Book Chapter
Fraser, B., & Riach, A. (2017). Introduction. In Thali Katori: An Anthology of Scottish and South Asian Poetry (17-27). Luath Press
Thaali Katori: An Anthology of Scottish South Asian Poetry (2017)
Fraser, B. (2017). B. Fraser, & A. Riach (Eds.). Thaali Katori: An Anthology of Scottish South Asian Poetry. Luath PressThali Katori brings together two words that celebrate difference, acknowledge the need for the sensitive appreciation of difference, the virtues of complementarity and the nourishment that poetry and the arts, as vitally as savoury and sweet dishes,... Read More about Thaali Katori: An Anthology of Scottish South Asian Poetry.
The Homing Bird (2017)
Fraser, B. (2017). The Homing Bird. Indigo Dreams PublishingNo abstract available.
The New Scots: Migration and Diaspora in Scottish South Asian Poetry (2016)
Book Chapter
Community in Modern Scottish Literature (214-234). Brill Rodopi. chapter examines the poetry of Scottish South Asians, the "New Scots" who bring a whole history of displacement, dislocation and relocation with them, as their memory of the "elsewhere" enters their writing. Their voices are significant as they... Read More about The New Scots: Migration and Diaspora in Scottish South Asian Poetry.
Letters to my Mother and other Mothers. (2015)
Fraser, B. (2015). Letters to my Mother and other Mothers. Luath Press LtdA book of original poems.
Poems. (2015)
Book Chapter
Fraser, B. (2015). Poems. In Six Seasons Review. The University Press Limited (UPL)
Rabindranath Tagore's Global Vision. (2015)
Journal Article
Fraser, B. (2015). Rabindranath Tagore's Global Vision. Literature compass, 12, 161-172. ‘Introduction’ to a special issue on Rabindranath Tagore affirms his position as an Indian Renaissance man and assesses his stature as a leading world writer, philosopher, educationist, environmentalist, rural reconstructionist, activist and pra... Read More about Rabindranath Tagore's Global Vision..
The Homing Bird (2014)
Newspaper / Magazine
Fraser, B. (2014). The Homing Bird
Indian Writing in English. (2014)
Book Chapter
Fraser, B. (2014). Indian Writing in English. In Encyclopeadia. Sahitya Akad
Introduction to "Images of Life: Creative and Other Forms of Writing" (2014)
Book Chapter
Fraser, B. (2014). Introduction to "Images of Life: Creative and Other Forms of Writing". In S. Mallik (Ed.), Images of Life: Creative and Other Forms of Writing. The Book World
Reflections on Nation and narration from the perspective of a 'New Scot' in Scotland. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fraser, B. (2013, October). Reflections on Nation and narration from the perspective of a 'New Scot' in Scotland. Presented at Scotland 2014: Coming of Age and Loss of Innocence?
An emigre at home. (2014)
Book Chapter
Fraser, B. (2014). An emigre at home. In S. Mallik (Ed.), Images of Life: Creative and other Forms of Writing. The Book World
poem:Mariam (2014)
Journal Article
Fraser, B. (2014). poem:Mariam. Café Dissensus,A poem on public execution.
Beyond binarism: the agency of the writer at the crossroads of change. (2013)
Journal Article
Fraser, B. (2013). Beyond binarism: the agency of the writer at the crossroads of change. Scottish Affairs, 1-16Inaugural lecture as professor in the Scottish Centre of Tagore Studies, March 2013
"Our Little Life is Rounded with Sleep": The Scottish presence in Andrew Greig's "In Another Light" and Amitav Ghosh's "The Hungry Tide". (2011)
Book Chapter
Fraser, B. (2011). "Our Little Life is Rounded with Sleep": The Scottish presence in Andrew Greig's "In Another Light" and Amitav Ghosh's "The Hungry Tide". In M. Gardiner, G. Macdonald, & N. O'Gallagher (Eds.), Scottish Literature and Postcolonial Literature (210-221). Edinburgh University Press
Tracing a Writer’s Journey: exploring the links between Japan, Scotland and India through poetry. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fraser, B. (2011, May). Tracing a Writer’s Journey: exploring the links between Japan, Scotland and India through poetry. Paper presented at IAFOR LibrAsia Confence, Osaka, Japan
Scots beneath the Banyan Tree: stories from Bengal. (2010)
Fraser, B., & Chitrakar, G. (2010). Scots beneath the Banyan Tree: stories from Bengal. Luath PressA collaborative project with a folk artist's scrolls telling the stories of Scots who have become iconic figures in Bengal. Each scroll is accompanied by the story in prose and the lyrics translated by the author.
A meeting of two minds; the relevance of Patrick Geddes and Rabindranath Tagore today. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fraser, B. (2010, January). A meeting of two minds; the relevance of Patrick Geddes and Rabindranath Tagore today. Paper presented at IAFOR ACAH Conference, Osaka, Japan
From the Ganga to the Tay. (2009)
Fraser, B. (2009). From the Ganga to the Tay. Luath PressFrom The Ganga to the Tay is an epic poem in which the Indian River Ganges and the Scottish River Tay, the largest waterways in their countries, relate the historical importance of the ties between India and Scotland. The rivers are potent natural sy... Read More about From the Ganga to the Tay..
Tartan & Turban. (2004)
Fraser, B. (2004). Tartan & Turban. Luath Press
Showing 1 - 20 of 24 results