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Virtual Reality as a Method to Cope With Labor Pain: What Do Women Want?

Van Leugenhaege, Luka Van; Van De Craen, Natacha; Maes, Katrien; Vanden Bergh, Leen; Timmerman, Kristof; Van Aken, Silvia; Mestdagh, Eveline; Kuipers, Yvonne J


Luka Van Van Leugenhaege

Natacha Van De Craen

Katrien Maes

Leen Vanden Bergh

Kristof Timmerman

Silvia Van Aken

Eveline Mestdagh


This study aimed to determine what childbearing women want when using virtual reality as an intrapartum pain management method. Researchers performed a qualitative exploratory study using content analysis. Two focus groups were organized including pregnant women anticipating a vaginal birth and women who recently had given birth, no longer than 6 months ago. The focus groups included a 30-minute virtual reality demo. In total, 10 women participated. Five themes emerged: (1) “try, test and explore”: the need to receive information and to get acquainted with virtual reality during the antenatal period; (2) “variety and diversity in physical and digital options”: the preference for a variety in virtual content and view virtual reality as a complementary method to methods for intrapartum pain management; (3) “distraction versus focus”: virtual reality as a method to distract from pain, from the clinical context or to help them focus; (4) “comfort both physical and digital”: measures to ensure a comfortable physical and virtual experience; and (5) “birthing partner”: the potential need to include partners. This study is an essential step informing the development, implementation, and research of labor-specific virtual reality and informing antenatal healthcare providers when offering women virtual reality as intrapartum pain management.


Van Leugenhaege, L. V., Van De Craen, N., Maes, K., Vanden Bergh, L., Timmerman, K., Van Aken, S., Mestdagh, E., & Kuipers, Y. J. (2024). Virtual Reality as a Method to Cope With Labor Pain: What Do Women Want?. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 42(8), 574-582.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 1, 2024
Online Publication Date May 2, 2024
Publication Date 2024-08
Deposit Date May 3, 2024
Publicly Available Date May 3, 2024
Print ISSN 1538-2931
Electronic ISSN 1538-9774
Publisher Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 42
Issue 8
Pages 574-582
Keywords labor, obstetrics, pain management, virtual reality
This output contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 5 - Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls


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