, Opheliidae, Travisia pupa).

Effect of ozone on spore germination, spore production and biomass production in two Aspergillus species (2009)
Journal Article
Antony-Babu, S., & Singleton, I. (2009). Effect of ozone on spore germination, spore production and biomass production in two Aspergillus species. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 96(4), 413-422.

The ability of ozone gas to reduce food spoilage is relatively well documented, but the developmental effects of the gas on food spoilage fungi are not well known. In this study two model aspergilli, Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus ochraceus wer... Read More about Effect of ozone on spore germination, spore production and biomass production in two Aspergillus species.

Deletion of Irs2 reduces amyloid deposition and rescues behavioural deficits in APP transgenic mice (2009)
Journal Article
Killick, R., Scales, G., Leroy, K., Causevic, M., Hooper, C., Irvine, E. E., Choudhury, A. I., Drinkwater, L., Kerr, F., Al-Qassab, H., Stephenson, J., Yilmaz, Z., Giese, K. P., Brion, J.-P., Withers, D. J., & Lovestone, S. (2009). Deletion of Irs2 reduces amyloid deposition and rescues behavioural deficits in APP transgenic mice. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 386(1), 257-262.

As impaired insulin signalling (IIS) is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease we crossed mice (Tg2576) over-expressing human amyloid precursor protein (APP), with insulin receptor substrate 2 null (Irs2(-/-)) mice which develop insulin resistance. Th... Read More about Deletion of Irs2 reduces amyloid deposition and rescues behavioural deficits in APP transgenic mice.

Quantum Dots: An investigation into how differing surface characteristics affect their interaction with macrophages in vitro (2009)
Clift, M. J. D. Quantum Dots: An investigation into how differing surface characteristics affect their interaction with macrophages in vitro. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Quantum dots (QDs) are potentially advantageous tools for both diagnostics and therapeutics due to their light emitting characteristics. The impact of QDs on biological systems however, is not fully understood. The aim of this project therefore, was... Read More about Quantum Dots: An investigation into how differing surface characteristics affect their interaction with macrophages in vitro.