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Events (12)

Migrants Resources Fair
Apr 3, 2024

Location Craiglockhart campus
Description The Migrants Resources Fair is aimed at providing crucial support and resources for temporary migrants in Scotland. Settlement and Integration services, addressing the financial, social, and cultural challenges that migrants may face when starting their new lives in the UK. The fair will offer the services: Immigration & Legal Assistance, Education and Training Assistance, Health & Wellness Programme, Mental Health Counselling, Positive Parenting Awareness, Income Maximisation Programme, and more.
People Megan Crawford
Research Areas Human rights
Themes Culture and Communities
Research Centres/Groups Centre for Business Innovations and Sustainable Solutions

Pedagogical paradox or tension? What our research on assessment deadlines is telling us about constructive alignment
Jun 18, 2024

Location Craiglockhart Campus, Edinburgh Napier University
Description We present the theoretical twists and turns of our research on deadline extensions at The Business School. We share preliminary findings of our quantitative data analysis on high-stakes assessments. We discuss whether leniency helps or hinders efforts to enhance inclusivity.
People Jackie Cameron
Mavis Gutu
Simone Kurtzke
Research Areas Education
Themes Culture and Communities
Research Centres/Groups Centre for Higher Education Research
This event contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 4 - Quality Education

Employability attributes: Meeting deadlines, time management
Jun 26, 2024

Location Craiglockhart Campus, Edinburgh Napier University
Description This talk aimed to excavate marketing practitioner insights on whether meeting deadlines and time management are important graduate attributes that should be carefully considered in an employability-focused curriculum. The presentation sets out the debates on the value and role of assessment deadline extensions in university education and shares progress on a quantitative study that aims to inform assessment policy.
People Jackie Cameron
Mavis Gutu
Simone Kurtzke
Research Areas Education
Themes Culture and Communities
AI and Technologies
Research Centres/Groups Centre for Higher Education Research
This event contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities

Reflections of a PhD mentor: Thesis Mentor Pilot Scheme 2024
Sep 5, 2024

Location Online
Description In this presentation, Dr Cameron shares the experience of a mentor on the 12-week pilot at Edinburgh Napier University that aims to improve the student experience and outcomes of PhD students at the writing-up stage. She shares details about the mentoring training workshop, challenges and rewards of serving as a mentor to a PhD student at another school with stakeholders from other UK universities who are exploring similar projects. The Edinburgh Napier University PhD mentor programme was run in collaboration with the University of Glasgow. This presentation was part of a workshop run by Dr Vani Naik of Edinburgh Napier University and Dr Elaine Gourlay of the University of Glasgow, entitled: Honey, We Shrunk a Thesis Mentoring Programme! - Vitae 2024
People Jackie Cameron
Research Areas Education
Themes Culture and Communities
Research Centres/Groups Centre for Higher Education Research
This event contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 4 - Quality Education

Zero Waste Scotland Circular Economy Masterclasses
Feb 1, 2021

Description A Series of Masterclasses focused on developing the Circular Economy with the construction industry and public sector operated with Xavier Pierron. Developed with and funded by Zero Waste Scotland
People Chris Cramphorn
Xavier Pierron
Themes Culture and Communities

BRT Bright Red Sparks Awards
Apr 14, 2020

Location Facebook Live Award Ceremony
Description The Bright Red Sparks competition provides an opportunity for Edinburgh Napier students, staff, and alumni to showcase their entrepreneurial success with a chance to win cash prizes and in-kind support to further develop themselves, their ideas, and their business. With six categories to enter, there is something for everyone – individuals and businesses alike

Finalist for Enterprise Educators - Award announcements held via FaceBook Live Event .

The winners were then announced also on the napier site:
People Rosemary Allford
Chris Cramphorn
Themes Culture and Communities

Dark Tourism Research Symposium: Memory, Pilgrimage and the Digital Realm
May 5, 2022

Location Craiglockhart Campus
Description The Tourism and Languages Subject Group (the Business School) and the School of Arts and Creative Industries at Edinburgh Napier University are delighted to announce details of a dark tourism research symposium, which will take place at the Craiglockhart Campus at Edinburgh Napier University and online on May 5th, 2022.

