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All Outputs (224)

Faith and belief in Scotland. (2014)
Siddiqui, M., Allison, A., Snowden, A., & Fleming, M. (2014). Faith and belief in Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Government

The nature of Scottish society is changing. Scotland is becoming more ethnically and religiously diverse. Within
an equalities framework, consideration must be given to
service provision for these changing demographics. The
Public Sector Duty make... Read More about Faith and belief in Scotland..

Getting it right for children and families affected by parental problem alcohol and drug use: practitioner toolkit. (2014)
Whittaker, A., Templeton, L., Mitchell, F., Hill, L., & Neilson, A. (2014). Getting it right for children and families affected by parental problem alcohol and drug use: practitioner toolkit. Edinburgh, Scotland: NHS Lothian

Welcome to Lothian’s Practitioner TOOLKIT. This toolkit has been designed to complement Lothian’s interagency guidelines: Getting it right for children and families affected by parental problem alcohol and drug use: Guidelines for agencies in Edinbur... Read More about Getting it right for children and families affected by parental problem alcohol and drug use: practitioner toolkit..

Optimising Older People’s Quality of Life: an Outcomes Framework. Strategic Outcomes Model. (2014)
Cohen, L., Wimbush, E., Myers, F., Macdonald, W., & Frost, H. (2014). Optimising Older People’s Quality of Life: an Outcomes Framework. Strategic Outcomes Model. Scotland: NHS Health Scotland

More older people than ever before can look forward to many years of healthy life after retirement. Reflecting the priority the Scottish Government places on optimising the quality of later life, it has included in the National Performance Framework... Read More about Optimising Older People’s Quality of Life: an Outcomes Framework. Strategic Outcomes Model..

Evaluation of the Delivering Assisted Living Lifestyles at Scale – dallas programme. 24 months Interim Evaluation Report. (2014)
McGee-Lennon, M., Bouamrane, M.-M., O'Connor, S., Agbakoba, R., Grieves, E., O'Donnell, C., & Mair, F. (2014). Evaluation of the Delivering Assisted Living Lifestyles at Scale – dallas programme. 24 months Interim Evaluation Report. United Kingdom: Innovate UK (Technology Strategy Board)

Evaluation of the Delivering Assisted Living Lifestyles at Scale – DALLAS programme. 24 months Interim Evaluation Report.

Nurture corners in nurseries: exploring perspectives on nurture approaches in preschool provision in Glasgow. (2014)
Stephen, C., Stone, K., Burgess, C., Daniel, B., & Smith, J. (2014). Nurture corners in nurseries: exploring perspectives on nurture approaches in preschool provision in Glasgow. Glasgow, Scotland: Glasgow Centre for Population Health

The evidence is compelling regarding the importance of early years and childhood experiences for healthy development and for health and wellbeing throughout an individual’s life course. It is widely agreed that early experiences are affected by a num... Read More about Nurture corners in nurseries: exploring perspectives on nurture approaches in preschool provision in Glasgow..

Developing and sustaining a culture of innovation in Health Higher Education literature review. (2014)
Lewitt, M. S., Snowden, A., & Sheward, L. (2014). Developing and sustaining a culture of innovation in Health Higher Education literature review. Scotland: Higher Education Academy/ Council of Deans

This literature review set out to review the recent literature on cultures of innovation and summarise how they are developed, sustained and extended, including the associated barriers and enablers, in a way that is relevant to health HE and which ca... Read More about Developing and sustaining a culture of innovation in Health Higher Education literature review..

Looking at bullying and cyberbullying: mapping approaches and knowledge. (2014)
Stone, K. (2014). Looking at bullying and cyberbullying: mapping approaches and knowledge. Edinburgh. Scotland: Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People

This report looks at how bullying and cyberbullying are defined, approaches to handling both in Scotland, and children and young people's views and experiences of cyberbullying.

Assessment and care planning for cancer survivors: a concise evidence review. (2014)
Snowden, A., & White, C. (2014). Assessment and care planning for cancer survivors: a concise evidence review. London, UK: Macmillan Cancer

This concise review examines the evidence for Holistic Needs Assessment
(HNA) in cancer survivors. It takes a structured approach by categorising
levels of evidence pertaining to a series of specific statements.
We therefore begin with summary def... Read More about Assessment and care planning for cancer survivors: a concise evidence review..

