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Bringing pupils into building energy performance: school design, construction and operation (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pomponi, F., Medina Campos, L., Moncaster, A., & Smith, S. (2017, July). Bringing pupils into building energy performance: school design, construction and operation. Presented at PLEA 2017 - Passive and Low Energy Architecture

Colegio Rochester is school in Colombia with a strong vision for sustainability. This vision permeates the new school building which was the first school in Latin America to be awarded a LEED Gold certification. This article uses Colegio Rochester as... Read More about Bringing pupils into building energy performance: school design, construction and operation.

Bio inspired design: when sun and wind are there to help (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pomponi, F., Medina Campos, L., & Moncaster, A. (2017, June). Bio inspired design: when sun and wind are there to help. Paper presented at 23rd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference

Colombia is increasingly acknowledging the role that bioclimatic design of buildings can play within both environmental sustainability — through reductions in energy consumption and GHG emissions — and social sustainability — through the promotion of... Read More about Bio inspired design: when sun and wind are there to help.

Etched in the Memory. (2015)
Journal Article
Forster, A. M., Vettese-Forster, S., & Borland, J. (2015). Etched in the Memory. RICS Building Conservation Journal, 28-29

Alan Forster, Samantha Vettese-Forster and John Borland explore the cultural value of preserving historic graffiti.

Journal of Design Practice and Research, Volume 3, 2014 (2014)
Lambert, I., Firth, R., MacLeod, M., Forster, S., Innes, M., Winton, E., Cochrane, R., Macdonald, I., Andrews, C., Malcolm, C., Kerlaff, P., O'Dowd, A., Jamieson, K., & Titley, W. (2014). Journal of Design Practice and Research, Volume 3, 2014. Edinburgh Napier University

Editorial -Welcome to the third issue of the Journal for Design Practice & Research.
The last 18 months has been an extremely busy time for us. We have continued to grow as a team, with new members joining, and our work grows ever more diverse. We h... Read More about Journal of Design Practice and Research, Volume 3, 2014.

Is there a Right White for Museum and Gallery Lighting? (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Innes, M. (2013, November). Is there a Right White for Museum and Gallery Lighting?. Presented at Professional Lighting Design Convention 2013

For the last two decades, the choice of light source for gallery lighting seemed straightforward. Specifying spotlights for a conservation gallery almost always meant using low voltage tungsten halogen.

Now the go-to technology in gallery lighting... Read More about Is there a Right White for Museum and Gallery Lighting?.

A Future Direction for Lighting Education? (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Innes, M. (2013, October). A Future Direction for Lighting Education?. Presented at Professional Lighting Design Convention

For several years a momentum has been building behind efforts to provide some measure of the professional competence of lighting practitioners. This move is a natural progression towards the kind of professional recognition afforded to architects and... Read More about A Future Direction for Lighting Education?.

Lighting for Interior Design. (2012)
Innes, M. (2012). Lighting for Interior Design. Laurence King Publishing

Without light, interior architecture cannot be fully designed and experienced. It is one of the key tools for an interior designer, but can be a dauntingly technical subject for students.

Part One, Theory, looks at the physics and technology behi... Read More about Lighting for Interior Design..

Learning about Light, How lighting educators are contributing to the professionalisation of lighting design. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Innes, M. (2011, October). Learning about Light, How lighting educators are contributing to the professionalisation of lighting design. Presented at Professional Lighting Design Convention 2011

The professional status of architectural lighting design varies in different parts of the world. Those of us practicing in countries with a long history of independent lighting design like to think we are working within an established profession. Yet... Read More about Learning about Light, How lighting educators are contributing to the professionalisation of lighting design..

Why is it so dark in here? Perception of Brightness at Low Light Levels in Museum Environments. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Innes, M. (2012, October). Why is it so dark in here? Perception of Brightness at Low Light Levels in Museum Environments. Presented at Professional Lighting Design Convention 2011

Many museum and gallery exhibits are fragile objects that would not survive repeated handling. Even where this is not the case, it is generally frowned upon for visitors to touch exhibits. As a result, vision is by far the most important sense for mu... Read More about Why is it so dark in here? Perception of Brightness at Low Light Levels in Museum Environments..

Estimation of hourly averaged solar irradiation: evaluation of models (2010)
Journal Article
Tham, Y., Muneer, T., & Davison, B. (2010). Estimation of hourly averaged solar irradiation: evaluation of models. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 31(1), 9-25.

Hourly solar radiation data are required in many building services applications. These are also reported in the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Guides A & J. Data from 16 locations in the UK were used to evaluate the so called Li... Read More about Estimation of hourly averaged solar irradiation: evaluation of models.

Light Art & Architecture (2). (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Innes, M. (2009, November). Light Art & Architecture (2)

Exploring the boundary between light art and lighting design in architecture, using examples of my own work and the work of other light artists.

Light Art & Architecture (1). (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Innes, M. (2008, May). Light Art & Architecture (1). Paper presented at Light Middle East Conference

Exploring the boundary between light art and lighting design in architecture, using examples of my own work and the work of other light artists.

DEM simulations of granular materials involving principal stress rotation. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barreto, D., O'Sullivan, C., & Zdravkovic, L. (2008, May). DEM simulations of granular materials involving principal stress rotation. Paper presented at Inaugural International Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute - EM'08

No abstract available.

Lightweave. (2007)
Digital Artefact
Drummond, I., Buckley, J., & Hammond, J. (2007). Lightweave. [Lighting]

The first ‘Lightweave’ at Trencherfield Mill, Wigan Pier Quarter, Wigan, produces dramatic interventions within the area to raise its profile and signify positive change. The ambition is to achieve an overall unity between nature and industry, past a... Read More about Lightweave..

An investigation of hotel property renovation: The external parties' view (2007)
Journal Article
Hassanien, A. (2007). An investigation of hotel property renovation: The external parties' view. Property Management, 25(3), 209-224.

The purpose of this paper is to present an empirically-based insight into the practice and perception of architects, interior designers and building contractors who make up the external parties involved in the hotel renovation process.

In the pap... Read More about An investigation of hotel property renovation: The external parties' view.

The effect of wind exposure on the tree aerial architecture and biomechanics of Sitka Spruce (picea sitchenisis Bong.). (2006)
Journal Article
Gardiner, B. A., & Brüchert, F. (2006). The effect of wind exposure on the tree aerial architecture and biomechanics of Sitka Spruce (picea sitchenisis Bong.). American Journal of Botany, 93, 1512-1521

This paper reports on the effect of wind loading below damaging strength on tree mechanical and physical properties. In a wind-exposed Sitka spruce stand in western Scotland, 60 trees at four different levels of wind exposure (10 m, 30 m, 50 m, 90 m... Read More about The effect of wind exposure on the tree aerial architecture and biomechanics of Sitka Spruce (picea sitchenisis Bong.)..

Exploring hotel renovation in large hotels: a multiple case study (2006)
Journal Article
Hassanien, A. (2006). Exploring hotel renovation in large hotels: a multiple case study. Structural survey, 24(1), 41-64.

This paper aims to explore the extent of the use of hotel renovation as a product development tool in the hospitality industry. It aims to gain an understanding of the nature of renovation within the context of large hotels. The approach is a multip... Read More about Exploring hotel renovation in large hotels: a multiple case study.

Made of Light: The Art of Light and Architecture. (2005)
Book Chapter
Innes, M. (2005). Made of Light: The Art of Light and Architecture. In A. Tischhauser, M. Major, & J. Speirs (Eds.), Made of Light: The Art of Light and Architecture. Birckhauser Verlag

What is colour? An exploration of our complex and contradictory relationship with colour and light.