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Defences for war crimes and crimes against humanity? Duress and the Rome Statute. (2016)
Book Chapter
Moran, C. F. (2016). Defences for war crimes and crimes against humanity? Duress and the Rome Statute. In T. D. Gill (Ed.), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law Volume 18, 2015 (205-224). T.M.C. Asser Press.

Modern armed conflict has changed the way in which we understand the fighting of wars and the breakdown of diplomatic discourse. The Rome Statute, which was created to enforce the provisions of the law of war and international criminal law on a compl... Read More about Defences for war crimes and crimes against humanity? Duress and the Rome Statute..

‘Unconscionability’ as an exception to the Principle of Autonomy of Letters of Credit: How well is it entrenched in Singaporean jurisdiction. (2016)
Journal Article
Chhina, R. K. (2016). ‘Unconscionability’ as an exception to the Principle of Autonomy of Letters of Credit: How well is it entrenched in Singaporean jurisdiction. Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, 412-435

This paper examines the development and application of the "unconscionability" exception to the principle of autonomy of abstract payment undertakings in the jurisdiction of Singapore. It establishes that the development of this exception in Singapor... Read More about ‘Unconscionability’ as an exception to the Principle of Autonomy of Letters of Credit: How well is it entrenched in Singaporean jurisdiction..

Managing money laundering risks in commercial letters of credit: Are banks in danger of non-compliance? A case study of the United Kingdom (2016)
Journal Article
Chhina, R. K. (2016). Managing money laundering risks in commercial letters of credit: Are banks in danger of non-compliance? A case study of the United Kingdom. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 19(2), 158-168.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the role of banks in detecting and mitigating money laundering risks in trade finance activities, especially in commercial letters of credit, and to answer the central question: do the banks... Read More about Managing money laundering risks in commercial letters of credit: Are banks in danger of non-compliance? A case study of the United Kingdom.

Implementation of the FATF Recommendations in Developing Countries with special focus on Recommendations 12 and 22 (Politically Exposed Persons): A Case Study from Indian Perspective (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chhina, R. K. (2016, February). Implementation of the FATF Recommendations in Developing Countries with special focus on Recommendations 12 and 22 (Politically Exposed Persons): A Case Study from Indian Perspective. Paper presented at Academic International Conference on Business, Economics and Management

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