Acts of Recovery: moving on from childhood abuse. (2013)
Chouliara, Z., Karatzias, T., & Gullone, A. (2013). Acts of Recovery: moving on from childhood abuse. Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish recovery

Evidence-based, survivor-centred self-help booklet for survivors of childhood abuse.

An exploration of the interpretation and application of the Due Regard Principle in Practice learning. (2013)
Scott, J. A., Pollock, C., Conlon, M. M. M., & Miller, L. (2013). An exploration of the interpretation and application of the Due Regard Principle in Practice learning. Scotland: NHS Scotland

This is the second stage of a project on ‘Due Regard’. Project one explored and investigated Due
Regard in practice in Scotland. Project two (this project) evaluated a pilot of the effectiveness and
validity of a practice learning environment Equiv... Read More about An exploration of the interpretation and application of the Due Regard Principle in Practice learning..

An exploration of the interpretation and application of the use of due regard in pre-registration nursing programmes. (2013)
Scott, J. A., Pollock, C., Conlon, M. M. M., & Pollard, M. (2013). An exploration of the interpretation and application of the use of due regard in pre-registration nursing programmes. Edinburgh, Scotland: Nurse Education Scotland

Due Regard relates to ensuring NMC-approved processes are in place to enable students to achieve the required standards of proficiency for safe and effective practice, defining crucial details such as the appropriate clinical backgrounds, experience... Read More about An exploration of the interpretation and application of the use of due regard in pre-registration nursing programmes..

Validation of the NHS Scotland Employee Engagement Index. (2013)
Snowden, A., & MacArthur, E. (2013). Validation of the NHS Scotland Employee Engagement Index. Edinburgh, Scotland: NHS SCotland

Using a novel combination of Rasch and factor analysis showed the index to a) measure the latent trait of employee engagement and b) be constructed from the four factors underpinning its theoretical development. This work led to the tool being adopte... Read More about Validation of the NHS Scotland Employee Engagement Index..

'No barriers to medication at school' - the administration of medicines and health care procedures in schools: the views of parents and carers. (2013)
Stone, K., & Doyle, S. (2013). 'No barriers to medication at school' - the administration of medicines and health care procedures in schools: the views of parents and carers. Stirling, Scotland: WithScotland

The key aim of this study was to find out the views of parents and carers of children and young people who need medication at school. It looks in particular on the impact current practice has on school and family life.

Evaluation of the pilot of an outcomes framework used in child protection cases in Falkirk council. Final Report (2013)
Burgess, C., & Stone, K. (2013). Evaluation of the pilot of an outcomes framework used in child protection cases in Falkirk council. Final Report. Stirling, Scotland: WithScotland, University of Stirling

Moving towards a better understanding of outcomes is key to the development of legislation, policy and practice in Scotland. The evidence for the need for agreed plans to benefit children, which focus on protecting children and identifying achievable... Read More about Evaluation of the pilot of an outcomes framework used in child protection cases in Falkirk council. Final Report.

The role of schools in supporting vulnerable children and families. (2013)
Stone, K. (2013). The role of schools in supporting vulnerable children and families. Stirling, Scotland: WithScotland, University of Stirling

Practitioners who participated in the SCCPN/MARS
research study reported on in What Can Research Do
For You?1 identified the role of schools in supporting
vulnerable children and families as a priority for a
research briefing.
A subsequent revie... Read More about The role of schools in supporting vulnerable children and families..

Evaluation of the Scottish Recovery Indicator 2 (SRI 2) (2013)
MacGregor, A., Reid, S., Maxwell, M., Miller, I., Macleod, S., Corbett, J., Dougall, N., & Harris, F. (2013). Evaluation of the Scottish Recovery Indicator 2 (SRI 2). Edinburgh: Scottish Recovery Network

Executive summary
The Scottish Recover Indicator (SRI) is a web based service
development tool designed by the Scottish Recovery Network to
support and develop recovery focused approaches in Scottish
mental health services (
The Sc... Read More about Evaluation of the Scottish Recovery Indicator 2 (SRI 2).

Prescription For Excellence (2013)
Scottish Government. (2013). Prescription For Excellence. Edinburgh: Scottish Government

Policy document setting out the vision for pharmacy. A vision and action plan for the future of NHS pharmaceutical care in Scotland through integrated partnerships and innovation.