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An acute outbreak of equine dysautonomia (equine grass sickness) in a group of eight Przewalski's horses (Equus ferus [caballus] przewalskii) (2015)
Journal Article
Girling, S. J., Fraser, M. A., Richardson, D., Harley, J., Ireland, J. L., Naylor, A., & Milne, E. (2017). An acute outbreak of equine dysautonomia (equine grass sickness) in a group of eight Przewalski's horses (Equus ferus [caballus] przewalskii). Equine Veterinary Education, 29(7), 358-361.

Equine grass sickness (EGS) is a neurodegenerative disease affecting grazing equids of which a single case of the chronic clinical presentation has previously been reported in a Przewalski's horse (Equus ferus [caballus] przewalskii). A group of 8 Pr... Read More about An acute outbreak of equine dysautonomia (equine grass sickness) in a group of eight Przewalski's horses (Equus ferus [caballus] przewalskii).

Marketing in SMEs: the sales process of SMEs on the food and drink industry. (2013)
Book Chapter
Douglas, T., & Omar, M. (2013). Marketing in SMEs: the sales process of SMEs on the food and drink industry. In N. O. Ndubisi, & S. Nwankwo (Eds.), Enterprise Development in SMEs and Entrepreneurial Firms: Dynamic Processes (163-196). IGI-Global.

There would appear to be varied approaches to the sales process practiced by SMEs in how they go about locating target customers, interfacing with prospects and new customers, presenting the benefits and features of their products and services, closi... Read More about Marketing in SMEs: the sales process of SMEs on the food and drink industry..

Developing a Pedagogy for Interactive Learning. (2012)
Book Chapter
Cowan, J. (2012). Developing a Pedagogy for Interactive Learning. In J. Jia (Ed.), Educational Stages and Interactive Learning (1-17). IGI Global.

Recent developments in higher education have seen the demise of much didactic, teacher-directed instruction which was aimed mainly towards lower-level educational objectives. This traditional educational approach has been largely replaced by methods... Read More about Developing a Pedagogy for Interactive Learning..

Predicting Malaysian managers' objective and subjective career success (2011)
Journal Article
Mohd Rasdi, R., Ismail, M., & Garavan, T. N. (2011). Predicting Malaysian managers' objective and subjective career success. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(17), 3528-3549.

Compared with the extensive research on managerial career in the west, little has emerged from Asia. This study reports an investigation of the determinants of objective and subjective career success of managers working in the Malaysian public sector... Read More about Predicting Malaysian managers' objective and subjective career success.

Choices of approaches in e-moderation: Conclusions from a grounded theory study (2010)
Journal Article
Vlachopoulos, P., & Cowan, J. (2010). Choices of approaches in e-moderation: Conclusions from a grounded theory study. Active learning in higher education, 11(3), 213-224.

Much has been published in recent years about the desirable nature of facilitated interactions in on-line discussions with educational purposes. However little has been reported about the roles which tutors actually adopt in real life learning contex... Read More about Choices of approaches in e-moderation: Conclusions from a grounded theory study.

Practitioner talk: the changing textscape of HRM and emergence of HR business partnership (2010)
Journal Article
Keegan, A., & Francis, H. (2010). Practitioner talk: the changing textscape of HRM and emergence of HR business partnership. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(6), 873-898.

It has been evident for some time in mainstream HRM writing, that HR work is largely framed as a business issue, accelerated by new developments in technology and increasing pressures being placed on the function to enhance its contribution to the or... Read More about Practitioner talk: the changing textscape of HRM and emergence of HR business partnership.

Dealing with affective needs in e-learning: Contrasting two cases in two cultures. (2009)
Book Chapter
Chiu, Y.-C. J., & Cowan, J. (2009). Dealing with affective needs in e-learning: Contrasting two cases in two cultures. In B. Olaniran (Ed.), Cases on Successful E-Learning Practices in the Developed and Developing World: Methods for the Global Information Economy (42-57). Hershey.

This chapter presents and contrasts descriptions of two cases of online affective support provided to support students engaged in higher level learning tasks. The cases are set in different cultures, centre upon different intended learning outcomes,... Read More about Dealing with affective needs in e-learning: Contrasting two cases in two cultures..

Epidermolysis Bullosa in Calves in the United Kingdom (2009)
Journal Article
Foster, A. P., Skuse, A. M., Higgins, R. J., Barrett, D. C., Philbey, A. W., Thomson, J. R., Thompson, H., Fraser, M., Bowden, P. E., & Day, M. J. (2010). Epidermolysis Bullosa in Calves in the United Kingdom. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 142(4), 336-340.

Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) was diagnosed in eight calves from four farms in the United Kingdom on the basis of clinical, histological and ultrastructural findings. In three affected herds, pedigree Simmental bulls had been mated with Simmental-cross... Read More about Epidermolysis Bullosa in Calves in the United Kingdom.

Prediction of future development of canine atopic dermatitis based on examination of clinical history (2008)
Journal Article
Fraser, M. A., McNeil, P. E., & Girling, S. J. (2008). Prediction of future development of canine atopic dermatitis based on examination of clinical history. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 49(3), 128-132.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify clinical features that could be used to identify individual dogs within the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association canine population at risk of being diagnosed as atopic in the future before they had fu... Read More about Prediction of future development of canine atopic dermatitis based on examination of clinical history.