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Is the Zero-Wait Policy Always Optimum for Information Freshness (Peak Age) or Throughput? (2019)
Journal Article
Barakat, B., Keates, S., Wassell, I., & Arshad, K. (2019). Is the Zero-Wait Policy Always Optimum for Information Freshness (Peak Age) or Throughput?. IEEE Communications Letters, 23(6), 987-990.

The Zero-Wait (ZW) policy is widely held to achieve maximum information 'freshness', i.e., to achieve minimum Peak Age (PA) and maximum throughput, for real-time Internet-of-Things applications. In this paper, it was shown through a series of experim... Read More about Is the Zero-Wait Policy Always Optimum for Information Freshness (Peak Age) or Throughput?.

The impact of head movements on user involvement in mediated interaction (2015)
Journal Article
Bamoallem, B. S., Wodehouse, A. J., Mair, G. M., & Vasantha, G. A. (2016). The impact of head movements on user involvement in mediated interaction. Computers in Human Behavior, 55(A), 424-431.

Communication takes place not only through speech, but also through gestures such as facial expressions, gaze, head movements, hand movements and body posture. Although developing rapidly, current communication platforms do not facilitate the types o... Read More about The impact of head movements on user involvement in mediated interaction.

Detecting plants on railway embankment. (2013)
Journal Article
Nyberg, R., Gupta, N. K., Yella, S., & Dougherty, M. (2013). Detecting plants on railway embankment. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 6, 8-12.

This paper investigates problems concerning vegetation along railways and proposes automatic means of detecting
ground vegetation. Digital images of railway embankments have been acquired and used for the purpose. The current
work mainly proposes t... Read More about Detecting plants on railway embankment..

Evaluation of the accuracy of mathematical models through use of multiple metrics. (2011)
Journal Article
Caliskan, N., Jadraque, E., Tham, Y. W., & Muneer, T. (2011). Evaluation of the accuracy of mathematical models through use of multiple metrics. Sustainable Cities and Society SCC, 1, 63-66.

Engineering practise heavily relies on the development and use of mathematical models. In this article a number of appropriate metrics have been selected to provide an insight in the validation of models and also to obtain a figure of merit for any g... Read More about Evaluation of the accuracy of mathematical models through use of multiple metrics..

Human-machine design considerations in advanced machine-learning systems (2011)
Journal Article
Keates, S., Varker, P., & Spowart, F. (2011). Human-machine design considerations in advanced machine-learning systems. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 55(5), 4:1-4:10.

This paper explores issues related to human–computer interaction with the new class of machine-learning systems that represent an exciting development on the frontiers of information technology. These systems represent a significant breakthrough in h... Read More about Human-machine design considerations in advanced machine-learning systems.

Operational optimisation of water distribution networks (2009)
Lopez-Ibanez, M. Operational optimisation of water distribution networks. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from

Water distribution networks are a fundamental part of any modern city and their daily operations constitute a significant expenditure in terms of energy and maintenance costs. Careful scheduling of pump operations may lead to significant energy savin... Read More about Operational optimisation of water distribution networks.

Development of 3d lattice models for predicting nonlinear timber joint behaviour (2009)
Reichert, T. Development of 3d lattice models for predicting nonlinear timber joint behaviour. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from

This work presents the development of a three-dimensional lattice material model for wood and its application to timber joints including the potential strengthening benefit of second order effects. A lattice of discrete elements was used to capture t... Read More about Development of 3d lattice models for predicting nonlinear timber joint behaviour.

Generative aspect-oriented component adaptation (2008)
Feng, Y. Generative aspect-oriented component adaptation. (Thesis). Napier University. Retrieved from

Due to the availability of components and the diversity of target applications, mismatches between pre-qualified existing components and the particular reuse context in applications are often inevitable and have been a major hurdle of component reusa... Read More about Generative aspect-oriented component adaptation.

Comparison of pattern recognition techniques for the classification of impact acoustic emissions. (2007)
Journal Article
Yella, S., Gupta, N. K., & Dougherty, M. S. (2007). Comparison of pattern recognition techniques for the classification of impact acoustic emissions. Transportation Research Part C : Emerging Technologies, 15, 345-360.

Current day condition monitoring applications involving wood are mostly carried out through visual inspection and if necessary some impact acoustic examination is carried out. These inspections are mainly done intuitively by skilled personnel. In thi... Read More about Comparison of pattern recognition techniques for the classification of impact acoustic emissions..

Adaptive PN code acquisition in multi-path spread spectrum communications using FPGA. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wei, B., Sharif, M., Binnie, D., & Almaini, A. E. A. (2007). Adaptive PN code acquisition in multi-path spread spectrum communications using FPGA. In Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (573-576)

Performance of two pseudonoise (PN) code detectors was tested. Cell averaging (CA) and order Statistics (OS) constant false alarm rates (CFAR) were analysed against mean acquisition time (MAT) and against the probability of detection (Pd). Both detec... Read More about Adaptive PN code acquisition in multi-path spread spectrum communications using FPGA..