A growing interest in dark tourism as a recognised special category of tourism behaviour continues to attract the attention of academics from a variety of disciplines, including sociology, cultural studies and anthropology. Recent contributors to the field have looked at contexts such as gulag tourism in Kazakhstan, edutainment interpretation at ‘lighter’ dark tourism attractions, the ethics and politics of digital displays in police museums, and the use of netnographic research methods to understand the motives and reactions of visitors to iconic Holocaust heritage sites.

This interdisciplinary symposium led by Professor Anne Schwan, Dr Craig Wight, and Dr Phiona Stanley seeks to bring together academics from a range of backgrounds to share ideas and recent research achievements as well as foster conversations between academic researchers and tourism or creative practitioners.
Speakers include:

Kat Brogan (Managing Director, Mercat Tours Edinburgh)

Professor John Lennon (Glasgow Caledonian University)

Professors Justin Piché (University of Ottawa) and Kevin Walby (University of Winnipeg)

Dr Brianna Wyatt (Oxford Brookes University)

Professor Jeffrey S Podoshen (Franklin and Marshall College, Pennsylvania, USA)

The symposium organizers welcome theoretical or applied research contributions in the form of structured abstracts on the following topics:

Digital dark tourism, including, but not limited to netnographic research and the uses of social media and web 2.0 in dark tourism
Dark tourism and memory
Visitor motives and visitor interpretation
Ethics and social justice in relation to dark tourism sites
Prisons and other penal history sites as examples of dark tourism
Creative practice artefacts involving dark tourism, e.g. films/photographs/installations
Dark tourism, mobilities and pilgrimage
Novel research methodological approaches and dark tourism
Deadline for abstract submissions: 1st February 2022

Please send your 250-word abstract and a short biographical statement (no more than 100 words) to
People Anne Schwan
Craig Wight
Phiona Stanley
Research Areas Tourism
Migration and Mobility
Information society
Ethics and sustainability
Research Centres/Groups Tourism Research Centre

Tourism Subject Area Awards Luncheon
Nov 28, 2019

Location Craiglockhart Campus
Description Every autumn, the Tourism subject area holds its annual Awards Luncheon, to celebrate the achievements of students from the preceding academic session. In 2019 the ceremony was chaired by David Jarman, in support of Michael Herriott as the overall coordinator. Ivana Rihova also played a coordinating role, both before and during the ceremony. A number of external partners are invited to attend each year, often in support of prizes and awards that they sponsor. These range from longstanding partners in the hospitality, tourism and events sectors, to public sector organisation at local and national levels of government.
People David Jarman
Ivana Rihova
Themes Culture and Communities
Research Centres/Groups Tourism Research Centre

Universities of Scotland Events Conference, 2017 (USEC2017)
Mar 24, 2017

Location The Business School
Edinburgh Napier University
Craiglockhart Campus
Colinton Road
EH14 1DJ
Description From the online publicity and information pages:

The USEC returns to Edinburgh Napier in 2017! Universities of Scotland Events Conference (USEC) is an annual running event, bringing together Events Management students from across seven Scottish universities. USEC2017 is the fifth edition of the event, and the second time it has been to our Craiglockhart campus. It will take place from 12:00 noon on Friday 24 March, running through the afternoon.

USEC2017 features a sandwich lunch, keynote speakers from the festival and event industries, a choice of workshops, and a closing debate… and it’s FREE to attend.

The conference will be focusing on contemporary issues in the festival and event industries, from employability to sustainability in a challenging environment. We are due to welcome a keynote speaker from the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, workshop hosts from the British Arts Festivals Association and Marketing Edinburgh, and a closing debate featuring guests from industry and academia. USEC2017 provides everyone a chance to learn from the professionals and to share opinions in workshop discussions. What’s more, there will be plenty of networking opportunities.

Look out for the Eventbrite sign up, and stay tuned for more details about USEC2017!

