Child contact hearings failing to take account of domestic abuse, study finds
Feb 2, 2023
The Courier
The Courier - 02/02/2023
Child contact hearings in civil courts are not taking adequate account of domestic abuse convictions, according to researchers.
(Note: this story originated from Press Association and appeared across several Scottish news websites).
Artificial Intelligence has fuelled tech stock prices as investors become aware of the massive disruption underway to the digital economy. There's also much concern among marketers that the success of ChatGPT is the start of a massive overhaul to the way marketing is practised - and that many job roles will change dramatically or disappear. Joining Edinburgh Napier Marketing Network hosts Jackie Cameron and Kat Rezai to discuss marketing in an AI world are: market research experts Jack Wilson and Keith Crane of global market research firm 2CV; Ewan Anderson, Vice-Chair of Communications for the Chartered Institute of Marketing Scotland and a marketing specialist for headhunting firm Eden Scott; and, David Roberts, head of business at award-winning UK-based Multiply Agency,
Call for papers: Special issue of Utilities Policy (CABS 1, Impact Factor 3.247, SSCI). “Impact of Geopolitical Climate on Energy Security of Utilities–International Challenges and Local Solutions”
Dec 5, 2022
Impact of Geopolitical Climate on Energy Security of Utilities–International Challenges and Local Solutions
The endowment with energy resources is an essential factor that has configured and reconfigured over the centuries the pace of economic development of the states which have oil, gas and coal reserves. In addition, it is reported that such endowment with energy resources has also generated significant geopolitical influences on a regional and even international level. Some researchers even consider it “the key currency of geopolitics”. The reduction of oil, gas and coal reserves (at least in certain areas) and the negative impact of production and consumption of fossil fuels have generated a new energy transition, which is different from previous transitions as it is a politically driven process. National and international efforts have materialized in the adoption of the Agenda 2030, in the set-up of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or in the establishment of the Energy Union at the level of the European Union. Access to affordable and clean energy is one of the SDGs, considering that energy poverty is a scourge affecting consumers from developed countries and emerging economies, whether they are located in warm or temperate areas.
Guest editors:
Prof. Muhammad Shahbaz, PhD
Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
(Energy, Environment, Utilities Policy, Applied Economics)
Prof. Mirela Panait, PhD
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Ploiesti, Romania
(Energy transition, sustainable development, corporate social responsibility)
Assoc. Prof. Anna Min Du, PhD
Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK
(Environment Management, Utilities Policy, Applied Economics, Finance)
Manuscript submission information:
Guest Editor Invitation Only
Geopolitical Climate, Energy Security of Utilities
Call for papers: Special issue of Resources Policy (CABS2, Impact factor 8.222) "From Covid-19 to Conflict: Challenges for Natural Resources Policy Making"
Aug 5, 2022
Special issue - From Covid-19 to Conflict: Challenges for Natural Resources Policy Making
This special issue investigates and examines the conflict as well as the challenges for natural resources policy making during the Covid-19 pandemics crisis and their connections to the broader concept of successful and unsuccessful policy design.
Guest editors:
Muhammad Shahbaz,
School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, China;
Department of Land Economy, The University of Cambridge, UK. Email:
Anna Min Du,
Research Lead of Accounting and Finance Subject Group,
PhD Coordinator of Accounting and Finance Subject Group.
The Business School, Craiglockhart Campus, Edinburgh Napier University, UK.
Simona Bigerna,
Department of Economics, University of Perugia, Italy. Email:
Co-presenter 'Engaging your future workforce' webinar for ASVA
Aug 16, 2022
Co-presented webinar on 'Engaging with your future workforce' with City of Glasgow College and Robert Gordon University for Association of Scottish Visitor Attractions.