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Life at the local scale: an alternative perspective on the urban. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2015, September). Life at the local scale: an alternative perspective on the urban. Presented at Hybrid Cities - Data to the People 3rd International Biennial Conference

The study of cities has risen to the top of research agendas in the last decade, raising the question of how to study something as vast and eclectic as cities. This paper proposes a return to a focus on the local as an appropriate scale to investigat... Read More about Life at the local scale: an alternative perspective on the urban..

From urban space to future place. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Helgason, I., Jensen, L., Rosenbak, S., Skrinjar, L., Smyth, M., Streinzer, A., Surawska, O., & Wouters, N. (2013, October). From urban space to future place

How the UrbanIxD summer school applied critical design & design fiction to future urban technologies. Produced in collaboration with the Book Sprints for ICT Research FP7 project.