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Outputs (331)

Social network analysis as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of EC funded networks of excellence: the case of DEMO-net (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buckner, K., & Cruickshank, P. (2008, January). Social network analysis as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of EC funded networks of excellence: the case of DEMO-net

The European Commission, through its framework programme aims to stimulate the development of sustained collaborative research networks across Europe. Social network analysis (SNA) has previously been used to evaluate collaboration between projects a... Read More about Social network analysis as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of EC funded networks of excellence: the case of DEMO-net.

Realising the potential of technology tools: expecting the unexpected. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, H. (2008, December). Realising the potential of technology tools: expecting the unexpected. Presented at Online Information 2008

With reference to the domain of sociotechnical studies, this paper establishes reasons why expectations of technology implementations are often misguided. Examples from a number of scenarios drawn from academic research demonstrate the phenomena of "... Read More about Realising the potential of technology tools: expecting the unexpected..

Bringing social and technological innovation to the work of national, regional and local elected representatives: the eRepresentative project. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Karamagioli, E., Koulolias, V., Smith, C. F., & Cruickshank, P. (2008, September). Bringing social and technological innovation to the work of national, regional and local elected representatives: the eRepresentative project

Members of elected assemblies have a number of overlapping roles. eRepresentative is a project of the European Commission’s IST programme, and has investigated the potential for ICT support for the committee-based legislative role in a secure, mobile... Read More about Bringing social and technological innovation to the work of national, regional and local elected representatives: the eRepresentative project..

Opportunity and risk in social computing environments (2008)
Hall, H., Golzari, S., Blaswick, B., & Goody, M. (2008). Opportunity and risk in social computing environments. United Kingdom: TFPL

This report discusses the main findings of a pilot study that set out to establish the main risks and opportunities of the adoption of social computing tools within organizations for collaborative work purposes as perceived by information and knowled... Read More about Opportunity and risk in social computing environments.

Culture as culprit: using actor-network theory to unpick power issues of knowledge exchange in corporate environments (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, H. (2008, September). Culture as culprit: using actor-network theory to unpick power issues of knowledge exchange in corporate environments. Paper presented at Developing and sustaining a knowledge sharing culture

Invited paper presentation.

Presentation slides can be found on slideshare -

Social exchange, social capital and information sharing in online environments: lessons from three case studies. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, H., & Widen-Wulff, G. (2008, June). Social exchange, social capital and information sharing in online environments: lessons from three case studies. Paper presented at USE-2008: From information provision to knowledge production

This paper covers the themes of exchange theory, social exchange theory and social capital as related to information and knowledge sharing in online environments. It presents findings from three cases where individuals were encouraged to share inform... Read More about Social exchange, social capital and information sharing in online environments: lessons from three case studies..

RKB: A Knowledge base to support research documentation, data, GIS, spatial data and communications for a major rail freight project. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wigan, M., Kukla, R., Benjamins, M., & Grashoff, P. (2007, October). RKB: A Knowledge base to support research documentation, data, GIS, spatial data and communications for a major rail freight project. Presented at European transport conference 2007

The paper places data and document access, use and exploration systems in the context of the Data Observatories movement, as well as the document repository systems now becoming mandated for universities. It will show how taking these developments in... Read More about RKB: A Knowledge base to support research documentation, data, GIS, spatial data and communications for a major rail freight project..

Maximising value from communities (2007)
Ward, S., & Hall, H. (2007). Maximising value from communities. United Kingdom: TFPL

Unpublished report of the TFPL Maximising Value from Communities (MVC) Learning Consortium.

Mass customisation through personalised brochures: the role of digital printing. (2007)
Journal Article
Migas, N., Anastasiadou, C., & Buchanan, W. J. (2007). Mass customisation through personalised brochures: the role of digital printing. Information Systems,

This paper argues that despite the wide adoption of Internet technologies in destination marketing, information is still disseminated through printed brochures that have largely remained unchanged and unaffected by the trend towards greater personali... Read More about Mass customisation through personalised brochures: the role of digital printing..

