Emergency Management of Severe Burns (EMSB) Course
Nov 27, 2025
Simulation and Clinical Skills Centre Edinburgh Napier University
The patient with burns presents a difficult challenge to most health care personnel. Apart from the serious nature of the injury, there is the patient’s discomfort, the distress of the patient and their relatives, the loss of income and the compromise of their employment future, and their uncertainty about the future. In addition to these factors, the well-known surgical maxim that the trauma patient who is seen, assessed and treated early by skilled personnel heals more quickly than the patient whose treatment is delayed, is as true for the burn victim as it is for any other trauma patient.
This course is based on the principle that timely emergency assessment, resuscitation and transfer provide the best chance of recovery in our patients with burns. Ultimately, the patient that we will be called upon to manage with burns, and perhaps with associated severe injuries, should benefit from this course.
The aim of this course is to provide sufficient factual information regarding the presentation, diagnosis and initial management of the patient with severe burns, to enable medical and nursing practitioners to deal competently with this urgent and often life threatening problem.
This course was written by members of the Association’s Education Committee, each individual chapter being written from members’ personal (and considerable) experience in different areas of burn care. All the contained material is original material that has not been published in this form before.
ExtraCECI Project Theory of Change Workshop with stakeholders to refine the ExtraCECI intervention
Jan 21, 2025
Accra, Ghana
The Theory of Change workshop was oraganised with stakeholders at the Cedi Auditorium, University of Ghana. This workshop involved stakeholders who were invited to contribute to the 'extra' components proposed for the refinement of the community-based enhanced care intervention (CECI) intervention to become ExtraCECI.
Following the introduction of the concept of theory of change, stakeholders were grouped into five discusion groups to answer the following questions on the 'extra' components:
1. How can we empower people living with HIV/AIDS to engage, participate and contribute to their care decisions as part of the ExtraCECI intervention?
2. What ways can we work with healthcare professionals and Models of Hope to use mobile phones (text messaging for information sharing and voice calls for follow up, assessment and enabling feedback in the communication process) to deliver ExtraCECI?
Group Discussion The group discussions lasted for 30 - 45minutes, during which participants discussed the above questions providing answers that were later categorised following the s steps to achieving the theory of change starting from the step 8 and working down to step 1:
8. What do we want to achieve (for PLWHA and their careers, and health care professionals)? IMPACT
7. What do we want to be different about existing care services for PLWHA in the future? LONG TERM OUTCOMES
6. What changes would we like to see in PLWHA and their family's wellbeing? IMMEDIATE OUTCOMES
5. What should we do in terms of care and support for PLWHA- what should be delivered for them? TREATMENT AND CARE
4. How can we best identify all those who could benefit? AWARENESS
3. What does staff need to do this? TRAINING & SUPPORT
2. What do we need (eg. people, equipment, place, etc)? RESOURCES 1. How & Who do we need to support this intervention and make it happen? BUY-IN
Group responses and categorisations using the above steps were summarised and feedback provided to the team and stakeholders.
The Extra community-based enhanced care intervention (ExtraCECI) project was successfully launched at the Cedi Auditorium, located within the University of Ghana in Accra, Ghana on Monday, 20th January 2025. The ExtraCECI project aims to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of ExtraCECI to improve person-centred outcomes and quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS compared to standard HIV care. The project launch created the opportunity to engage stakeholders and the public both national and internal to officially share the goals as well as create awareness of the project and its focus on person-centred care. The program was well attended by various stakeholders, including members of the University of Ghana’s community, HIV/AIDS advocacy groups, collaborators and representatives from the Ghana Health Service, Ghana AIDS Commission, Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association, Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives, faculty, students, the media and the general public. There were representatives of the patient and public involvement (PPI) network, the Models of Hope, graduate students and community leaders in attendance. Throughout the event, participants were presented with the overall objectives of the ExtraCECI Project and a call to partner with stakeholders in achieving project success. Emphasis was placed on the importance of person-centred HIV care in Ghana, and the pivotal role this initiative will play in improving the quality of life and support for individuals living with HIV. The event served as a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and the fostering of partnerships aimed at driving forward the project's mission and goals.
