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Outputs (98)

Nurses' Perceptions regarding Types of Aggressive Behaviour displayed by Patients in a Selected Psychiatric Hospital in Lesotho (2021)
Journal Article
Rathobei, L., Nyangu, I., & Dube, M. (2021). Nurses' Perceptions regarding Types of Aggressive Behaviour displayed by Patients in a Selected Psychiatric Hospital in Lesotho. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 23(1), Article 8325.

Aggressive behaviour of inpatients in mental health facilities occurs globally and is a serious nursing problem. Consequently, there is insufficient research studies conducted among nurses regarding the types of aggressive behaviour displayed by pati... Read More about Nurses' Perceptions regarding Types of Aggressive Behaviour displayed by Patients in a Selected Psychiatric Hospital in Lesotho.

An Investigation of the Effects of Drill Operator Posture on Vibration Exposure and Temporary Threshold Shift of Vibrotactile Perception Threshold (2021)
Journal Article
Taylor, M., Maeda, S., & Miyashita, K. (2021). An Investigation of the Effects of Drill Operator Posture on Vibration Exposure and Temporary Threshold Shift of Vibrotactile Perception Threshold. Vibration, 4(2), 395-405.

The present study involved performing an experiment to clarify whether vibration measurement values on the tool handle, in accordance with ISO 5349-1, can assess risk from workplace environments. The study investigated the relationship between the vi... Read More about An Investigation of the Effects of Drill Operator Posture on Vibration Exposure and Temporary Threshold Shift of Vibrotactile Perception Threshold.

An Internet-based Health Intervention for Cardiovascular Disease Management that is Integrated with Primary Care Electronic Health Records: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Implementation Fidelity and User Experience (2021)
Journal Article
Neubeck, L., Coorey, G., Peiris, D., Scaria, A., Mulley, J., Hafiz, N., & Redfern, J. (2021). An Internet-based Health Intervention for Cardiovascular Disease Management that is Integrated with Primary Care Electronic Health Records: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Implementation Fidelity and User Experience. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(4),

Background: Growing evidence supports the benefits of eHealth interventions to increase patient engagement and improve outcomes for a range of conditions. However, ineffective program delivery and usage attrition limit exposure to these interventions... Read More about An Internet-based Health Intervention for Cardiovascular Disease Management that is Integrated with Primary Care Electronic Health Records: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Implementation Fidelity and User Experience.

KUSWA: a case study of indigenous participatory filmmaking addressing gender violence and sorcery accusations, Papua New Guinea (2021)
Crook, T., Fufurefa, E., Hukula, F., MacLeod, K., Munau, L., Sar, L., & Strong, T. (2021). KUSWA: a case study of indigenous participatory filmmaking addressing gender violence and sorcery accusations, Papua New Guinea. AHRC & ESRC

Case study produced for AHRC/ESRC project addressing indigenous engagement in research practice. Case study discusses community filmmaking within context of KUSWA organisation in Goroka, Papua New Guinea and its use as a strand in combatting gender b... Read More about KUSWA: a case study of indigenous participatory filmmaking addressing gender violence and sorcery accusations, Papua New Guinea.

Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in an Evolving Sector (2021)
Clarke, D., Ellis, V., Patrick-Thomson, H., & Weir, D. (Eds.). (2021). Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in an Evolving Sector. Emerald

Decades of stagnating demand for beer and the emergence of global brewing conglomerates had seen many of Britain’s longstanding breweries disappear and a decline in the diversity of beer styles on offer. However, following similar developments in the... Read More about Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in an Evolving Sector.

Factors in the provision of engaging experiences for the traditionalist market at visitor attractions (2021)
Journal Article
Leask, A., & Barron, P. (2021). Factors in the provision of engaging experiences for the traditionalist market at visitor attractions. Tourism Management Perspectives, 38, Article 100810.

