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Prof Christof Backhaus' Events (1)

17th Global Brand Conference
Apr 22, 2024

Description With the increasing societal and environmental challenges, stakeholders now demand a higher level of conduct and integrity from organizations and their brands (Salzer-Mörling and Strannegård 2007; Bhagwat et al., 2020; Hambrick and Wowak 2019; Sarkar and Kotler 2020). Merely acknowledging the world's problems is no longer enough; brands are now expected to actively contribute to addressing these issues and improving the quality of life while addressing environmental concerns (Ramaswamy & Ozcan, 2016). The idea of conscientious brands is gaining more interest as it suggests that brands can have moral agency and choose to act in ways that make a positive contribution to the world brands (Abratt & Kleyn, 2023; Beitelspacher & Getchell, 2023; Iglesias et al., 2023; Iglesias & Ind, 2020; Keränen et al., 2012). Conscientious brands embed conscience into their actions and have a broader focus on creating value, considering all stakeholders' perspectives to deliver transformative change (Ind & Iglesias, 2022). This approach integrates concepts such as sustainability, diversity, inclusion, and equality as deliberate acts.

To address the increasing interests in the arena of conscientious brands and contribute to the existing discussions on conscientious brands, the theme of the 17th Global Brand Conference is:

Conscientious Brands: Making Sustainability and Responsibility Work
Location Edinburgh International Conference Centre
People Nathalia Tjandra
Anna Watson
Jamie Thompson
Alessandro Feri
Christof Backhaus
Jackie Cameron
Kyle Andrews
Jasmiina Milne
Hamideh Shahidi
Anthony Chukwudi Emebo
Research Areas Marketing
Themes Culture and Communities