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Biography Achille is Professor of Transport Analysis and Planning at Edinburgh Napier University.
He has a background in Civil Engineering, a PhD in Transport and Planning, a Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
He has authored 50 peer-reviewed publications, 20 presentations in conferences, and several book chapters and scientific reports. He has published in the top-ranking transport scientific journals, including Transportation Research Part A, B and C and Analytic Methods in Accident Research. He is Associated Editor of the Journal of Intelligent Transport Systems and member of the Editorial Board of Sustainability. He has edited special issues of Transportation Research Part A and Journal of Intelligent Transport Systems.
He is leading the evaluation of the large Horizon 2020 project SUNRISE, promoting sustainable mobility at the neighbourhood level through co-creation in 6 countries in Europe, and the societal research in the Innovate UK/C-CAV flagship project CAV Forth, which will build and operate a fleet of level 4 full-size buses for the first time in the world. In response to the challenges generated by the outbreak of COVID-19, Achille has established and is leading a research group on the impacts of the pandemics on transport and location choices.
He has active research collaborations with leading researchers in the UK and the rest of Europe, Japan, and the USA. He has been invited to give talks at top international Universities and transport organisations. He is full member of the EPSRC Review College and fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Research Interests Achille’s current research is in the area of travel behaviour in relation to sustainable and smart mobility. His research aims to promote a more equitable, cleaner, and safer mobility, making the most of the opportunities generated by new means of transport and business models, data and connectivity, and automation.
He is interested in understanding how people make decisions about their journeys and how such decisions are influenced by the transport policies and the process through which the policies are defined and implemented; by the characteristics of the transport services and the availability of advanced real-time information; by the habits, preferences, and perceptions of the travellers; and by the social norms. His work focuses on traditional public transport and new forms of shared transport, and autonomous and connected vehicles. He is carrying out also research on the safety of active mobility.
In response to the challenges generated by the outbreak of COVID-19, Achille has established and is leading a research group on the impacts of the pandemics on transport and location choices. Recently, a report produced by the group has attracted a large interest from the media.
Achille has also an important track record of research on transport network modelling and simulation under uncertainty.
Teaching and Learning Currently, he teaches traffic and transport models, transport appraisal, and transport research methods at postgraduate level.
He taught courses on transport infrastructure design and engineering, and transport and spatial planning as visiting professor at Politecnico di Bari, Italy from 2005 to 2010.