The global population is ageing with implications for the provision of tourism experiences to meet changing needs. The shift in demographics has encouraged a focus on the older visitor with tourism organisations recognising the value of engaging with... Read More about Factors in the provision of engaging experiences for the traditionalist market at visitor attractions.

The Potential of Friendship: A Case for Social Resilience (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kulpa, R., & Ludwin, K. (2021, April). The Potential of Friendship: A Case for Social Resilience. Paper presented at 70th Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association, London, UK

The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic mark a crisis of neoliberal ideologies of entrepreneurial individualism underpinning global precarity globally, nationally, and at the level of personal and community networks and relation(ship)s. In Poland a... Read More about The Potential of Friendship: A Case for Social Resilience.

Developing the concept of leaveism: From a form of presenteeism/absence to an emergent and expanding domain of work (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Richards, J., Canduela, J., Pustelnikovaite, T., Ellis, V., & Saxena, S. (2021, April). Developing the concept of leaveism: From a form of presenteeism/absence to an emergent and expanding domain of work. Paper presented at International Labour Process Conference, University of Greenwich

The purpose of the paper is to develop the emergent notion of leaveism by drawing on concepts related to work intensification (WI) and ideal worker (IW) norms. The argument driving the paper is leaveism can be developed from being associated with pre... Read More about Developing the concept of leaveism: From a form of presenteeism/absence to an emergent and expanding domain of work.

Out of the mouths of babes: listening to children of all ages in family court cases (2021)
Journal Article
Barnes Macfarlane, L.-A. (2021). Out of the mouths of babes: listening to children of all ages in family court cases. The Journal of the Law Society of Scotland,

Critical overview of amendments made by the Children (S) Act 2020 to cases brought under Part 1 of the Children (S) Act 1995 (e.g. contact/residence disputes). These amendments are intended to better align Scottish Law with the contemporary understan... Read More about Out of the mouths of babes: listening to children of all ages in family court cases.

Young people’s expectations of work, and readiness of the workplace: Two sides of the same coin? (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Grant, K., Egdell, V., & Vincent, D. (2021, April). Young people’s expectations of work, and readiness of the workplace: Two sides of the same coin?. Paper presented at The 39th International Labour Process Conference, University of Greenwich, London

Since the 2008 economic downturn, the education-to-work transitions of young people have been a concern for governments across Europe (Coppola & O’Higgins 2016). Young people may experience complex, delayed and insecure education-to-work transitions.... Read More about Young people’s expectations of work, and readiness of the workplace: Two sides of the same coin?.

The European TeleCheck-AF project on remote app-based management of atrial fibrillation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Centre and patient experiences (2021)
Journal Article
Gawałko, M., Duncker, D., Manninger, M., Van der Velden, R. M., Hermans, A. N., Verhaert, D. V., Pison, L., Pisters, R., Hemels, M., Sultan, A., Steven, D., Gupta, D., Heidbuchel, H., Sohaib, A., Wijtvliet, P., Tieleman, R., Gruwez, H., Chun, J., Schmidt, B., Keaney, J. J., …Linz, D. (2021). The European TeleCheck-AF project on remote app-based management of atrial fibrillation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Centre and patient experiences. EP-Europace, 23(7), 1003-1015.

Aims: TeleCheck-AF is a multicentre international project initiated to maintain care delivery for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) during COVID-19 through teleconsultations supported by an on-demand photoplethysmography-based heart rate and rhy... Read More about The European TeleCheck-AF project on remote app-based management of atrial fibrillation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Centre and patient experiences.

Foresee the glory and train better: Narcissism, goal-setting and athlete training (2021)
Journal Article
Zhang, S., Roberts, R., Woodman, T., Pitkethly, A., English, C., & Nightingale, D. (2021). Foresee the glory and train better: Narcissism, goal-setting and athlete training. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 10(3), 381-393.

