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Outputs (122)

Engagement with information and communication technology and psychological well-being (2010)
Book Chapter
O’Driscoll, M. P., Brough, P., Timms, C., & Sawang, S. (2010). Engagement with information and communication technology and psychological well-being. In New Developments in Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches to Job Stress (269-316). Emerald.

The impact of technology on the health and well-being of workers has been a topic of interest since computers and computerized technology were widely introduced in the 1980s. Of recent concern is the impact of rapid technological advances on individu... Read More about Engagement with information and communication technology and psychological well-being.

The Revised Transactional Model (RTM) of Occupational Stress and Coping: An Improved Process Approach (2010)
Journal Article
Goh, Y. W., Sawang, S., & Oei, T. P. (2010). The Revised Transactional Model (RTM) of Occupational Stress and Coping: An Improved Process Approach. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Organisational Psychology, 3, 13-20.

Despite more than three decades of research, there is a limited understanding of the transactional process of appraisal, stress and coping. This has led to calls for more focused research on the entire process that underlies these variables. To date,... Read More about The Revised Transactional Model (RTM) of Occupational Stress and Coping: An Improved Process Approach.

Positive relationships among collaboration for innovation, past innovation abandonment and future product introduction in manufacturing SMEs Positive relationships among collaboration for innovation, past innovation abandonment and future product introduction in manufacturing SMEs (2010)
Journal Article
Sawang, S., & Matthews, J. (2010). Positive relationships among collaboration for innovation, past innovation abandonment and future product introduction in manufacturing SMEs Positive relationships among collaboration for innovation, past innovation abandonment and future product introduction in manufacturing SMEs. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, 2(6), 106-117

The importance of collaboration for firm level innovation has been well established but much of the research focuses on large firms, with little research on small and medium enterprises. This paper investigates the links between product innovation an... Read More about Positive relationships among collaboration for innovation, past innovation abandonment and future product introduction in manufacturing SMEs Positive relationships among collaboration for innovation, past innovation abandonment and future product introduction in manufacturing SMEs.

Does ADR Listing Affect the Dynamics of Volatility in Emerging Markets? (2010)
Journal Article
Akdeniz, L., Altay-Salih, A., & Umutlu, M. (2010). Does ADR Listing Affect the Dynamics of Volatility in Emerging Markets?. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 60(2), 122-137

This paper analyzes the time-series variation in the return volatility of non-US stocks from emerging markets that are cross-listed on US exchanges. Unlike previous studies in the cross-listing literature, return volatility is modeled using condition... Read More about Does ADR Listing Affect the Dynamics of Volatility in Emerging Markets?.

Performance evaluation of military aircraft inventory forecasting systems (2010)
Journal Article
Downing, M., Chipulu, M., Ojiako, U., & Kaparis, K. (2010). Performance evaluation of military aircraft inventory forecasting systems. Annals of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara - International Journal of Engineering, 8(2), 89-94

In this article, the outcome of a study conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a system utilized for military aircraft inventory forecasting and management is presented. The research objective was on the precision of the current system being used... Read More about Performance evaluation of military aircraft inventory forecasting systems.

Marketing von Solutions: Innovative Ansätze und Best Practices (2010)
Woisetschläger, D., Michaelis, M., Evanschitzky, H., Eiting, A., & Backhaus, C. (Eds.). (2010). Marketing von Solutions: Innovative Ansätze und Best Practices. Gabler.

Heute verlangen Kunden mehr denn je nicht in erster Linie Produkte, sondern Lösungen. Entsprechend versuchen immer mehr Unternehmen, sich als Lösungsanbieter bzw. „Solution Seller“ zu positionieren. Dabei bietet das Solution Selling insbesondere für... Read More about Marketing von Solutions: Innovative Ansätze und Best Practices.

Marketing von Solutions: Grundlagen des Solution Marketing und Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zum Solution Seller (2010)
Book Chapter
Woisetschläger, D. M., Backhaus, C., Michaelis, M., Eiting, A., & Evanschitzky, H. (2010). Marketing von Solutions: Grundlagen des Solution Marketing und Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zum Solution Seller. In D. Woisetschläger, M. Michaelis, H. Evanschitzky, A. Eiting, & C. Backhaus (Eds.), Marketing von Solutions (3-30). Gabler.

Der in vielen Branchen zunehmenden Wettbewerbsintensität und der damit einhergehenden oftmals starken Fokussierung auf den Preis als Marketinginstrument versuchen viele Unternehmen zu begegnen, indem sie sich als Anbieter von Lösungen bzw. Solutions... Read More about Marketing von Solutions: Grundlagen des Solution Marketing und Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zum Solution Seller.

Determinants of sponsorship fit: a multilevel analysis (2010)
Journal Article
Woisetschläger, D. M., Backhaus, C., Evanschitzky, H., & Michaelis, M. (2010). Determinants of sponsorship fit: a multilevel analysis. NA - Advances in Consumer Research, 37, 548-549

Sponsorship fit is frequently mentioned and empirically examined as a success factor of sponsorship. While sponsorship fit has been considered as a determinant of sponsorship success, little knowledge exists about the antecedents of sponsorship fit.... Read More about Determinants of sponsorship fit: a multilevel analysis.

Public Policy and Management in Postmodern times (2010)
Book Chapter
Fenwick, J., & McMillan, J. (2010). Public Policy and Management in Postmodern times. In Public Management in the Postmodern Era: Challenges and Prospects. Edward Elgar Publishing