Motivating learner engagement in online environments: the relevance of social exchange theory (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, H. (2007, November). Motivating learner engagement in online environments: the relevance of social exchange theory. Paper presented at JISC CETIS Conference

Invited paper presentation.

Presentation slides can be found on slideshare -

Place and technology in the home. (2007)
Journal Article
Baillie, L., & Benyon, D. (2008). Place and technology in the home. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 17(2-3), 227-256.

The home is a complex environment, designed for general use but shaped by individual needs and desires. It is a place often shared by several people with different demands and requirements. It is a place embedded with technologies utilised at various... Read More about Place and technology in the home..

Social software as support in hybrid learning environments: The value of the blog as a tool for reflective learning and peer support (2007)
Journal Article
Hall, H., & Davison, B. (2007). Social software as support in hybrid learning environments: The value of the blog as a tool for reflective learning and peer support. Library and Information Science Research, 29(2), 163-187.

This article reports on an investigation of blog technology's potential for encouraging interaction between students, and its consequences in terms of peer learning and peer support, on a module of an accredited library and information science (LIS)... Read More about Social software as support in hybrid learning environments: The value of the blog as a tool for reflective learning and peer support.

KM, culture and compromise: interventions to promote knowledge sharing supported by technology in corporate environments (2007)
Journal Article
Hall, H., & Goody, M. (2007). KM, culture and compromise: interventions to promote knowledge sharing supported by technology in corporate environments. Journal of Information Science, 33(2), 181-188.

The theme of knowledge sharing is discussed extensively in the knowledge management literature. Such work tends to focus on the barriers that impede knowledge sharing activity. Of these “culture” is commonly cited as a major obstacle. This article ex... Read More about KM, culture and compromise: interventions to promote knowledge sharing supported by technology in corporate environments.

Who is managing information? Opportunities in the e-information market place. (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, H., & Abell, A. (2006, November). Who is managing information? Opportunities in the e-information market place. Presented at 30th International Online Meeting

This paper presents a summary of results that derive from research into the emerging information job market. The project was conducted by TFPL between February and June 2006, and focused on “e-information roles”.

Organised use of e-democracy tools for young people (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, E., Macintosh, A., & Whyte, A. (2006, September). Organised use of e-democracy tools for young people. Presented at EGOV Conference 2006, Krakow, Poland

This paper concerns use of an online policy debating forum: part of a suite of e-democracy tools for a local youth parliament. These e-democracy tools have been used and developed over the last 5 years and are vital to the parliament, as it serves a... Read More about Organised use of e-democracy tools for young people.

An intelligent front-end for government websites. (2006)
Book Chapter
Cruickshank, P., & Macintosh, A. (2006). An intelligent front-end for government websites. In P. Cunningham, & M. Cunningham (Eds.), Exploiting the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications and Case Studies (427-434). IOS press

The HANDS question-answering and direction application, consisting of Answer Tree and Address Guesser modules is described in relation to the EDEN project from which it is derived. The use of an Open Source (OSS) model for application development and... Read More about An intelligent front-end for government websites..

Progressive skinning for video game character animations. (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pilgrim, S. J., Aguado, A., Mitchell, K., & Steed, A. (2006, December). Progressive skinning for video game character animations. Presented at ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Sketches on - SIGGRAPH '06

New role realities: Avenues for extending the reach of information specialists (2006)
Journal Article
Hall, H., & Abell, A. (2006). New role realities: Avenues for extending the reach of information specialists. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 43(1), 1-13.

As organizations have developed enterprise-wide electronic information environments, a diverse range of job roles has emerged at a variety of levels. Some of these roles are ear-marked for “traditional” information specialists, but many are not – and... Read More about New role realities: Avenues for extending the reach of information specialists.