Grandiose narcissism may be debilitative to athlete training because the opportunity for self-enhancement that motivates narcissists to strive is normally absent in training environments. However, this view ignores the divergent influences of the sel... Read More about Foresee the glory and train better: Narcissism, goal-setting and athlete training.

The Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium – Doing Impact and Engagement during a global pandemic (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MacLeod, K. (2021, March). The Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium – Doing Impact and Engagement during a global pandemic. Paper presented at MPE/MeCCSA Practice Network Symposium 2021, Bournemouth University

The presentation will discuss initial reflections on a UKRI funded impact and engagement project in the Pacific, aimed at addressing community based and participatory media production as a development methodology to tackle gender inequality and speci... Read More about The Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium – Doing Impact and Engagement during a global pandemic.

COVID-19 UK Social Media Dataset for Public Health Research (2021)
Plant, R., Hussain, A., & Sheikh, A. (2021). COVID-19 UK Social Media Dataset for Public Health Research. [Data].

We present a benchmark database of public social media postings from the United Kingdom related to the Covid-19 pandemic for academic research purposes, along with some initial analysis, including a taxonomy of key themes organised by keyword. This r... Read More about COVID-19 UK Social Media Dataset for Public Health Research.

Debt should not be ignored (2021)
Digital Artefact
Robertson, P. (2021). Debt should not be ignored. [Blog]

This short article highlights the neglect of debt in the career development literature, and its importance as a factor shaping career decisions and career pathways.

What did Chaplains do During the Covid Pandemic? An international survey (2021)
Journal Article
Snowden, A. (2021). What did Chaplains do During the Covid Pandemic? An international survey. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 75(1 (supplement)), 6-16.

A survey was designed to learn from chaplain experiences of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic across the globe. In June 2020, 1657 chaplains responded from 36 countries. They all experienced disruption to their usual practice, and whilst some were... Read More about What did Chaplains do During the Covid Pandemic? An international survey.

Understanding leisure centre-based physical activity after physical activity referral: evidence from scheme participants and completers in Northumberland UK (2021)
Journal Article
Bell, J., Neubeck, L., Jin, K., Kelly, P., & Hanson, C. (2021). Understanding leisure centre-based physical activity after physical activity referral: evidence from scheme participants and completers in Northumberland UK. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6), Article 2957.

Physical activity referral schemes (PARS) are a popular physical activity (PA) intervention in the UK. Little is known about the type, intensity and duration of PA undertaken during and post PARS. We calculated weekly leisure centre-based moderate/vi... Read More about Understanding leisure centre-based physical activity after physical activity referral: evidence from scheme participants and completers in Northumberland UK.

Marker location and knee joint model constraint affect the reporting of overhead squat kinematics in elite youth football players (2021)
Journal Article
Coyne, L. M., Newell, M., Hoozemans, M. J. M., Morrison, A., & Brown, S. J. (2024). Marker location and knee joint model constraint affect the reporting of overhead squat kinematics in elite youth football players. Sports Biomechanics, 23(6), 740-757.

Motion capture systems are used in the analysis and interpretation of athlete movement patterns for a variety of reasons, but data integrity remains critical regardless of the purpose of measurement. The extent to which marker location or constrainin... Read More about Marker location and knee joint model constraint affect the reporting of overhead squat kinematics in elite youth football players.

“MedChemVR”: a virtual reality game to enhance medicinal chemistry education (2021)
Journal Article
Abuhammad, A., Falah, J., Alfalah, S. F. M., Abu-Tarboush, M., Tarawneh, R. T., Drikakis, D., & Charissis, V. (2021). “MedChemVR”: a virtual reality game to enhance medicinal chemistry education. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 5(3), Article 10.

Medicinal chemistry (MC) is an indispensable component of the pharmacy curriculum. The pharmacists’ unique knowledge of a medicine’s chemistry enhances their understanding of the pharmacological activity, manufacturing, storage, use, supply, and hand... Read More about “MedChemVR”: a virtual reality game to enhance medicinal chemistry education.