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Location of civil service jobs in Scotland in relation to the local economic impact of the Scottish Parliament (1997)
Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W. (1997). Location of civil service jobs in Scotland in relation to the local economic impact of the Scottish Parliament

The new Scottish Parliament will have potentially significant impacts upon economic, social and political development across Scotland. These issues and others such as the
relationship with the UK government and inter-government transfers are discuss... Read More about Location of civil service jobs in Scotland in relation to the local economic impact of the Scottish Parliament.

Economic development in Scotland- moving forward (1996)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McQuaid, R. W. (1996, November). Economic development in Scotland- moving forward. Presented at Future of Economic Development in Scotland

When considering the title of this section - ‘moving forward’, it is necessary to look at the wider context of the changing environment within which we currently operate and within which a Scottish Parliament will need to operate. Later speakers in t... Read More about Economic development in Scotland- moving forward.

Relative peripherality in a Pan-European context (1996)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McQuaid, R. W. (1996, May). Relative peripherality in a Pan-European context. Presented at Symposium session of Fifth World Congress of the Regional Science Association International

Local enterprise companies and economic development - some issues in rural Scotland (1994)
Book Chapter
McQuaid, R. W. (1994). Local enterprise companies and economic development - some issues in rural Scotland. In Social Science Working Paper No.12. Department of Economics, Edinburgh Napier University

Local Enterprise Companies (LECs) are the main central government-funded business development agencies which provide support for businesses and training programmes for individuals in the rural areas of Scotland. This paper provides a general overview... Read More about Local enterprise companies and economic development - some issues in rural Scotland.

Evaluation of local economic development (1993)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McQuaid, R. W. (1993, May). Evaluation of local economic development. Presented at COSLA Seminar

There is general agreement in the field of local economic development that evaluation is important to improve policy decisions and their implementation. A range of documents on evaluating government and European Commission economic development polici... Read More about Evaluation of local economic development.

Local authorities and economic development in Scotland (1992)
Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W. (1992). Local authorities and economic development in Scotland. Local work : CLES bulletin, 1-7

The recently published Consultation Paper on the reform of local government in Scotland presents options which will have profound effects upon economic development activities of Scottish local authorities. In order to promote an informed debate on th... Read More about Local authorities and economic development in Scotland.