Subject: CEDAR - Centre for Mind, Creativity, and Environment Research – Meeting https://www.napier.ac.uk/about-us/our-schools/school-of-applied-sciences/research/cedar
When: Dec 4th 2024 14:30-16:00 (UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London.
Where: Merchiston MER_E17 ( MER_Level E) and online
Additional information:
-Refreshments are provided!
-Distinguished speakers including external guest (chartered architect) and PhD researcher
-A visit to the structures lab
Agenda items:
-15-20 minutes talks from speakers in Design Practice, Sustainability, Creativity and Built Environment.
oJanice Lau, Architype: Leading Sustainable Architects
oDaniel Kumah, PhD researcher at the School of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment
-A demonstration in the structures lab about timber-concrete composites
-CEDAR Updates
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Research inception meeting for the ExtraCECI Project
Oct 4, 2024
This engagement was initially organised virtually pending and an in-person engagement planned for January 2025
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Research inception meeting was held to first create awareness about the ExtraCECI project and to also discuss the rationale for involving patients and public in research. During this presentation, the development activities including the feasibility trial findings that informed the ExtraCECI project was discussed including the aims and objectives of the project. The first objective being the establishment of a patient and public involvement (PPI) network of support groups and stakeholders to inform research procedures and dissemination throughout the project implementation, this objective was discussed extensively. This started with a definition of PPI, their role in research projects and particularly how PPI is being involved in the ExtraCECI project and what their participation would look like. We concluded with a discussion on the project timelines, how often we will be engaging the PPI in each project year and the audience were given opportunity to ask questions.
The Transdisiplinary Workplace Research Conference TWR2024
Sep 4, 2024
Edinburgh Napier University
Craiglockhart Campus
The Transdisciplinary Workplace Research (TWR) network is an eclectic group of scholars and practitioners who share one goal: to contribute to the design and management of workplaces where people work to their full potential and experience high levels of mental and physical wellbeing.
Social, physical, technological and management issues merge to make this field of research truly transdisciplinary.
Edinburgh Napier University is delighted to be hosting the TWR Conference, from 4-7 September 2024, at our beautifully located Craiglockhart Campus in Edinburgh, Scotland. All academics, researchers, students and professionals interested in workplace matters are welcome.
Guest Speaker - SoMa Summer School, Sofia Music Academy, Bulgaria
Jun 30, 2024
Sofia Music Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria
I am presenting a guest lecture on (self)-management in the music sector. The talk highlights the many and diverse skills at play in navigating a sustainable music career in increasingly challenging economic circumstances. In exploding myths around the industries of music, novel and dynamic approaches to creation and dissemination are proposed in which the individual is agent of their own destiny and empowered to engage ethically with the conditions of the sector.
Pedagogical paradox or tension? What our research on assessment deadlines is telling us about constructive alignment
Jun 18, 2024
Craiglockhart Campus, Edinburgh Napier University
We present the theoretical twists and turns of our research on deadline extensions at The Business School. We share preliminary findings of our quantitative data analysis on high-stakes assessments. We discuss whether leniency helps or hinders efforts to enhance inclusivity.
'Looking for Nurses and Midwives in your Family' event at National Library of Scotland
Jun 5, 2024
National Library of Scotland, George 4th Bridge, Edinburgh
Edinburgh Napier University, the Royal College of Nursing, and the National Library of Scotland offered a 1-day event for people who want to find out about nurses or midwives connected to their family but who are not sure where to start.
There were short presentations and introductions to family history research from librarians, researchers, and archivists, and opportunities to learn about online searching.
Gender and Sexuality Research at Edinburgh Napier University
Mar 6, 2024
Merchiston Campus, room: MER_H11
Let’s get together and listen to colleagues working on gender and sexuality! And then let’s talk about their fascinating ideas, and how they relate to our own work and topics! This event is envisaged as informal and friendly gathering, following the success of similar gathering in 2023. We want to continue on this good tradition, and build new connections, learn about inspiring research we are doing across the university, feel inspired and nurtured.