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Edinburgh Napier!
People Ivana Rihova
Jane Ali-Knight
David Jarman
Louise Todd
Research Areas Festivals and Events
Themes Culture and Communities
Research Centres/Groups Tourism Research Centre

Gender and Sexuality Research at Edinburgh Napier University
Mar 6, 2024

Location Merchiston Campus, room: MER_H11
Description Let’s get together and listen to colleagues working on gender and sexuality! And then let’s talk about their fascinating ideas, and how they relate to our own work and topics! This event is envisaged as informal and friendly gathering, following the success of similar gathering in 2023. We want to continue on this good tradition, and build new connections, learn about inspiring research we are doing across the university, feel inspired and nurtured.
Please send any queries to: Dr Roberto Kulpa (


Welcome (Roberto Kulpa)

14:10-15:00 TRANS LIVES
GUEST: Gina Gwenffrewi (University of Edinburgh) will start with an input about trans* people's cultural production online (i.e. YouTube, Twitter/X), framing the moral panic, and its impact on the trans* communities.

Rob Clucas (Law) will speak to the latest ‘gender critical’ challenge to the Gender Recognition Act 2004 in the appeal to the Supreme Court in the For Women Scotland case. He suggests that a solution to the current poisonous polemic around trans* rights can usefully be sought in the dialogic theory of Martin Buber (Buber 1958).

Toni Kania (Social Sciences) will introduce their PhD project about conceptualising bodily autonomy and sovereignty of trans* people – and from trans* peoples’ perspective – in Poland.

15:00-15:10 Coffee and pastries break
Amy Beddows (Counselling) will speak about the potential of horror texts as tools for survivors processing the experiences of gendered violence.
Anne Schwan (English) will reflect on femicide, perpetrator narratives and the challenge of restorative justice, drawing from her analysis of Em Strang's novel “Quinn” (2023).
Fiona McQueen (Social Sciences) will conclude this section pondering on her project on Scottish young men’s attitudes towards prevention messages on violence against women, incl. queer & trans men’s accounts and insights.

16:00-16:10 Coffee and pastries break
Yen Nee Wong (Social Sciences) will introduce us to queer cultures of ballroom dancing and the role of Strictly Come Dancing’s representations and mainstreaming.
David Bishop (Creative Writing) will speak about his creative writing PhD, instigation into the scarcity of queer sleuths in historical mystery fiction set before the Victorian era, and the politics of outing and authorship.
Phiona Stanley (Tourism) will talk about labels – ‘spinsters’, ‘crazy cat ladies’, ‘witches’. It is also, in theoretical terms, about queering queerness by negotiating the queer and deeply gendered queerness of spinsterhood.

17:00-17:10 Coffee and pastries break
17:10-17:45 POP!
Ashley Stein (Music) will introduce their PhD project on how hyperpop and other electronic music practices can be used to destabilise gender binaries.
Frederik Byrn Køhlert (English, Visual Cultures) will close this input section with a reflection on the representation of gender and sexuality in comics & graphic novels, incl. examples from work as editor of a Routledge series on Gender, Sexuality, and Comics.

17:45-onwards: Post-Event Drinks & Food at nearby The Golf Tavern
30-31 Wright's Houses, Bruntsfield, EH10 4HR

Event Organisation:
Dr Roberto Kulpa
School of Applied Sciences: Deputy Research Degrees Lead
Co-Director: MSc Applied Social Research
Co-Investigator: (2022-2026) ‘RESIST. Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics’ (EU Horizon Europe grant no. 101060749).
People Amy Beddows
Anne Schwan
Ashley Stein
David Bishop
Fiona McQueen
Frederik Byrn Kohlert
Phiona Stanley
Rob Clucas
Roberto Kulpa
Toni Kania
Yen Wong
Research Areas Acoustics
Art and design
Children’s Rights
Critical studies
Cultural heritage
Ethics and sustainability
Families and Relationships
Film and television
Health and wellbeing
Human rights
Intercultural Communication
Law and Legal Policy
Mental health
Migration and Mobility
Public health
Reproductive health
Social justice
Themes AI and Technologies
Culture and Communities
Research Centres/Groups Centre for Arts, Media and Culture
Centre for Child & Family Law and Policy
Centre for Creative Practice Research
Social Sciences Research Group