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Methodological Issues and Challenges in Researching Transculturally (2022)
Victoria, M. (Ed.). (2022). Methodological Issues and Challenges in Researching Transculturally. Cambridge Scholars Publishing

This book sheds light on the ‘unseen’ challenges encountered by qualitative researchers before, during and long after conducting their study. These issues, often shrouded in mystery, are seldom found in academic publications. They tend to remain tuck... Read More about Methodological Issues and Challenges in Researching Transculturally.

Toilet graffiti: secrets, support and solidarity in the women's restroom (2020)
Newspaper / Magazine
Victoria, M. (2020). Toilet graffiti: secrets, support and solidarity in the women's restroom. UK

Communicating has never been so easy; we can to send messages and texts to friends and strangers in an instant from a variety of platforms. You would think this would affect the world of bathroom scrawling, but people are still driven to those grubby... Read More about Toilet graffiti: secrets, support and solidarity in the women's restroom.