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Interdisciplinary methodologies in different cultures of learning: Apples and Pears? (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Macdonald, I., Firth, R., Foster, M., & Zhou, V. (2014, October). Interdisciplinary methodologies in different cultures of learning: Apples and Pears?. Presented at International Journal of Art & Design Education 'Collaborative Practice in Arts Education

This paper explores the reception and analysis of different methodologies in an inter-disciplinary pedagogical collaboration involving Design and Business academics and their students. The authors examined the learning experiences of students (origin... Read More about Interdisciplinary methodologies in different cultures of learning: Apples and Pears?.

Watch this space: childhood, picturebooks and comics (2014)
Journal Article
Gibson, M., Nabizadeh, G., & Sambell, K. (2014). Watch this space: childhood, picturebooks and comics. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 5(3), 241-244.

This is a special issue of Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics exploring the relationships of picturebooks and comics with notions of childhood. There have been productive readings in relation to the mechanics of both these media such as Maria Nikol... Read More about Watch this space: childhood, picturebooks and comics.

The Loop. In Digital Play: Wendy McMurdo Collected Works 1995-2012 (2014)
Exhibition / Performance
Holmes, P., & McMurdo, W. The Loop. In Digital Play: Wendy McMurdo Collected Works 1995-2012. Exhibited at Street Level Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland. 28 June 2014 - 17 August 2014

Wendy McMurdo's retrospective included video work "The Loop" by Wendy McMurdo and Paul Holmes.

Curated by Malcolm Dickson as part of "Generation", the National Galleries of Scotland-coordinated celebration of 25 years of contemporary art in Scotla... Read More about The Loop. In Digital Play: Wendy McMurdo Collected Works 1995-2012.

Journal of Design Practice and Research, Volume 3, 2014 (2014)
Lambert, I., Firth, R., MacLeod, M., Forster, S., Innes, M., Winton, E., Cochrane, R., Macdonald, I., Andrews, C., Malcolm, C., Kerlaff, P., O'Dowd, A., Jamieson, K., & Titley, W. (2014). Journal of Design Practice and Research, Volume 3, 2014. Edinburgh Napier University

Editorial -Welcome to the third issue of the Journal for Design Practice & Research.
The last 18 months has been an extremely busy time for us. We have continued to grow as a team, with new members joining, and our work grows ever more diverse. We h... Read More about Journal of Design Practice and Research, Volume 3, 2014.

Short Documentary Film Series - Artist Uncovered: Gill Tyson (2014)
Digital Artefact
Bilgrami, S. (2014). Short Documentary Film Series - Artist Uncovered: Gill Tyson. []

An insight into the work and practices of award-winning printmaker Gill Tyson, as she sketches outdoors and prepares to create a print at Edinburgh Printmakers Studio.

Link to video on Youtube - Read More about Short Documentary Film Series - Artist Uncovered: Gill Tyson.

The Persistence of Vision. In Ayrshire Open Studios (2014)
Exhibition / Performance
Holmes, P. The Persistence of Vision. In Ayrshire Open Studios. Exhibited at Ayr, Scotland. 26 April 2014 - 27 April 2014

This annual weekend showcase of artists throughout Ayrshire included video work "The Persistence of Vision".

This section of the Open Studios was curated by the artist.

“We had never heard of feminism”: older working class women on screen and in production. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Macleod, K. (2014, January). “We had never heard of feminism”: older working class women on screen and in production. Paper presented at MeCCSA (Media, Communication & Cultural Studies) Annual Conference, University of Bournemouth (2014)

“We had never heard of feminism”: older working class women on screen and in production.

How can media production techniques enhance the participation and representation of marginalized groups and communities? In this paper I will draw on my resea... Read More about “We had never heard of feminism”: older working class women on screen and in production..