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Outputs (808)

The intersection of datafication and data justice in higher education (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fabian, K. (2025, October). The intersection of datafication and data justice in higher education. Presented at Connecting Space, Data and Society: Interdisciplinary Pathways, London

There has been an increasing uptake of technology in the classroom, either for teaching or for classroom management purposes. Along with this uptake is the increasing datafication of education. Datafication is the process of rendering social and natu... Read More about The intersection of datafication and data justice in higher education.

The RESIST Project Events. Confronting "Anti- Gender" Mobilizations across Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, and Russia: Challenges and Queer-Feminist Resistances (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Filep, E., Jarosz, S., Kulpa, R., Mayerchyk, M., Plakhotnik, O., Sasunkevich, O. (., & Zabrzewska, A. (2025, March). The RESIST Project Events. Confronting "Anti- Gender" Mobilizations across Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, and Russia: Challenges and Queer-Feminist Resistances. Presented at Confronting "Anti- Gender" Mobilizations across Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, and Russia: Challenges and Queer-Feminist Resistances, Online and Warsaw, Poland

During the event, the RESIST Project Team and our guest speakers led discussions on queer-feminist resistances to “anti-gender” mobilizations in and across Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, and Russia – four distinct national case studies that intersect at a... Read More about The RESIST Project Events. Confronting "Anti- Gender" Mobilizations across Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, and Russia: Challenges and Queer-Feminist Resistances.

Beyond Universal AI Literacy: Fostering Deeper Connections in Higher Education (2025)
Digital Artefact
Drumm, L. (2025). Beyond Universal AI Literacy: Fostering Deeper Connections in Higher Education. [Blog]

The rapid advancement of generative AI tools continues to reshape the landscape of higher education, yet core academic principles remain steadfast. This blog post explores the evolving relationship between generative AI and education, highlighting ho... Read More about Beyond Universal AI Literacy: Fostering Deeper Connections in Higher Education.

Writing for publication: The basics (2025)
Journal Article
Sweet, L., Borrelli, S., Matvienko-Sikar, K., Kuipers, Y., & Fox, D. (2025). Writing for publication: The basics. Women and Birth, 38(2), Article 101878.

Problem: Writing for publication can be a challenging experience. Whilst midwives develop writing skills through their university education, writing a journal article can be quite different.

Purpose: To explain some basic skills of scientific wri... Read More about Writing for publication: The basics.

Three ways to develop students’ AI literacy (2025)
Newspaper / Magazine
Gonsalves, C., & Illingworth, S. (2025). Three ways to develop students’ AI literacy

Is higher education prepared for a future defined by AI, or do we need to do more to align education with technology’s changing landscape? Here are three ways to get your students to engage with it critically.

The 21st Century film, TV and media school: Teaching Documentary for the 21st Century (2024)
Stutterheim, K., Cammaer, G., Mortimer, R., Campbell, K., & Meissner, N. (Eds.). (2024). The 21st Century film, TV and media school: Teaching Documentary for the 21st Century. CILECT

Teaching Documentary spans a broad field of approaches and specifications within a genre that has been in constant change and development throughout its history. Documentary film is an art form and a practice, although often received or interpreted a... Read More about The 21st Century film, TV and media school: Teaching Documentary for the 21st Century.

Exploring Out-of-Classroom Activities for Students with Disabilities: Implications for Employability Skills Development (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tungli, T., & Meharg, D. (2024, September). Exploring Out-of-Classroom Activities for Students with Disabilities: Implications for Employability Skills Development. Presented at The 4th Transdisciplinary Workplace Research (TWR) Conference, Edinburgh, UK

The inclusion of students with disabilities in tertiary education is rising globally, however research on their participation in out-of-classroom activities remains limited. This paper investigates the significance of out-of-classroom engagement for... Read More about Exploring Out-of-Classroom Activities for Students with Disabilities: Implications for Employability Skills Development.

The RESIST Project Dataset: Data from the Work Package 1 (2024)
Lynch, S., Titley, G., Filep, E., & Kulpa, R. (2024). The RESIST Project Dataset: Data from the Work Package 1. [Data].

This record for the Dataset from the Work Package 1 (Mapping Anti-Gender Discourses in Media and Parliamentary Debates) of the RESIST Project has been created in the Zenodo open repository, in line with the RESIST Project’s Data Management Plan, and... Read More about The RESIST Project Dataset: Data from the Work Package 1.

How Edx Platform Was Used to Save Education in Gaza During the War (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Romdhani, I. (2025, July). How Edx Platform Was Used to Save Education in Gaza During the War. Presented at Open edX Conference 2025, Paris

Following the ongoing war in Gaza since last October, all universities in Gaza have been destroyed and students have been deprived of their right to continue studying like their peers around the world. An Edinburgh Napier academic is spearheading an... Read More about How Edx Platform Was Used to Save Education in Gaza During the War.

