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 We Can Quit2: A randomised pilot trial of a community-based smoking cessation intervention for women in disadvantaged areas of Ireland

We Can Quit2: A randomised pilot trial of a community-based smoking cessation intervention for women in disadvantaged areas of Ireland Jun 8, 2017 - Sep 7, 2022
Smoking rates remain high in Ireland despite considerable progress being made to reduce them in recent years. Ireland ranks second highest for smoking-related causes of death in the EU. Lung cancer, which is strongly linked to smoking, is now the mos... Read More about We Can Quit2: A randomised pilot trial of a community-based smoking cessation intervention for women in disadvantaged areas of Ireland.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction to support self-management of anxiety and depression following stroke: development and feasibility cluster randomised trial

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction to support self-management of anxiety and depression following stroke: development and feasibility cluster randomised trial Aug 1, 2017 - May 31, 2018
: Anxiety and depression are common after stroke. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction courses teach people with long-term conditions (LTCs) skills such as meditation to help them self-manage anxiety and depression, but often people do not follow the f... Read More about Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction to support self-management of anxiety and depression following stroke: development and feasibility cluster randomised trial.

Improving quality of life and swallowing function in patients with head and neck cancer: Development and feasibility of a Swallowing Intervention Package (SIP)

Improving quality of life and swallowing function in patients with head and neck cancer: Development and feasibility of a Swallowing Intervention Package (SIP) Aug 1, 2016 - Aug 31, 2017
Due to increasing incidence, more intensive treatment and improved survival, a growing number of head and neck cancer (HNC) survivors experience long-term swallowing difficulties, profoundly affecting eating/drinking, increasing feeding tube dependen... Read More about Improving quality of life and swallowing function in patients with head and neck cancer: Development and feasibility of a Swallowing Intervention Package (SIP).

Patient Centred Assessment Method (PCAM): improving nurse led biopsychosocial assessment of patients with long term conditions and co-morbid mental health needs

Patient Centred Assessment Method (PCAM): improving nurse led biopsychosocial assessment of patients with long term conditions and co-morbid mental health needs Aug 1, 2016 - Nov 30, 2016
Living with a chronic illness can impact on many aspects of people’s lives such as mental, social and financial wellbeing. GP practices were encouraged to look for depression in people with long term conditions, but new research casts doubts on its e... Read More about Patient Centred Assessment Method (PCAM): improving nurse led biopsychosocial assessment of patients with long term conditions and co-morbid mental health needs.

Emotional Intelligience_Quantitative aspects Jan 1, 2017 - Jul 31, 2020
To understand the relationship between EI, demographic factors, previous caring at entry to nurse education, and progression through pre-registration education on the performance and retention of newly qualified nurses.

Using record linkage analysis to inform the development of an improved care pathway(s) for psychiatric and self-harm emergencies currently transferred by ambulance to Emergency Departments Aug 1, 2016 - Oct 31, 2016
Psychiatric emergencies, and episodes of self-harm, accounted for over 30,000 Scottish ambulance call-outs in 2011. The overwhelming majority of these people were taken directly to Emergency Departments (ED). There is mounting evidence and substantia... Read More about Using record linkage analysis to inform the development of an improved care pathway(s) for psychiatric and self-harm emergencies currently transferred by ambulance to Emergency Departments.

The role of CHildhood Adversities and their subsequent effect on mental ill-health and Suicidal behaviour (CHASe) Oct 1, 2018 - Nov 27, 2020
Deaths by suicide among young people are common, increasing year by year in 15-19 year olds, have devastating consequences for everyone involved, and are a signficant UK public health problem. People with experience of adverse life events, particular... Read More about The role of CHildhood Adversities and their subsequent effect on mental ill-health and Suicidal behaviour (CHASe).

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) post perinatal loss: investigating final details for pilot trial and feasibility study Mar 1, 2019 - Aug 31, 2019
Approximately 3,500 women in the UK experience the trauma of perinatal loss each year. Up to 39% go on to develop perinatal PTSD. There is no effective treatment for these women, but EMDR is effective in reducing PTSD symptoms in other populations. D... Read More about Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) post perinatal loss: investigating final details for pilot trial and feasibility study.

Scotland's Witches Voices - a follow up in depth study of two cases of significant interest in early nursing history - Christian Saidler (1597) and Bartie Patersoune (1607) Jan 1, 2022 - Sep 30, 2022
Background: the Witches Voices Study (Jan - Aug 2021) investigated healers/midwives accused of witchcraft in Scotland between 1563-1736. That study revealed some healers with unexpected healing practices- especially Christian Saidler (CS) and Bartie... Read More about Scotland's Witches Voices - a follow up in depth study of two cases of significant interest in early nursing history - Christian Saidler (1597) and Bartie Patersoune (1607).