Please send any queries to: Dr Roberto Kulpa (r.kulpa@napier.ac.uk)
Welcome (Roberto Kulpa)
14:10-15:00 TRANS LIVES
GUEST: Gina Gwenffrewi (University of Edinburgh) will start with an input about trans* people's cultural production online (i.e. YouTube, Twitter/X), framing the moral panic, and its impact on the trans* communities.
Rob Clucas (Law) will speak to the latest ‘gender critical’ challenge to the Gender Recognition Act 2004 in the appeal to the Supreme Court in the For Women Scotland case. He suggests that a solution to the current poisonous polemic around trans* rights can usefully be sought in the dialogic theory of Martin Buber (Buber 1958).
Toni Kania (Social Sciences) will introduce their PhD project about conceptualising bodily autonomy and sovereignty of trans* people – and from trans* peoples’ perspective – in Poland.
15:00-15:10 Coffee and pastries break
Amy Beddows (Counselling) will speak about the potential of horror texts as tools for survivors processing the experiences of gendered violence.
Anne Schwan (English) will reflect on femicide, perpetrator narratives and the challenge of restorative justice, drawing from her analysis of Em Strang's novel “Quinn” (2023).
Fiona McQueen (Social Sciences) will conclude this section pondering on her project on Scottish young men’s attitudes towards prevention messages on violence against women, incl. queer & trans men’s accounts and insights.
16:00-16:10 Coffee and pastries break
Yen Nee Wong (Social Sciences) will introduce us to queer cultures of ballroom dancing and the role of Strictly Come Dancing’s representations and mainstreaming.
David Bishop (Creative Writing) will speak about his creative writing PhD, instigation into the scarcity of queer sleuths in historical mystery fiction set before the Victorian era, and the politics of outing and authorship.
Phiona Stanley (Tourism) will talk about labels – ‘spinsters’, ‘crazy cat ladies’, ‘witches’. It is also, in theoretical terms, about queering queerness by negotiating the queer and deeply gendered queerness of spinsterhood.
17:00-17:10 Coffee and pastries break
17:10-17:45 POP!
Ashley Stein (Music) will introduce their PhD project on how hyperpop and other electronic music practices can be used to destabilise gender binaries.
Frederik Byrn Køhlert (English, Visual Cultures) will close this input section with a reflection on the representation of gender and sexuality in comics & graphic novels, incl. examples from work as editor of a Routledge series on Gender, Sexuality, and Comics.
17:45-onwards: Post-Event Drinks & Food at nearby The Golf Tavern
30-31 Wright's Houses, Bruntsfield, EH10 4HR
Event Organisation:
Dr Roberto Kulpa
School of Applied Sciences: Deputy Research Degrees Lead
Co-Director: MSc Applied Social Research
Co-Investigator: (2022-2026) ‘RESIST. Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics’ (EU Horizon Europe grant no. 101060749).
Several of Edinburgh Napier University’s School of health and social care academics, current students and alumni attended the Lothian Health & Care Professions Research Conference at the John McIntrye conference centre on Tuesday 7 November.
Amongst them, there were 6 members of our academic staff who spoke at the conference discussing their recent research and its impact on the healthcare and education sector, including how to better support nursing students.
This was a great moment for the university, to see our academics representing their work to key industry figures and academics from other Scottish Universities, as well as Government and Health boards.
Butterfly discusses its lastest innovative handheld, whole-body ultrasound probe. It’s priced at a point that will allow you to put one in
the hands of every student, unlocking the full potential of
ultrasound in medical education.
Research Talk by Dr Arianna Introna, ‘Crip Enchantments: Autonomist Narratives of Disability in Scottish Writing and Culture’
Oct 12, 2022
Merchiston Campus E14
This research talk by guest speaker Dr Arianna Introna is hosted by the Centre for Arts, Media and Culture (CAMC). All welcome.
