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Selecting potentially optimal routes through optimistic and pessimistic node potentials.

Fonzone, Achille; Schmoecker, Jan-Dirk; Bell, Michael G H


Jan-Dirk Schmoecker

Michael G H Bell


Existing assignment or route guidance models are not suitable to represent travellers` choices or to advise travellers in networks in which each link may be subject to failure with an unknown probability. A heuristic approach to select potentially optimal routes in such conditions is presented in this paper. Each link can be in failed or unfailed condition, but if failed the resulting delay can be time dependent. Conditions are discussed to select paths which are optimal in at least one scenario of link costs. Selection of potentially optimal links and route choice are decoupled. Both problems are solved by making use of node potentials under optimistic and pessimistic assumptions regarding link states. For pre-selection of a set of paths a simple heuristics is presented. Comparisons with an exhaustive method show that this approach may perform reasonably well in terms of potentially optimal links identified, and its run times are compatible with real world implementations. Finally, a route choice method based on traveller’s attitude toward risk and regret is proposed.


Fonzone, A., Schmoecker, J.-D., & Bell, M. G. H. (2010, July). Selecting potentially optimal routes through optimistic and pessimistic node potentials. Paper presented at The Third International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name The Third International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment
Start Date Jul 1, 2010
End Date Jul 1, 2010
Deposit Date Mar 14, 2011
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords Route guidance models; traveller choice; transport behaviour; optimal links; node potentials;
Public URL
Contract Date Mar 14, 2011


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