Integrating information about complex systems: role of metadata in the acceptability of results from models. (2007)
Journal Article
Westlake, A., & Wigan, M. (2007). Integrating information about complex systems: role of metadata in the acceptability of results from models. Transportation research record, 1972, 60-68.

Opus is a project funded by the European Union Statistical Agency (Eurostat). The project is developing a methodology for the coherent and consistent integration of information from multiple sources about complex systems (based on Bayesian statistica... Read More about Integrating information about complex systems: role of metadata in the acceptability of results from models..

A digital photographic method for 3D reconstruction of standing tree shape. (2007)
Journal Article
Hapca, A. I., Mothe, F., & Leban, J. (2007). A digital photographic method for 3D reconstruction of standing tree shape. Annals of Forest Science, 64(6), 631-637.

A digital photographic method is presented which is able to reconstruct the profile of the stem on standing trees up to a height of 12 m and to provide a fine level of detail. The method uses two digital photographs taken at 90° to each other and doe... Read More about A digital photographic method for 3D reconstruction of standing tree shape..

DS-CDMA PN code acquisition in Rayleigh Fading Channel. (2006)
Journal Article
Sharif, M., Obiebi, J., & Sharp, J. (2006). DS-CDMA PN code acquisition in Rayleigh Fading Channel. The Mediterranean journal of electronics and communications, 2, 59-71

In this paper, an adaptive double dwell PN code acquisition circuit suitable for use in DS-CDMA systems is proposed. The adaptive nature of the circuit is based on the cell averaging constant false alarm rate technique. It is analysed in a Rayleigh f... Read More about DS-CDMA PN code acquisition in Rayleigh Fading Channel..

Application of Robust Chattering-Reduction Sliding Mode Control Techniques for Position Control of a Vector-Controlled Induction Machine with Non-Linear Friction Dynamics (2005)
Journal Article
Goh, K. B., Dunnigan, M. W., & Williams, B. W. (2005). Application of Robust Chattering-Reduction Sliding Mode Control Techniques for Position Control of a Vector-Controlled Induction Machine with Non-Linear Friction Dynamics. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 219(8), 577-590.

Sliding mode control (SMC) methods possess several advantageous properties such as robustness against parameter variation, disturbance rejection, straightforward design, and are simple to implement. In this paper, a sliding mode control algorithm (wh... Read More about Application of Robust Chattering-Reduction Sliding Mode Control Techniques for Position Control of a Vector-Controlled Induction Machine with Non-Linear Friction Dynamics.

Effect of attribute perceptions on mode choice behavior in a transit market. (2005)
Journal Article
Wan, Q., & Lo, H. K. (2005). Effect of attribute perceptions on mode choice behavior in a transit market. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 1740-1750.

Random utility models are often used to model traveler mode choice behavior in the demand analysis of a transit system. Transit operators might base their policy and operations planning on these estimates. The choice probability of these models is ex... Read More about Effect of attribute perceptions on mode choice behavior in a transit market..

Electromechanical analysis of a prosthetic arm (EMAS). (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Binnie, D., Gow, D. J., & Hill, S. S. (2005). Electromechanical analysis of a prosthetic arm (EMAS). In Proceedings of the MEC’05 conference, UNB; 2005

A characterisation of a complete arm prosthesis is necessary to develop effective control. This is a description of the use of Lagrange methodology to describe the system and to optimise for motion control.
The Lagrange equations of motion are deriv... Read More about Electromechanical analysis of a prosthetic arm (EMAS)..

Factors affecting pedestrian walking speeds (2004)
Al-Azzawi, M. Factors affecting pedestrian walking speeds. (Thesis). Napier University. Retrieved from

The movement of pedestrians in the urban environment is vital for sustaining the social and economic relationships essential to the quality of life. To enable and encourage walking, suitable facilities must be available and planning and
implementing... Read More about Factors affecting pedestrian walking speeds.

Signal Management in Real Time for urban traffic NETworks: comparative evaluations results and cost benefit analysis. (2004)
Bielefeldt, C., Kosmatopoulos, E., Richards, A., & Condie, H. (2004). Signal Management in Real Time for urban traffic NETworks: comparative evaluations results and cost benefit analysis

This deliverable provides a synthesis of the results of the evaluation of the TUC strategy in the three SMART NETS test sites (in Chania, Southampton and Munich), in terms of the effects on traffic flow and on fuel consumption and air pollution. It a... Read More about Signal Management in Real Time for urban traffic NETworks: comparative evaluations results and cost benefit analysis..

A mixed integer formulation for multiple-route transit network design. (2003)
Journal Article
Wan, Q. K., & Lo, H. K. (2003). A mixed integer formulation for multiple-route transit network design. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 2(4), 299-308.

We consider the design of multiple transit lines in a network and present a mixed integer formulation for this multiple-route transit network design problem (MRTNDP). With the introduction of node labels, the formulation can exploit the route structu... Read More about A mixed integer formulation for multiple-route transit network design..