Organiser: Prof. Anne Schwan. Chair: Dr. Scott Lyall.
Lions' Gate Garden free event as part of the Climate Fringe and the Great Big Green Week, supported by the Permaculture Association.
At 3.30pm influential, Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology at Aberdeen University Tim Ingold, presented his latest work ‘Generation Now‘ from our Storytelling Chair.
Tim has made a huge impact on design philosophy, and was a favourite of Edinburgh Napier’s late, great Prof. David Benyon, whose own design work on Blended Spaces has fundamentally informed The Lions’ Gate.
Other wholesome and life-affirming activities of the day included:
Holistic Therapies by Emma J @ Blue Butterfly Therapies
Student exhibits from the School of Arts and Creative Industries
Campus-grown food
Cocktails and drinks
Music, including DJ Someone’s Dad and Blue Heron
Garden tours
The Lions' Gate Garden: ENU, 10 Colinton Road, EH10 5DT
Over 30 attendees ate, drank, blethered, engaged, questioned, laughed, listened, chilled-out, and learnt a thing or two about what living sustainably actually is.
We unveiled our interactive storytelling chair and memorial to Professor David Benyon, crafted by Neil Fyffe (https://www.facebook.com/Neil-Fyffes-Workshop-1405191703026383). Brian Davison demonstrated an environmental sensor network developed in collaboration with students. Kris Plum exhibited an interactive plastics-recycling bin. Aisling Murphy delved into the wildlife and plants of The Lions' Gate and demonstrated Shona Burns' interactive Lions' Gate audio tour. Graham Bell talked eloquently of the history of Hasten Slowly (Festina Lente), the impact of climate collapse, and shared insights into how to live sustainably. Participants added their wishes to our COP26 Wishing Tree on tags with seeds embedded in them, that we'll plant up as a COP26 garden. Juliete, Sally and Zhoa served up - herb teas, courgette cake and pizzas. Allan MacMillan provided soothing background to it all with delightful acoustic guitar work.
We kept the door to the library open, and inside was a wee chill-out area next to our book case.
Attend in person at
The Kings Fund, Cavendish Square,
Marylebone, London W1G 0AN
or Online via live stream
(address will be sent upon Eventbrite registration)
Exploring the interface between
simulation and drama-based learning
in healthcare professional education.
This inaugural event has been created
by a working group of practitioners from
the following institutions; Guildhall School
of Music & Drama, Kings College London,
Kingston University, Health Action
Training, Edinburgh Napier University
and Public Health Wales.
Seminar with Alan Staff (CEO of Apex Scotland)
Oct 16, 2019
Edinburgh Napier University (Sighthill Campus)
The School of Applied Sciences will be welcoming Alan Staff, CEO of Apex Scotland) to discuss 'Policy, populism and politics - uneasy bedfellows'.
In this talk, organised by Dr Alex McIntyre, Alan will discuss the conflicting pressures on justice policy, and ask whether it is possible to bring together the seemingly contradictory aims of punishment, rehabilitation, public protection and public perceptions of justice into a modern and effective system of social control. He will draw on the experience of Apex and former Napier students working with them, around meeting the needs of people with Schedule 1 offences and question whether the aspiration of re-integration and normalisation for people with convictions disregards the practical impact of the sentence.
The Biological Visualisation Community's 3rd Annual Meeting takes place at Craiglockhart Campus in Edinburgh on 20th-21st April 2017.
This two day meeting comprises one day with 3 keynotes, 7 talks on biological data visualisation as well as lightning talks, posters and demos. The second day involves hands-on training workshops.
The talks and training include information visualisation across the whole spectrum of biological data types. This is a meeting of interest to anybody working in biomedical science as well as developers of visualisation techniques.
The keynote speakers are:
- Jean-luc Doumont: The Three Laws of Communication
- Marc Streit: From Visual Exploration of Biomedical Data to Storytelling and Back Again
- Bang Wong: Art and Science: A partnership catalyzing discovery in biomedicine
Registration is £50.
We also have student bursaries available for research degree students to cover the costs of attending.