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Outputs (331)

An agent based Bayesian forecasting model for enhanced network security. (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pikoulas, J., Buchanan, W. J., Mannion, M., & Triantafyllopoulos, K. (2001, April). An agent based Bayesian forecasting model for enhanced network security. Presented at ECBS 2001

Security has become a major issue in many organisations, but most systems still rely on operating systems, and a user ID and password system to provide user authentication and validation. They also tend to be centralized in their approach which makes... Read More about An agent based Bayesian forecasting model for enhanced network security..

Designing for mobility, collaboration and information use by blue-collar workers (2001)
Journal Article
Brodie, J., & Perry, M. (2001). Designing for mobility, collaboration and information use by blue-collar workers. SIGGROUP bulletin : a publication of the Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Work, 22(3), 22-27.

The uptake of mobile phones in the UK has increased exponentially in the past two years, indicating that a wider range of users are now utilising mobile technologies in different contexts than ever before. Still little is known about how mobile techn... Read More about Designing for mobility, collaboration and information use by blue-collar workers.

Advanced PC architecture. (2000)
Buchanan, W. J., & Wilson, A. (2000). Advanced PC architecture. Addison Wesley

The first book ever to give a complete picture of the workings of a PC! A comprehensive guide to the component systems of the PC, this book provides a foundation to the understanding of previous, current and future PC systems, and how the specificati... Read More about Advanced PC architecture..

Computer busses. (2000)
Buchanan, W. J. (2000). Computer busses. Butterworth-Heinemann

Distributed systems and networks. (2000)
Buchanan, W. J. (2000). Distributed systems and networks. McGraw-Hill

This book provides the student with comprehensive coverage of both networks and system architecture. It aims to introduce the most widely used networking protocols and distributed systems, covering recent developments in distributed processing and th... Read More about Distributed systems and networks..

Evaluating a business information sources online course (2000)
Journal Article
Gillham, M., & Hall, H. (2000). Evaluating a business information sources online course. Econtent; Wilton, 23(5), 55-63

With a history of innovative course material delivery mechanisms, the Information Management Department at Queen Margaret University College in Edinburgh, Scotland, decided to take advantage of funding from the University College to develop a Web sit... Read More about Evaluating a business information sources online course.

PC Interfacing, communications and Windows programming. (1999)
Buchanan, W. J. (1999). PC Interfacing, communications and Windows programming. Addison-Wesley Longman Ltd

author's successful Applied PC Interfacing, Graphics and Interrupts this book covers all the different aspects of computer systems from low-level hardware (such as processors and interface devices) to high-level software (such as Win32 programming).... Read More about PC Interfacing, communications and Windows programming..

Networked information: dealing with overload. (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, H. (1997, November). Networked information: dealing with overload. Presented at LACIG Scotland

In support of peak performance all organisations require optimal information: information that arrives at the right time and in the right format, matching the quality requirements of its potential users (Marcusohn, 1995). In contrast to this, a super... Read More about Networked information: dealing with overload..

Mastering the Internet. (1997)
Buchanan, W. J. (1997). Mastering the Internet. Macmillan Press

This work offers an up-to-date account of all the component parts of the Internet and the World Wide Web, from architecture to networking. The book discusses key specifications relating to electronic mail, such as MiMe encoding and SMTP, and shows ho... Read More about Mastering the Internet..

Wiedziec wiecej Internet (1997)
Buchanan, W. J. (1997). Wiedziec wiecej Internet. Wkt (Poland)

Ksi??ka ta m. In. Uczy jak korzysta? z internetu i sieci www.Opisuje bowiem techniczne aspekty tej ?wiatowej sieci informacyjnej. Dlatego te? mo?e by? wykorzystywana przez wszystkich uczniów i studentów, którzy nie tylko chc? korzysta? z internetu, l... Read More about Wiedziec wiecej Internet.

Setting the context for teaching business information (1995)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, H. (1995, November). Setting the context for teaching business information. Paper presented at Improved practice and integrated skills in the LIS field

How do we teach information management students about the business environment? • How can we design courses on information sources and services provision that interest and motivate students?