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Habitat preferences by individual humpback whale mothers in the Hawaiian breeding grounds vary with the age and size of their calves (2017)
Journal Article
Pack, A. A., Herman, L. M., Craig, A. S., Spitz, S. S., Waterman, J. O., Herman, E. Y., Deakos, M. H., Hakala, S., & Lowe, C. (2017). Habitat preferences by individual humpback whale mothers in the Hawaiian breeding grounds vary with the age and size of their calves. Animal Behaviour, 133, 131-144.

We investigated whether calf age and calf size influence habitat choice by humpback whale motherecalf pairs in their breeding grounds. During 1997e2008, we conducted focal follows of motherecalf pairs in Hawaiian waters. Tail-fluke identification pho... Read More about Habitat preferences by individual humpback whale mothers in the Hawaiian breeding grounds vary with the age and size of their calves.

Use of shallow water habitats by maternal female humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the breeding grounds decreases as length of residency and calf size increase. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Waterman, J. O., Pack, A. A., Herman, L. M., Craig, A. S., Spitz, S. S., Herman, E. Y. K., Deakos, M. H., Hakala, S., & Lowe, C. (2015, December). Use of shallow water habitats by maternal female humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the breeding grounds decreases as length of residency and calf size increase. Poster presented at 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals

Size-assortative pairing and discrimination of potential mates by humpback whales in the Hawaiian breeding grounds (2012)
Journal Article
Pack, A. A., Herman, L. M., Spitz, S. S., Craig, A. S., Hakala, S., Deakos, M. H., Herman, E. Y., Milette, A. J., Carroll, E., Levitt, S., & Lowe, C. (2012). Size-assortative pairing and discrimination of potential mates by humpback whales in the Hawaiian breeding grounds. Animal Behaviour, 84(4), 983-993.

Assortative pairing, and its relation to mate choice, has rarely been documented in mammals. Using data collected from 1998-2007, we investigated size-assortative pairing as it relates to discrimination amongst potential mates in humpback whale (Mega... Read More about Size-assortative pairing and discrimination of potential mates by humpback whales in the Hawaiian breeding grounds.

Resightings of humpback whales in Hawaiian waters over spans of 10-32 years: Site fidelity, sex ratios, calving rates, female demographics, and the dynamics of social and behavioral roles of individuals (2010)
Journal Article
Herman, L. M., Pack, A. A., Rose, K., Craig, A., Herman, E. Y. K., Hakala, S., & Milette, A. (2011). Resightings of humpback whales in Hawaiian waters over spans of 10-32 years: Site fidelity, sex ratios, calving rates, female demographics, and the dynamics of social and behavioral roles of individuals. Marine Mammal Science, 27(4), 736-768.

From a database of approximately 5,000 Hawaiian humpback whales identified photographically between 1976 and 2010, we extracted 71 males and 39 females having resighting spans of 10 or more years, from first to most recent sighting. Findings include... Read More about Resightings of humpback whales in Hawaiian waters over spans of 10-32 years: Site fidelity, sex ratios, calving rates, female demographics, and the dynamics of social and behavioral roles of individuals.