Capitalist Realism and Higher Popular Music Education: Towards a Counter-Hegemonic Alternative (2024)
Journal Article
Moir, Z., Harvey, A., & Veldon, E. (in press). Capitalist Realism and Higher Popular Music Education: Towards a Counter-Hegemonic Alternative. Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education, 24(2), 186-223

This article presents a theoretical consideration of some of the ways in which capitalist realism is shaping the field of higher popular music education. We begin by presenting an overview of our understanding of Fisher’s concept and then offer a cri... Read More about Capitalist Realism and Higher Popular Music Education: Towards a Counter-Hegemonic Alternative.

GenAI use in higher education: stakeholder perceptions and attitudes (2024)
Kiezebrink, K., Preston, S., McIlwhan, R., Drumm, L., & Lafferty, N. (2024). GenAI use in higher education: stakeholder perceptions and attitudes. Advance HE

This project investigates the attitudes and perceptions of higher education students and staff, both academic and professional services, to the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in higher education. The integration of GenAI in Higher... Read More about GenAI use in higher education: stakeholder perceptions and attitudes.

Gender and Social Sciences. Dr Roberto Kulpa speaks on the TVP Nauka, Polish Public Broadcaster (2024)
Digital Artefact
Kulpa, R. (2024). Gender and Social Sciences. Dr Roberto Kulpa speaks on the TVP Nauka, Polish Public Broadcaster. [Video interview]

Dr Roberto Kulpa speaks about the importance of the 'gender' category in social sciences, incl. reflections from the RESIST project. Other guests featured in the programme are Dr Sylwia Chutnik, Dr J. Szpilka, and Dr Mira Marcinów.

Programme title... Read More about Gender and Social Sciences. Dr Roberto Kulpa speaks on the TVP Nauka, Polish Public Broadcaster.

Becoming Rhizome: Deleuze and Guattari’s Rhizome as Theory and Method (2024)
Book Chapter
Drumm, L. (2024). Becoming Rhizome: Deleuze and Guattari’s Rhizome as Theory and Method. In Theory and Method in Higher Education Research: Volume 10 (37-55). Emerald.

This chapter explores Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizome as a multifaceted approach within educational research, suggesting it as an alternative way of mapping complexities, limiting structures and messiness which may not always be surfaced in more tradi... Read More about Becoming Rhizome: Deleuze and Guattari’s Rhizome as Theory and Method.

Editorial: Moving Artificial Intelligence Scholarship: Navigating the AI Frontier in Higher Education (2024)
Journal Article
Vahed, A., Reis, C., Singh, S., & Drumm, L. (2024). Editorial: Moving Artificial Intelligence Scholarship: Navigating the AI Frontier in Higher Education. African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies, 6(1), 1-3.

The swift and pervasive rise of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly Generative AI (GenAI), is reshaping the educational landscape globally. As we navigate a future shaped by developments in AI, the need for critical engagement, ethical framewo... Read More about Editorial: Moving Artificial Intelligence Scholarship: Navigating the AI Frontier in Higher Education.

Resisting the gendered categorisation of Computing and Engineering (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., & Smith, S. (2024, December). Resisting the gendered categorisation of Computing and Engineering. Paper presented at International Conference of the Society of Research into Higher Education, Nottingham, UK

As information infrastructures increasingly shape decisions that affect us, especially through the undertow of artificial intelligence, it is essential that women and gender minorities are well-represented across computing and engineering. However, t... Read More about Resisting the gendered categorisation of Computing and Engineering.

Activity theory analysis of training for workplace mentors in apprenticeship degrees (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., & Smith, S. (2024, December). Activity theory analysis of training for workplace mentors in apprenticeship degrees. Paper presented at International Conference of the Society of Research into Higher Education, Nottingham, UK

Apprenticeship degrees bring the radical possibility of higher education without debt. They also require taking learning off-campus and into the workplace, collaborating with employers on credit-bearing workplace learning, inclusion, and widening acc... Read More about Activity theory analysis of training for workplace mentors in apprenticeship degrees.

Using storyboards to explore the impact of staff development on student retention in higher education (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Illingworth, S., Cowan, J., Graham, C., Shan, S., & Swanton, K. (2024, December). Using storyboards to explore the impact of staff development on student retention in higher education. Presented at 2024 SRHE International Research Conference, Online

This paper explores how staff engagement and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) can influence student retention outcomes in higher education. Drawing on a detailed research project at Edinburgh Napier University, it highlights the role of acad... Read More about Using storyboards to explore the impact of staff development on student retention in higher education.