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Outputs (4852)

Application of a hybrid fuzzy-based algorithm to investigate the environmental impact of sewer overflow (2024)
Journal Article
Mohandes, S. R., Kaddoura, K., Singh, A. K., Elsayed, M. Y., Banihashemi, S., Antwi-Afari, M. F., Olawumi, T. O., & Zayed, T. (online). Application of a hybrid fuzzy-based algorithm to investigate the environmental impact of sewer overflow. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment,

This study underscores the critical importance of well-functioning sewer systems in achieving smart and sustainable urban drainage within cities. It specifically targets the pressing issue of sewer overflows (SO), widely recognized for their... Read More about Application of a hybrid fuzzy-based algorithm to investigate the environmental impact of sewer overflow.

Timber And Wood-based products (2024)
Book Chapter
D'Amico, B. (2024). Timber And Wood-based products. In F. Fu, & D. Richardson (Eds.), Structural Design of Buildings: Elemental Design (77-119). ICE Publishing.

Timber has been used as a structural material for many centuries and a renewed interest in (and calls for) a greater use in construction is now observed. This has been mostly the result of an increasingly wider body of literature claiming the superio... Read More about Timber And Wood-based products.

SARS-CoV-2, Ventilation Strategies, Thermal Comfort and Carbon Implications for Buildings (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sajjadian, S. M. (2022, November). SARS-CoV-2, Ventilation Strategies, Thermal Comfort and Carbon Implications for Buildings. Presented at PLEA 2022, Online

The spread of SARS-CoV-2 since 2019 has rapidly become a global crisis with unprecedented records of deaths and hospitalizations in the last century. The infectious particles spread more easily indoors than outdoors and therefore built environment se... Read More about SARS-CoV-2, Ventilation Strategies, Thermal Comfort and Carbon Implications for Buildings.

Hotel refurbishment and building information modelling (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jaradat, S., & Henderson, H. (2022, September). Hotel refurbishment and building information modelling. Presented at The World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium: WMCAUS 2022, Prague, Czech Republic

Research on Building Information Modelling (BIM) focused on the design and construction stages of engineering projects. Fewer studies investigated the use of BIM in refurbishment projects. The aim of this research is to examine the process of hotel r... Read More about Hotel refurbishment and building information modelling.

Dynamic Insulation Systems to Control Airborne Transmission of Viruses in Classrooms: A Review of 'Airhouse' Concept (2023)
Journal Article
Firrdhaus Mohd-Sahabuddin, M., Dahlan, A. S., Jamil, A. M., & Muhammad-Sukki, F. (2023). Dynamic Insulation Systems to Control Airborne Transmission of Viruses in Classrooms: A Review of 'Airhouse' Concept. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 35(3), 567-576.

The discovery of the Covid-19 virus in China at the end of 2019 has drastically altered the global landscape. The virus, which has now become a pandemic, has wrought devastation on the world, infecting over 500 million people and killing over 6 milli... Read More about Dynamic Insulation Systems to Control Airborne Transmission of Viruses in Classrooms: A Review of 'Airhouse' Concept.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Nuclear Power Plants: Who Is Liable When AI Fails to Perform (2023)
Book Chapter
Karim, R., & Muhammad Sukki, F. (2023). Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Nuclear Power Plants: Who Is Liable When AI Fails to Perform. In F. Taghizadeh-Hesary, & D. Zhang (Eds.), The Handbook of Energy Policy (587-607). Springer.

The sheer magnitude of process parameters and interactions between the systems in a nuclear power plant’s operation poses complications for operators. The operations became more challenging, especially during emergencies. Any recovery from an emergen... Read More about Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Nuclear Power Plants: Who Is Liable When AI Fails to Perform.

The exponential input-to-state stability property: characterisations and feedback connections (2023)
Journal Article
Guiver, C., & Logemann, H. (2023). The exponential input-to-state stability property: characterisations and feedback connections. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 35(2), 375-398.

The exponential input-to-state stability (ISS) property is considered for systems of controlled nonlinear ordinary differential equations. A characterisation of this property is provided, including in terms of a so-called exponential ISS Lyapunov fun... Read More about The exponential input-to-state stability property: characterisations and feedback connections.

A Joint Optimization Algorithm for Renewable Energy System (2023)
Journal Article
Khan, I., Muhammad-Sukki, F., Ardila-Rey, J. A., Mas'ud, A. A., Alshammari, S. J., & Madsen, D. Ø. (2023). A Joint Optimization Algorithm for Renewable Energy System. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 36(2), 1979-1989.

Energy sustainability is a hot topic in both scientific and political circles. To date, two alternative approaches to this issue are being taken. Some people believe that increasing power consumption is necessary for countries' economic and social pr... Read More about A Joint Optimization Algorithm for Renewable Energy System.

Excel-VBA: From Solving Mathematical Puzzles to Analysing Complex Engineering Problems (2022)
Muneer, T., & Ivanova, S. (2022). Excel-VBA: From Solving Mathematical Puzzles to Analysing Complex Engineering Problems. Springer.

This compact text is a powerful introduction to the Excel/VBA computing environment. The book presents some of the most useful features of Excel. First by introducing mathematical puzzles that will grab the reader’s attention with the reader invited... Read More about Excel-VBA: From Solving Mathematical Puzzles to Analysing Complex Engineering Problems.

The Coming of Age of Solar and Wind Power (2022)
Muneer, T., Jadraque Gago, E., & Etxebarria Berrizbeitia, S. (2022). The Coming of Age of Solar and Wind Power. Springer.

This book focuses on the current situation of two technologies for electricity production from renewable energy sources, wind and solar photovoltaic energy, analysing and describing both technologies in detail.

Four regions of the world, with dist... Read More about The Coming of Age of Solar and Wind Power.