Computerization movements as a frame for E-Government studies.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davenport, E., & Horton, K. (2005, January). Computerization movements as a frame for E-Government studies. Paper presented at Social Informatics Workshop: Extending the Contributions of Professor Rob Kling to the Analysis of Computerization Movements
All Outputs (86)
Understanding sociotechnical action. (2004)
(2004). K. Horton, E. Davenport, & T. W. Harper (Eds.), Understanding sociotechnical action. Napier University
Familiarity as changing perception. (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, P., Davenport, E., & Van de Walle, G. (2004, September). Familiarity as changing perception
Users as abstractions (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, P. (2004, June). Users as abstractions. Presented at Understanding Sociatechnical Action : WorkshopNo Abstract available.
Talking about computers among a group of older people. (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davenport, E., Turner, P., & Van de Walle, G. (2004, July). Talking about computers among a group of older people. Presented at Second International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities
Care and involvement: a classification of user experience. (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, P., Davenport, E., & Turner, S. (2004, December). Care and involvement: a classification of user experience. Presented at 2nd Workshop on Space, Spatiality and Technologies
A social shaping perspective on an e-Governmental system(ic) failure. (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davenport, E., & Horton, K. (2004, August). A social shaping perspective on an e-Governmental system(ic) failureThe paper that follows is concerned with the communities of interest (or actor networks) and communities of practice that articulate the delivery of e-government services, and with the discourse formations that shape the delivery of e-government serv... Read More about A social shaping perspective on an e-Governmental system(ic) failure..
Innovation and hybrid genres: disturbing social rhythm in legal practice. (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Horton, K., & Davenport, E. (2004, June). Innovation and hybrid genres: disturbing social rhythm in legal practice. Presented at Twelfth European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Turku, Finland, Turku, FinlandThis paper explores the non-adoption of an innovation via the concept of hybrid genres, that is digital genres that emerge from a non-digital material precedent. As instances of innovation these are often resisted because they disturb the order of ac... Read More about Innovation and hybrid genres: disturbing social rhythm in legal practice..
The phenomenology of familiarity. (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Van de Walle, G., Turner, P., & Davenport, E. (2003, August). The phenomenology of familiarity. Presented at INTERACT 2003 - Bringing the Bits togETHer
Where am I? Place as the basis for Presence. (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, P., & Turner, S. Where am I? Place as the basis for Presence
Organisational learning: an investigation of response to rapid change in a traditional environment. (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buckner, K., & Davenport, E. (2003, June). Organisational learning: an investigation of response to rapid change in a traditional environment. Presented at 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International, Crete, Greece 22-27 June 2003; Lawrence Erlbaum AssociatesThis paper is a case study of 'collective' HCI in a 'top-down' systems project - a very large computing center in a new university in the United Kingdom. The authors present the findings of a small empirical study of computer supported teaching and l... Read More about Organisational learning: an investigation of response to rapid change in a traditional environment..
Teaching and learning in the VLCC: actions, reactions and emerging practice in a very large computing centre. (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buckner, K., & Davenport, E. (2002, September). Teaching and learning in the VLCC: actions, reactions and emerging practice in a very large computing centre. Presented at ECCE 11What happens to human computer interaction when the
walls of a physical teaching laboratory are removed?
We present the case of a very large (and new)
computing centre (VLCC) in a technical university in
Central Scotland. In this large multi-user... Read More about Teaching and learning in the VLCC: actions, reactions and emerging practice in a very large computing centre..
Technology to support participatory democracy. (2002)
Book Chapter
Macintosh, A., Davenport, E., Malina, A., & Whyte, A. (2002). Technology to support participatory democracy. In Å. Grönlund (Ed.), Electronic Government: design, applications and management (226-248). Idea Group Publishing. chapter focuses on the development, application and impact of information and communication technology on civic representation and participation in the democratic process. Governments, at local and national levels, need to restore public confide... Read More about Technology to support participatory democracy..
New knowledge and micro-level online organization: 'communities of practice' as a development framework (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davenport, E., & Hall, H. (2001, January). New knowledge and micro-level online organization: 'communities of practice' as a development framework. Presented at Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesThe role of communities of practice in knowledge creation is recognized in a number of contexts. The authors take a socio-technical perspective and identify four characteristics of such communities: situated learning, situated action, distributed cog... Read More about New knowledge and micro-level online organization: 'communities of practice' as a development framework.
Mundane knowledge management and microlevel organizational learning: an ethological approach. (2002)
Journal Article
Davenport, E. (2002). Mundane knowledge management and microlevel organizational learning: an ethological approach. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53, 1038-1046. management is discussed in the context of articulation work, that is routine interactions in groups of local practice. In such situations, knowledge is largely acquired and maintained by learning from the appropriate behavior of others by m... Read More about Mundane knowledge management and microlevel organizational learning: an ethological approach..
Internet simulations for teaching, learning and research: an investigation of e-commerce interactions and practice in the Virtual Economy. (2002)
Journal Article
Horton, K., Davenport, E., Hall, H., & Rosenbaum, H. (2002). Internet simulations for teaching, learning and research: an investigation of e-commerce interactions and practice in the Virtual Economy. Education for Information, 20(3/4), 237-252In this paper we report upon the Virtual Economy (VE), an Internet simulation which operated for the first time in Spring 2000 involving students at Indiana University, USA and at Napier University, Edinburgh, UK. During 2001, the VE was extended to... Read More about Internet simulations for teaching, learning and research: an investigation of e-commerce interactions and practice in the Virtual Economy..
Organizational knowledge and communities of practice (2002)
Journal Article
Davenport, E., & Hall, H. (2002). Organizational knowledge and communities of practice. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 36(1), 170-227. abstract available for this article.
Who dunnit? Metatags and hyperauthorship (2001)
Journal Article
Davenport, E., & Cronin, B. (2001). Who dunnit? Metatags and hyperauthorship. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 52(9), 770-773. authorship is a topic of growing concern in a number of scientific domains. When, as is increasingly common, scholarly articles and clinical reports have scores or even hundreds of authors - what Cronin (in press) has termed hyperauthorship... Read More about Who dunnit? Metatags and hyperauthorship.
Consolidating knowledge for aggregated enterprise in tourism SMEs. (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davenport, E., & Taylor, K. (2001, May). Consolidating knowledge for aggregated enterprise in tourism SMEs
Knowledge management issues for online organisations: ‘communities of practice’ as an exploratory framework (2001)
Journal Article
Davenport, E. (2001). Knowledge management issues for online organisations: ‘communities of practice’ as an exploratory framework. Journal of Documentation, 57(1), 61-75. of practice have been identified as sites where knowledge is created in organisations. The author reviews studies of situated learning and situated action and suggests that these two activities may characterise the learning process in com... Read More about Knowledge management issues for online organisations: ‘communities of practice’ as an exploratory framework.